• List of Articles LBSN

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A POI Recommendation Model According to the Behavior Pattern of Users Based on Friends List Using Deep Learning
        sadaf safavi mehrdad jalali
        The rapid growth of Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) is a great opportunity to provide personalized recommendation services. An important task to recommend an accurate Point-of-Interests (POIs) to users, given the challenges of rich contexts and data sparsity, is More
        The rapid growth of Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) is a great opportunity to provide personalized recommendation services. An important task to recommend an accurate Point-of-Interests (POIs) to users, given the challenges of rich contexts and data sparsity, is to investigate numerous significant traits of users and POIs. In this work, a novel method is presented for POI recommendation to develop the accurate sequence of top-k POIs to users, which is a combination of convolutional neural network, clustering and friendship. To discover the likeness, we use the mean-shift clustering method and only consider the influence of the most similarities in pattern’s friendship, which has the greatest psychological and behavioral impact rather than all user’s friendship. The new framework of a convolutional neural network with 10 layers can predict the next suitable venues and then select the accurate places based on the shortest distance from the similar friend behavior pattern. This approach is appraised on two LBSN datasets, and the experimental results represent that our strategy has significant improvements over the state-of-the-art techniques for POI recommendation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Developing A Contextual Combinational Approach for Predictive Analysis of Users Mobile Phone Trajectory Data in LBSNs
        Fatemeh  Ghanaati Gholamhossein Ekbatanifard Kamrad Khoshhal Roudposhti
        Today, smartphones, due to their ubiquity, have become indispensable in human daily life. Progress in the technology of mobile phones has recently resulted in the emergence of several popular services such as location-based social networks (LBSNs) and predicting the nex More
        Today, smartphones, due to their ubiquity, have become indispensable in human daily life. Progress in the technology of mobile phones has recently resulted in the emergence of several popular services such as location-based social networks (LBSNs) and predicting the next Point of Interest (POI), which is an important task in these services. The gathered trajectory data in LBSNs include various contextual information such as geographical and temporal contextual information (GTCI) that play a crucial role in the next POI recommendations. Various methods, including collaborating filtering (CF) and recurrent neural networks, incorporated the contextual information of the user’ trajectory data to predict the next POIs. CF methods do not consider the effect of sequential data on modeling, while the next POI prediction problem is inherently a time sequence problem. Although recurrent models have been proposed for sequential data modeling, they have limitations such as similarly considering the effect of contextual information. Nonetheless, they have a separate impact as well. In the current study, a geographical temporal contextual information-extended attention gated recurrent unit (GTCI-EAGRU) architecture was proposed to separately consider the influence of geographical and temporal contextual information on the next POI recommendations. In this research, the GRU model was developed using three separate attention gates to consider the contextual information of the user trajectory data in the recurrent layer GTCI-EAGRU architecture, including timestamp, geographical, and temporal contextual attention gates. Inspired by the assumption of the matrix factorization method in CF approaches, a ranked list of POI recommendations was provided for each user. Moreover, a comprehensive evaluation was conducted by utilizing large-scale real-world datasets based on three LBSNs, including Gowalla, Brightkite, and Foursquare. The results revealed that the performance of GTCI-EAGRU was higher than that of competitive baseline methods in terms of Acc@10, on average, by 42.11% in three datasets. Manuscript profile