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      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Wideband Low-Noise Downconversion Mixerwith Positive-Negative Feedbacks
        Hadi Naderian Ahmad Hakimi
        This paper presents a wideband low-noise mixer in CMOS 0.13-um technology that operates between 2–10.5 GHz. The mixer has a Gilbert cell configuration that employs broadband low-noise trans conductors designed using the negative-positive feedback technique used in low-n More
        This paper presents a wideband low-noise mixer in CMOS 0.13-um technology that operates between 2–10.5 GHz. The mixer has a Gilbert cell configuration that employs broadband low-noise trans conductors designed using the negative-positive feedback technique used in low-noise amplifier designs. This method allows broadband input matching. The current-bleeding technique is also used so that a high conversion gain can be achieved. Simulation results show excellent noise and gain performance across the frequency span with an average double-sideband noise figure of 2.9 dB and a conversion gain of 15.5 dB. It has a third-order intermodulation intercept point of -8.7 dBm at 5 GHz. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A New Method for Ripple Reduction of DC Voltage Using Active Filter
        S. M. Dehghan A. Yazdian Varjani M. Mohamadian
        Fluctuations and ripples in voltage or current of DC power systems cause different malfunctions in operation of equipments and systems which are supplied by low quality distribution power systems. Therefore ripple reduction of voltage or current in DC power systems is v More
        Fluctuations and ripples in voltage or current of DC power systems cause different malfunctions in operation of equipments and systems which are supplied by low quality distribution power systems. Therefore ripple reduction of voltage or current in DC power systems is very important. In this paper a new method is proposed to reduce ripple of DC voltage in high power system using an active power noise cancellation filter (APNCF). In the proposed method a hybrid system including series and parallel active filters for ripple reduction of load voltage and source current is used. Simulation and experimental results show the performance of the proposed method in dynamic and static states. Manuscript profile