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        1 - Petrography, geochemistry and petrogenesis of Abbas Abad volcanic rocks (East Shahroud) with emphasis on associated alteration and copper mineralization
         Rasa  Alirezaei Ahmad Kazemi Mehrnia لیلا  صالحی
        Abbas Abad ore district lies in a volcanic and volcanosedimentary belt in East Shahroud and hosts eight copper deposits. This belt is part of volcanic arc in north of central Iran. Copper mineralization is dominated by chalcocite with minor bornite, digenite and covelli More
        Abbas Abad ore district lies in a volcanic and volcanosedimentary belt in East Shahroud and hosts eight copper deposits. This belt is part of volcanic arc in north of central Iran. Copper mineralization is dominated by chalcocite with minor bornite, digenite and covellite. Mineralization occurs as disseminated, veinlet, and stock works. Four alterations (silicification, carbonatization, epidotization and chloritization) are detectable in the host rocks. Lithologies of the volcanic rocks are trachyandesite, trachyandesit basalt and trachybasalte and they have high potassium calc-alkaline to shoshonitic nature. Fractional crystallization and crustal contamination processes are involved in magma evolution. Plagioclase and pyroxene are main minerals and the most important texture (porphyric and glomeroporphyritic) has been observed in this rocks. Zoning, sieve textures and re-absorption in plagioclases, and sieve textures, the effects of corrosion on the margins of pyroxene, and roundness of mineral implies the existence of non-equilibrium conditions during solidification of magma. LREE and LILE enrichment and depletion of HFSE with negative anomalies of Nb, Ti and Ta elements in studied samples show the alkaline nature associated with arc (active continental margin). Ratio of Ba/La and Th/Ta in rocks confirm subducting continental arc for tectonic environment of this rocks. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Factors controlling different types of anhydrite textures and their relation to reservoir quality in the Asmari reservoir in Ahvaz oil field
        نسترن  آزادبخت
        Various diagenetic processes have affected reservoir quality of the Asmari Formation in Ahvaz Oil Field in wells No. 19 with a thickness of 357 meters. It is composed of limestone dolomite, dolomitic limestone, sandy dolomitic limestone, sandstone, siltstone and sha More
        Various diagenetic processes have affected reservoir quality of the Asmari Formation in Ahvaz Oil Field in wells No. 19 with a thickness of 357 meters. It is composed of limestone dolomite, dolomitic limestone, sandy dolomitic limestone, sandstone, siltstone and shale. Study of 1100 thin sections from available cores at this well as well as the well’s numeral data, porosity and permeability of cores, indicates that the most important diagenetic processes is anhydritic cement with different types of textures. It appears as poikilotopic, porefilling and pervasive, nodular, fracture filling, sparce crystals, and evaporite veins. During different steps of diagenesis, these texture show replacement and pore filling porosity that have affected different facies to some degrees. Results of this study show that anhydrite cement occurs mainly in dolomitic and sandstone facies and to some extent, affected the reservoir quality. This is due to the effect of sulphate rich brines during dolomitization. Where the presence of anhydrite cements in limestone facies is sparse and rare, it has little effect on reservoir quality. However, pore filling and pervasive anhydrite texture filling all pore-space in dolograinstone and dolopackstone grain-supported facies during shallow burial intensively reduced reservoir quality. Dissolution of cements at later stage of diagenetic processes (creating secondary porosity) improved reservoir quality. In addition, solution of texture poikilotopic anhydrite in sandstone facies and repercipitated as patchy anhydrite with poikilotopic texture, results in reduction of porosity but it doesn’t make any changes in throat pores. Hence patchy anhydrite with poikilotopic texture that reduces porosity converts the sample from Lucias class 2 to class 1. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Sociological and stylistics study "I turn off the lights" with emphasis on the approach of Lucin Goldman
        neda yans kamran pashaei fakhri parvane adelzade
        Sociology of Literature is a branch of sociology that has not spread much among the social sciences in spite of the long tradition of literary and literary works in Iranian history. This lack of expansion exists both in the theoretical domain and in the field of empiric More
