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        1 - Power Control and Subchannel Allocation in OFDMA Macrocell-Femtocells Networks
        H. Davoudi M. Rasti
        Heterogeneous networks, including macrocell and femtocell, cause to increase network capacity. Also, they improve quality of offers services to users in cellular networks. Common subchannel allocation among different tier users, make cross-tier interference among users. More
        Heterogeneous networks, including macrocell and femtocell, cause to increase network capacity. Also, they improve quality of offers services to users in cellular networks. Common subchannel allocation among different tier users, make cross-tier interference among users. Since macrocell users have priority to femtocell ones, presence of femtocell users should not prevent macrocell users to access minimum quality-of-service. In this paper, a power control and subchannel allocation scheme in downlink transmission an orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) based two tier of macrocell and femtocell is proposed, aiming the maximization of femtocell users total data rate, in which the minimum QOS for all macrocell users and femtocell delay-sensitive users is observed. In macrocell tier, two different problems are considered. The first problem aim to maximizing the total threshold of tolerable cross-tier interference for macrocell users and the second problem’s goal is minimizing the macrocell’s total transmission power. For the femtocell tier, maximizing the users total data rate is the objective. Hungrian method, an assignment optimization method, is used for solving the first problem in macrocell tier. Moreover, in order to solve the second problem a heuristic method for subchannel allocation is proposed and dual Lagrange method is used for power control. In addition, in order to solve the problem for femtocell tier, a heuristic method is used for subchannel allocation. Subsequently, a dual Lagrange method which is one of the convex optimization problem solver is used, so that we can control the power. Finally, an extend simulations are performed to validate the performance of the proposed method. Manuscript profile