• List of Articles Immigration

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analyzing the factors affecting on the spatial planning in border regions of Iran and Afganistan from the perspective of political geography
        Mahmood Vasegh   Abbas Tabatabai
        The borders of Iran in the recent two centuries have been the arena of conflict and territorial tide that its result in the period of first Pahlavi and modernize of politics conce pts waz the current land of Iran. Iran and Afganistan have about 945 KM common border that More
        The borders of Iran in the recent two centuries have been the arena of conflict and territorial tide that its result in the period of first Pahlavi and modernize of politics conce pts waz the current land of Iran. Iran and Afganistan have about 945 KM common border that stretched from the Zulficar crater to the Malek siah mountain. There is a lot of external and internal factors that are effective in the frontier zones of this areas. The issue that is analyzing in this article is the impacts of this factors that must be seen in the land use planning of this areas. The research method in this article is library and analytical to answer this question: Wich external and internal factors are effective in the spatial planning in border regions. According to the findings of this article, many factors such as immigration illegal, drugs, terrorism and the presence of western powers are effective on this issue. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Rural migration impact on food security with emphasis on water resources (Case study: villages of Khansar city in Isfahan province)
        hamidehsadat aghamiri  
        The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of water crisis on rural migration and food security in rural place in Khansar. Statistics show that in recent years, the decline in rural water resources has led to an increase in immigration in the area, red More
        The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of water crisis on rural migration and food security in rural place in Khansar. Statistics show that in recent years, the decline in rural water resources has led to an increase in immigration in the area, reducing the rural farmer's population and affecting the level of production and food security. Accordingly, the main question of this research is whether rural immigration from water resources is a threat to global food security? To answer this question, considering the regional attitude of the research, firstly, the status of rural water resources in these areas and the province was investigated and further the various definitions of food security were evaluated. According to theories and research indicators, 5 villages from 3 districts of central Khansar were randomly selected. Immigration index along with food security has been investigated and due to the close relationship between food security and agriculture, the social and economic conditions of villagers in this section have been considered. This indicator includes the goals and age of immigration, the environmental, economic and social conditions of rural migrants. The results of the study showed that more than 60% of immigration is migratory to rural areas where young people are at the top. Therefore, the decline in workforce in rural society and gender differences due to the high percentage of men migrating to women was the main outcome of the status of water dependent migration in rural areas. According to the results, despite the close relationship between agriculture and food security, the increase in rural migration due to water has reduced the production capacity of the villages and poses a serious threat to food security. This research is a reminder that has been done using descriptive-analytic method and considering the impact of this migration on economic conditions, the study of economic theory in this section is at the forefront. The conclusion of this study is based on the correlation coefficient of Kendall. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Socio – economical Role of rural – urban immigration Noor-ali Beig Region – saveh
        Mostafa Taleshi  
        In rural areas, because of structural-functional limitation caused by the economic and social activities, rural residents emigrate to urban settlements in order to find better economic opportunities and prosperity. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of More
        In rural areas, because of structural-functional limitation caused by the economic and social activities, rural residents emigrate to urban settlements in order to find better economic opportunities and prosperity. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of socio-economic factors in rural-urban immigration, in terms it’s of nature, descriptive-analytical and functional targeting. The statistical society of this research is 373 households living in villages of noor ali beige region. They were chosen by cluster sampling method and using two dimensional matrices of distance and socio-economic status and Morgan table. With regard to basic quantitative analysis, fittest test of gathering data and questionnaire were used to determine the validity of judgment by community of experts. The reliability of this instrument was measured by Cranach’s alpha method. The alpha value (by 30 sample) foe economic index is equal 0.732 and for socio-cultural index 0.900. The statistical analysis is used Kolmogorov –smirnov tests for normal variable, binomial test to determine the importance of each items and Friedman’s variance analysis to prioritize the factors. The results of the research indicate that among economic indicators affecting rural immigration , the highest one allocate to employment and lowest relates to agricultural mechanization .In socio-cultural index, the most important factor in immigrating is the proper residence and the need for progress and social status , and the lowest is the lack of health facilities .finally, in order to moderate immigration in the studied area, the relative advantage of rural economy should be strengthen and relations and link between rural settlement and city of saveh on local –regional scale should be established; and the basis of the settlement network model should be established for sustainability of rural-urban settlements Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Analysis of Conflict of Tradition and Modernity in Social Novel after Islamic Revolution in Iran
        مریم  عاملی رضایی
        Social Novel is an applicatory area to reflect and recreate social realities in the mirror of literature. The challenge between tradition and modernity is one the themes that is reflected in the Persian literature from the constitutional monarchy and is reflected in an More