        Sociology of Literature is a branch of sociology that has not spread much among the social sciences in spite of the long tradition of literary and literary works in Iranian history. This lack of expansion exists both in the theoretical domain and in the field of empirical research. In the theoretical field, sociological theoretical approaches to literary works are not very clear. In empirical research, research is also limited to only long stories, and other literary types are generally absent. In this article, it is claimed that, regardless of the theoretical approach in literature and stylistics, any literary features have to be considered when analyzing by Stylists and sociologist. In this article, we examine the social, political and style aspects of the works of ZoyaPirzad, a contemporary Armenian writer, according to the method of constructivism of Goldman. In this method, the content of the literary work and its relationship with the society are studied, the effect of which has been created and instead of describing the content of literary work, the content and its relationship with the worldview in a particular era are discussed. Therefore, this novel briefly refers to the morale and living conditions of the people and the explanation of the phenomena, behaviors, constructs and ups and downs and social and political afflictions of the life of the characters of the novel. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Iagenetic controls on reservoir quality of the Asmari carbonate succession in the Cheshmeh Khush Field, SW Iran
        جواد هنرمند عبدالحسین امینی
        The Oligo-miocence Asmari Formation in the Cheshmeh Kush Oil Field consists of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession. The carbonate intervals of the Formation display a high degree of vertical heterogeneity created by a complex diagenetic history. This study is aim More
        The Oligo-miocence Asmari Formation in the Cheshmeh Kush Oil Field consists of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession. The carbonate intervals of the Formation display a high degree of vertical heterogeneity created by a complex diagenetic history. This study is aimed to investigate the effect of diagenetic events on reservoir quality of carbonate intervals of the Asmari Formation. Core samples and thin sections were studied from sedimentological and diagenetic point of view. Results from cathodoluminesence and scanning electron microscopy were used to investigate diagenetic features in details. Core analysis data (porosity and permeability) and wire-line logs (porosity and oil saturation values) from studied interval were used in order to examine reservoir properties. Diagenetic studies and their comparison with petrophysical data demonstrated that dolomitization, cementation (calcite, anhydrite and celestite cements), compaction and dissolution are the most important diagenetic events affecting porosity and permeability of the reservoir. Based on vertical distribution of diagenetic features and reservoir characteristics, diagenetic zones (DZ) of the carbonate succession were introduced. Medium crystalline dolostones with sparse compaction features and limited anhydrite cement (DZ-23, 27 and 30) comprise the highest value of porosity and permeability. Whereas intense mechanical and chemical compaction and evaporate (anhydrite and celestite) cementation in some dolomitic intervals have thoroughly reduced reservoir quality (DZ-12, 11 and 24). Compaction and calcite cementation (coarse spary, equant and poikilotopic types) in some limestone intervals damaged reservoir properties and created non-reservoir intervals (DZ-3, 20 and 17). In contrast, high value of interparticle and dissolution porosities along with minor compaction and cementation effects has improved reservoir properties of the Asmari limestones (DZ-31 and 32). This study shows that the reservoir characteristics of the Asmari Formation in the studied field are dominantly affected by diagenetic events and therefore diagenetic studies and determination of diagenetic zones in field-scale are the most important part in static reservoir modeling and Manuscript profile
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        5 - Relation between microfacies, depositional environment and diagenesis with reservoir quality the Jahrum Formation in well no. 11, Golkhary oil field, Zagros basin
        Maryam Sinapour Naser Arzani
        In this study the relationship between petrographic studies (microfacies, environment of deposition and diagenesis) and petrophysical data of core analysis in order to identify reservoir quality of the Jahrum Formation in well no. 11 at the Golkhary oil field. The Go More
        In this study the relationship between petrographic studies (microfacies, environment of deposition and diagenesis) and petrophysical data of core analysis in order to identify reservoir quality of the Jahrum Formation in well no. 11 at the Golkhary oil field. The Golkhary oil field is located at the west of Qatar-Kazerun fault, in between Binak and Nargesi oil fields. The Jahrum Formation consists of limestone, dolomite limestone and dolomite. Petrographical studies accomplish in two parts microfacies studies led to the recognition of 9 microfacies that were deposited in 3 facies belt tidal flat, lagoon and open marine environment. In diagenesis studies the most important factors included bioturbation, micritization, mechanical compaction, secondary porosity, secondary anhydrite cement, calcite burial cement, stylolites and solution seams, replacement dolomite, dolomite cement and hydrocarbon shows. Porosities identified are intercrystalline, intergrain, intrafossil and intragrain, moldic, fracture, solution along stylolite, solution enlarge and shelter. The results of this study shows that Grain supported MF3 (Bioclast Nummulitidae Rotalia wackestone/ packstone/ grainstone) and MF4 (Bioclast Nummulitidae Orbitolites packstone/ grainstone/ floatstone) due to the presence in the environment energetic, micrite absence, lack of widespread cement, presence of effective porosities includes intergrain porosity and intercrystalline porosity identified are reservoir microfacies. Petrophysical data with high levels of permeability and effective porosity between these two microfacies is the confirmation of the results of petrographic studies. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The impact of microfacies and diagenesis characteristics on the reservoir quality of Asmari Formation in the Gevarzin gas field, Zagros basin, south Iran
