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        1 - Ceremonial Journey of Esfandiyar in Shah-name
        نسرین  شکیبی ممتاز maryam آخسسثهده
        “The process of individuality” with centrality of considerable amount of Jungian archetypes makes the double-based unification of psyche - self awareness and non-self awareness – possible in the frame of symbolic acts and along the ceremonial journey for the hero. In fa More
        “The process of individuality” with centrality of considerable amount of Jungian archetypes makes the double-based unification of psyche - self awareness and non-self awareness – possible in the frame of symbolic acts and along the ceremonial journey for the hero. In fact, by passing the different layers of “shade” and attempting to modify its deterrent force which has roots in the negative psyche features of hero, he is in a new step visiting “anima”; therefore, knowing his feminine direction of his psyche, hero achieves great capability in knowing “wise old” who is the real durable truth of existence. Knowing the status of this wise old, which he himself is one of the most archaic kind of ancient human psyche, and obeying his decrees passes the path of individuality of hero to a conclusion which has significant psychological features. “Rebirth” which is equal to knowing “self” and integrating with it in ceremonial symbology, carries hero’s psychological life in a determined and advancing sample toward its ultimate goal. In excavation of narrative of Esfandiyar’s life who is one the main characteristics of Ferdowsi’ Shah-Name, we can come into the psychological deep structure of story by passing the epic surface structure which shows the hero’s journey to reach a special goal from the aspect of knowing self, meaning to discover individuality; therefore, passing “seven steps” which are regarded as the seven steps of passing shade, hero can kill Arjasb Tourani and saved his sisters and achieving victory in this step, he gets ready in next journey to combat with Rustam as the wise old. In the last step of his individuality and losing his eyes, understands the right of old wise and with a ceremonial death achieves a rebirth. Esfandiyar’s rebirth has symbolic and ceremonial aspects depositing his son – Bahman. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Mirzadeh Eshqi and the Modernization Issue
        علي  محمدي
        In the chaotic and overexcited era of the Constitutional Period, Mirzadeh Eshqi was a live and vibrant poet; fortunate enough to think about modernization. Within the versified worldview of Eshqi one can observe all the aspects of the phenomenon now known as "modernizat More
        In the chaotic and overexcited era of the Constitutional Period, Mirzadeh Eshqi was a live and vibrant poet; fortunate enough to think about modernization. Within the versified worldview of Eshqi one can observe all the aspects of the phenomenon now known as "modernization". The feature most of notice in the structure of thought and approach of Eshqi is his paradoxical and heterogeneous attitude towards the different dimensions of modernity. Eshqi's ideas constantly flow within a black and white whirlpool approach; in other words there are constant changes. Therefore such an entirety-seeking thinking would be full of paradoxes. In Eshqi's worldview, there is not any share for wisdom and rationality; where this atmosphere mostly represents a picture of destruction, seeking revolution and carnage. Eshqi is so nervous and vehement natured that once he views an instance, he tends towards exaggeration and observes all human beings the same; regardless of whether they are good or bad. In overall, Eshqi's attitude towards the Iranian individuals is filled with paradox and contrasts. This article surveys the concept of modernization in Eshqi's poetry. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Analysis of Iranian Family Evolutions in a selection of Persian Novels Based on Conflict theory
        حمید رضایی Ebrahim zaheri
        Changes and evolutions in society, especially the family, are studied and explained based on various theories, including the theory of conflict. According to this theory, there are different attitudes and interests in a society and also different groups, that by power, More
        Changes and evolutions in society, especially the family, are studied and explained based on various theories, including the theory of conflict. According to this theory, there are different attitudes and interests in a society and also different groups, that by power, order is created between them and social stability is provided; but ultimately the unequal distribution of resources will lead to struggle and conflict between them. The present research aims to interpret and analyze the evolutions of Iranian family in novels « Talar-e Ayeneh (The Mirror Hall)» by Amir Hossein Cheheltan, «Samphony-e Mordegan (Symphony of the Dead)» by Abbas Maroufi, and «Nimey-e Ghayeb (The Absent Half)» by Hossein Sanapour based on the conflict theory and using descriptive-analytical method. This study seeks to answer the following questions: What factors have caused conflict in Iranian families during different periods? What were the benefits of the conflict? What resources have the dominated groups used to liberate themselves? And what changes has this conflict caused in the family? The results show that first conflict and tension are created in the upper families of the society,and then the middle families and afterwards lower families.; These contradictions are due to the familiarity with modernity, and in the beginning, the character of the father played the role of agency in this field. But in the following, other members of the family, especially the son character, and then, the daughter and wife have protested against the existing order. The father benefits from the existing order and other family members are dominated by him. He has resourses such as power and wealth at his disposal to continue his dominance and the subordinated group have used resources and capitals such as socio-economic and cultural capitals to emancipate themselves. The father character seeks to maintain his power and authority in the family, and other members of the family seek individuality and independence. The conflict resulting from this situation has led to changes and evulations in the values and norms of the family, especially with regard to marriage, education, and occupation, and a new order has been formed with the collapse of the previous order of the family. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - An investigation on Freedom and Authorization according to Existentialism; (Based on the votes of Kierkegaard)
        This article makes a brief mention intellectual foundation of existentialism and by reviewing some of the most important anthropological ideas of Kierkegaard, tries to analyze critically the concept of liberty and freedom from his perspective, to some theoretical reflec More
        This article makes a brief mention intellectual foundation of existentialism and by reviewing some of the most important anthropological ideas of Kierkegaard, tries to analyze critically the concept of liberty and freedom from his perspective, to some theoretical reflections on the foundations necessary to refer existentialism. Our analysis in this paper shows that despite profound accuracy Kierkegaard on the concrete conditions of human life and in favor of the principle of free will and choice in the realization of one's true identity, But his approach to the concept of human freedom and philosophical challenges faced conflicts with some principles of Islamic anthropology. The most controversial cases include: lack of serious attention to the relationship between individual and social freedoms, incompatibility between the concept of individuality and subjectivity of truth, freedom and the lack of attention to the inherent limitations of human and disregard of the passive nature of some human choices and choices Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Comparison between individuality, personhood and transcendence of the source of meaning with spirituality
        mahdi yarmohammadi Abbas Izadpanah Seyed Ahmad Reza  Shahrokhi
        Spirituality as a human phenomenon is based on various intellectual foundations, especially theological beliefs. Every theological school proposes a particular kind of spirituality corresponding to its beliefs about the source of meaning. In fact, what and the limits of More
        Spirituality as a human phenomenon is based on various intellectual foundations, especially theological beliefs. Every theological school proposes a particular kind of spirituality corresponding to its beliefs about the source of meaning. In fact, what and the limits of spirituality are determined by theological beliefs. The author of the article tries to evaluate the spirituality according to the view of theological schools on the three characteristics of individuality, Personhood and transcendence. The result of the research, which is derived from library data and analytical method of reasoning, indicates that the birth of spirituality due to the connection with the source of meaning depends on its individuality; and possibility of prayer, chant, supplication, personal communication and devotion to the source of meaning is tied to its personhood. Excess in the transcendence destroys the Personhood and the shortage in it will cause the meanness of the source of meaning; Therefore, the knowledge of the divine names and attributes and manifestation of some of them in the heart of the spiritual human being, depend on presenting a transcendence image while being Immanence of the source of meaning. Manuscript profile