        Social Novel is an applicatory area to reflect and recreate social realities in the mirror of literature. The challenge between tradition and modernity is one the themes that is reflected in the Persian literature from the constitutional monarchy and is reflected in an appropriate manner with social changes of every era. After the Islamic Revolution of Iran, social novel experienced considerable quantitative and qualitative growth and there is few novels which in this time which has not expressed social themes. The main problem of this study is reviewing the conflict of tradition and modernity concepts in social novels after the Islamic Revolution. The purpose of this study is comparative reviewing and comparing of the authors’ approach toward this issue in the three decades from 1360 to 1390 (1981 to 2011). This study is done applying descriptive-analytic method and using library resources. The result of this research shows that in Novels of 1360 to 1370 (1981 to 1991) this conflict is reflected in a clear and manifest manner particularly in objection to industrialization, the material looks of modernity and losing traditions, but in 1370 to 1390 (1991 to 2011) this experience is internalized and is manifested in form of suspicion, wandering, and traditionalism. However, the acceptance of changes of first decade which were regarded as serious challenges in second and third decade shows the flourishing movement toward modernity particularly in city communities and educated group. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Representing the Struggles of Motherland and Other-land in Persian Fictions about Immigration
        Cultural clash and identity conflicts are amongst the main effects of immigration. Cultural differences between the two countries cause cultural conflicts. Immigration may cause cultural and identity differences between parents and children. Sociologists have discussed More
        Cultural clash and identity conflicts are amongst the main effects of immigration. Cultural differences between the two countries cause cultural conflicts. Immigration may cause cultural and identity differences between parents and children. Sociologists have discussed their theories about the status of acculturation and the cultural gap of immigrants in the host society. Fiction provides a ground for representing the forms and consequences of various cultural conflicts of immigration. This paper, based on sociological theories on such concepts as integration, adaptation, assimilation, and separation, investigates the three stories of "Morgh-e Eshgh", "Bozorgrah" and "Che Kasi Bavar Mikonad, Rostam". In "Morgh-e Eshgh", the struggle between two generations leads to the endless resistance and confrontation between the first and second generation of immigrants which causes difficulties in their acculturation process. In "Bozorgrah", the immigrant who has been separated from the culture and identity of the motherland tries to join the host community by choosing assimilation and integration strategies; but the past doesn't leave him alone. He gets into a precarious and challenging situation regarding the two cultures where he must answer these questions: “does it worth to preserve the culture of the ancestors?" And “does it worth to maintain the relationships with other groups of immigrants?”. In the novel, "Che Kasi Bavar Mikonad Rostam", by choosing the assimilation strategy, the child does not follow her mother's behavior and shapes her behavior based on the values and norms of the host culture. The mother who is interested in the culture of the homeland without paying attention to the host society avoids interacting with the other-land or the other culture, and by choosing a separation strategy, raises the conflict between herself and her daughter. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Studying the Trends in Fictions Written By Iranian Immigrants
          Reza  Shajari
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trend More
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trends and particular literary approaches outside the borders of the country. The collective body of literary works created abroad, have been named differently by different critic based on the characteristics and features that they have outlined. The authors’ issues, how they have left the country, how long they have been living abroad, and the content of their works are of great importance in defining and classifying these literary works. Furthermore, different trends can be identified in stories written abroad. In the present article, stories written by Iranian immigrants are analyzed as politics-oriented, identity-oriented, and women's stories. In the '60s up-to-the mid-'70s the politics-oriented stories are the most frequent ones. This trend is emerged by political groups and activists, and focuses on the revolution and the issues surrounding it. From the mid-70s onwards, the identity-oriented trend became the major one. In this trend, themes such as the differences between the motherland and the other-land, and the ways the immigrants encounter the new world are highlighted through the narratives about identity. Also, there were many immigrant female writers who narrated the lives and issues of female immigrants from a feminine perspective. In these stories, the ways in which women face the new world and the issues they encountered in Iran are amongst the main themes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The development of social identity in the story "Atr-e Sonbol, Atr-e Kaj" Based on the general theory of verbal humor
        Fatemeh Mozaffari Navid Firuzi
        "Atr-e Sonbol, Atr-e Kaj" is a Persian translation of the memoirs of Firoozeh Jazaieri Duma written based on her unique social experience as an Iranian immigrant living in the United States. The current paper aims to examine the components and mechanisms of the humor of More
        "Atr-e Sonbol, Atr-e Kaj" is a Persian translation of the memoirs of Firoozeh Jazaieri Duma written based on her unique social experience as an Iranian immigrant living in the United States. The current paper aims to examine the components and mechanisms of the humor of mentioned story based on the "General Theory of Verbal Humor". In this method, the variables used to examine a funny narrative are divided into six categories: language, target, situation, narrative strategy, logical mechanism, and Script Opposition. In the present study, which is based on the target variable; It has been shown how Firoozeh, by targeting people outside the group and within the group, introduces appropriate and inappropriate social behaviors that she has encountered and achieves a new and selective identity; An identity that neither alienates her from her past values nor isolates her in the new culture. Her verbal humor can create a group bond between readers of different races, especially female audiences. In addition, in her funny narrative, "target" is higher than "Script Opposition " (variable of laughter). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Analysis of the political literature in contemporary Iran (Case Study: Political Fiction in Diaspora(
