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        1 - Identifying and Prioritizing Managers’ Competencies in Technology R&D Centers
        peyman mahdiloo torkamani Mostafa Safdari Ranjbar Asghar Moshabaki Esfahani amir abass Shojaei
        Nowadays the role of technology as a key factor in creating wealth and permanent competitive advantages in various levels has been proven. With due attention to the role of R&D centers in promoting firms’ technological capabilities, the management of these centers are More
        Nowadays the role of technology as a key factor in creating wealth and permanent competitive advantages in various levels has been proven. With due attention to the role of R&D centers in promoting firms’ technological capabilities, the management of these centers are extremely important. So, it is essential to present a framework in order to selecting new managers or extending the capabilities of current managers of these centers. In current study the concept of manager competencies and some previous frameworks in this area have been studied. Then, through holding a panel with 12 academic and industrial experts, the identified competencies were confirmed. Afterwards, 32 competencies were categorized in 3 categories: 1. Individual and personality competencies, 2. Managerial and leadership competencies, and 3. Technical and professional competencies. Finally, through inviting 62 executive managers who work in these centers, and introducing and explaining about identified competencies, a questionnaire was given to them. Via analyzing the questionnaires with Friedman test, each of the competencies and categories were prioritized. The results show, three competencies including: 1. Team work, communication and knowledge sharing, 2. Organizing and conducting research teams, and 3. Motivating and empowering experts and knowledge workers have higher priority than other identified competencies. Also, in terms of categorized competencies, individual and personal competencies have higher priority than other categories. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Prioritization of Professional Competencies of Mathematics lecturers of Farhangian University through topsis fuzzy
        marjan moayeri parvaneh amiripour
        The selection of mathematics professors is an important issue for universities, since professors are the main pillars of the universities and improving the quality of their performance leads to the improvement of the universities’ educational quality.The aim of this stu More
        The selection of mathematics professors is an important issue for universities, since professors are the main pillars of the universities and improving the quality of their performance leads to the improvement of the universities’ educational quality.The aim of this study is to Prioritization of Professional Competencies of Mathematics lecturers of Farhangian University in Iran ,through topsis fuzzy. The present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and is a combination of documentary content analysis and descriptive-analytical research in terms of nature and method. At first, the statistical population including all available domestic and foreign theoretical and research texts were selected and studied. In the second stage, to rank the selected competencies, five mathematics professors were purposefully selected from Farhangian University branches of Hormozgan province, who determined the importance of each of the indicators in a designed questionnaire that were assigned to them. The data were then analyzed, using TOPSIS fuzzy method.Based on the findings, knowledge competence, abilities competence, characteristics competence and skills competence were the most important competencies.According to the mentioned results, it can be understood that Farhangian universities can use the findings of this study to select the professional competencies of their mathematics professors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - 4th generation industry; Develop a professional competency model for quality managers
        roya shakeri
        The purpose of this study is to identify the competencies required by quality management professionals to comply with the requirements of industry 4. The researcher has tried to examine the expected changes in industry 4 from four aspects; Identify the factory (people a More
        The purpose of this study is to identify the competencies required by quality management professionals to comply with the requirements of industry 4. The researcher has tried to examine the expected changes in industry 4 from four aspects; Identify the factory (people and process), business, product and customers, technical, methodological, social and personal competencies of quality specialists to enter the industry. This is a qualitative study and with the method of content analysis, semi-structured interviews conducted with sixteen quality managers and human resource managers of companies receiving different levels of excellence in manufacturing in 1400, analysis and basic themes. Organizing themes and themes were identified. The findings show that quality professionals need technical competence to interpret big data related to processes to make strategic decisions, use digital technologies, and be aware of data security risk. Methodological competencies will be required to use the data to identify the source of problems, access to reliable learning resources, and the ability to use new tools to effectively solve complex problems. Social competencies in inter-organizational communication, communication with suppliers and customers on new shared virtual platforms, along with the ability to maintain tacit and explicit knowledge in a decentralized environment that requires leadership ability to make decisions, will be essential. . Ability to perform job duties in flexible workplaces at flexible times, as well as adaptation to frequent work-related changes are among the personal competencies required.. Manuscript profile