        Some contemporary fiction has been published outside of Iran. The reason for the emigration of many writers abroad is directly related to the issue of politics, as well as the way they are present and the subject, theme, background and origin of an important part of the More
        Some contemporary fiction has been published outside of Iran. The reason for the emigration of many writers abroad is directly related to the issue of politics, as well as the way they are present and the subject, theme, background and origin of an important part of the works they have created are political. Political fiction in immigration is found with the support of political groups, and the first examples are published in political magazines, and later writers create works with relative independence from political groups. They have written the narrative of the contemporary history of Iran. The Constitutional Revolution and its Liberal aspirations, the coup d'état 19 August and its endless despair and hopelessness, as well as the Islamic Revolution and various issues surrounding it, including the pre-revolutionary struggles and the process of victory and stabilization of the revolution and the emergence of the Islamic Republic and the Imposed war are of these issues. The main issue of this research is how political fiction literature in migration has evolved. This model, that is, knowing the currents, shows the political and social context of the creation of the work, the focal points of support, the starting point and how the flow spreads and continues. Political fiction seems to begin with citations and revelations about the events and issues surrounding the revolution and the events of the 1980s, and reaches to analytical-critical narratives of contemporary history, especially the revolution and the Islamic Republic. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Improving imperialist competitive algorithm for solving the nodes placement problem in three-dimensional grid wireless sensor networks
        Sayed Wafa Barkhoda Hemmat Sheikhi sudabeh mohammadi
        One of the basic and important research fields in wireless sensor networks is how to place sensor nodes where by using minimum number of sensor nodes all target points are covered and all sensor nodes are connected to the sink. In this paper, a novel method based on imp More
        One of the basic and important research fields in wireless sensor networks is how to place sensor nodes where by using minimum number of sensor nodes all target points are covered and all sensor nodes are connected to the sink. In this paper, a novel method based on imperialist competitive algorithm is used for solving the mentioned problem. In the proposed method, a colony can immigrate from a weak empire to more powerful empire. The idea of immigration is inspired from human society in which a human can emigrate from a country to another country. The network is supposed to be a three-dimensional grid network and the sensor nodes can be only placed at cross-points of the grids while the target points can be deployed at each point of three-dimensional space. The simulation results show that the proposed method uses fewer number of sensor nodes than other similar algorithms and has the less running time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - A comparative study of the position of international migration in land use planning of countries of destination (Case study: Canada, Germany, Australia and Iran)
        zahra torkashvand ابوالفضل عبادی
        In the context of the phenomenon of migration, some countries are known as destination or hosts of migration due to various conditions and characteristics. The purpose of this study is to review and recognize the programs and policies of some countries (Germany, Austral More
        In the context of the phenomenon of migration, some countries are known as destination or hosts of migration due to various conditions and characteristics. The purpose of this study is to review and recognize the programs and policies of some countries (Germany, Australia and Canada) as well as Iran in the field of immigrants and refugees. The method used in this research is descriptive and library method. The results of this study show; Germany, Australia and Canada, according to their territorial, political, economic, social and cultural characteristics, have developed various programs and policies for the exploitation of immigrants and refugees, as a result of which countries (governments and nations) and immigrants and refugees benefit Achieve enough and necessary for them and get closer to their goals. But in Iran, there are no coherent and effective policies and programs at the national level to benefit immigrants and refugees in a desirable way and the immigrants themselves can obtain acceptable living conditions. In Iran, in the field of immigration, the programs are terminal and short-term in order to somehow control the volume of migration and asylum in the country, but there is no coherent and integrated program regarding the long-term effects and feedback. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Problems of Specialized Human Resources Educational and Occupational Challenges Narrated by The Ph.D. Graduated
        Mohammad Tavakol Akhtar  Shiri Saeed  Semnanian
        The aim of this research was to identify the challenges faced by the PhD graduates, specifically in the areas of work and occupation, as well as the related problems of their education, research, possibilities, and expectations during and after university study. The the More
        The aim of this research was to identify the challenges faced by the PhD graduates, specifically in the areas of work and occupation, as well as the related problems of their education, research, possibilities, and expectations during and after university study. The theoretical approach in this research was Mertonian, and the statistical population consisted of those who graduated from 16 superior universities in Iran between 2014to2019. They were 16069 out of which 12434 were available through email and received our e-questionnaire. One of the important findings of this survey was that at the job market level the universities were the bigger consumer of PhD holders, employing them more than other sectors such as economic, industry and services. Moreover, female graduates in compare to male had fewer opportunities for employment (54% versus 79%). The respondents complained about salary and job privileges and expressed their inclination to immigrate to other countries (more than 70%). Manuscript profile