        Karim  Mombani   Ahmad Yahyaei
        Asmari Formation from the Gavarzin gas field have erosional unconformity boundary on marl and pelagic limestones of Pabdeh Formation and gradually change to evaporate cap rock of Gachsaran Formation. Cores studies from the one of wells of Gavarzin field is 183 m in thic More
        Asmari Formation from the Gavarzin gas field have erosional unconformity boundary on marl and pelagic limestones of Pabdeh Formation and gradually change to evaporate cap rock of Gachsaran Formation. Cores studies from the one of wells of Gavarzin field is 183 m in thickness, which includes 1.30 m from the top of Pabdeh, 162.4 m from the Asmari Formation and 19.30 m from the base layers of Gachsaran. Asmari Formation includes alternation of limestone, calcite dolomitic, claystone and shale with green marl. Petrology and facies analysis of the sequence of these formations identified 12 microfacies, a carbonate ramp from deep-sea to sabkha environments and formed in a retrograded sequence. This ramp includes deep environments, open sea, patch reef, bio-, clastic-bars, lagoon and tidal environments, which confirms a changing environment due to rapid facies changes and deposition of evaporative sediments in Gachsaran as a restricted environment. Diagenesis processes are considered as the main factors in carbonate reservoir quality of Gavarzin field. The diagenesis history of the Asmari carbonates of the studied cores is summarized as A) marine phreatic diagenesis, bioturbation, micritization and cementation processes occurred. B) vadose zone diagenesis, where the crystallization, cementation, and dissolution occurred. C) burial diagenesis, comprises compression-induced, pressure dissolution and fracturing are common. The microfacies show a wide varieties of reservoir characteristics and therefore a heterogeneous reservoir has been formed. Micro-fractures, however have strongly influence on the reservoir quality in the section. The simultaneous presence of dissolved spaces and fractures in the reservoir the permeability greatly increased. The best reservoir quality in the Grainstone/Packston facies are coated grains with moldic porosity that were created by the leaching of Ooid-bearing Packston lithology during the diagenesis of atmospheric waters. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Investigation of petrographical and geochemical characteristics of carbonate deposits of the Jamal Formation in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast of Isfahan
        Behrad  Zebhi Kamand محمد علی  صالحی Ezat  Heydari Ali Bahrami
        The Middle Permian Jamal Formation have been investigated for sedimentological and geochemical aspects in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast Isfahan. According to the field studies the Jamal Formation with 251 m thickness divided into eight lithostratigraphic unit. Lower More
        The Middle Permian Jamal Formation have been investigated for sedimentological and geochemical aspects in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast Isfahan. According to the field studies the Jamal Formation with 251 m thickness divided into eight lithostratigraphic unit. Lower boundary of this formation with an unconformity is underlained by the Sardar Formation which belongs to the Carboniferous period and upper boundary with an unconformity reaches to the Lower Triassic Sorkh-Shale Formation. Facies and microfacies studies of the Jamal Formation led to the identification of two petrofacies and 14 carbonate microfacies. According to the recognized carbonate allochems, petrofacies and microfacies of the Jamal Formation and some evidence such as transitional microfacies changes, we can consider a depositional environment of a shallow mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp platform. Petrographically, four types of dolomites are recognized in the Jamal Formation. The dolomitization model for the type I dolomite is considered forming in tidal flat and burial dolomitization for types II, III and IV. Geochemical studies including major and trace elements analysis comprised of elements such as Ca, Mg, Sr, Mn and Fe. Using ratios of the elements and also by plotting some of these elements cross carbon and oxygen isotopes in various diagrams have been used in determining the original mineralogy of carbonate deposits and efficient diagenetic system on the Jamal Formation. The results indicate that the dominant diagenetic environment effected on the carbonate deposits of Jamal Formation was occurred in a semi-closed system and the original mineralogy was aragonite. Evaluation of major and trace elements contents of the four types dolomites, confirmed different characteristics of theses dolomite resembling crystal sizes in petrographic studies. Carbon and oxygen isotopes data of dolomites also defined their diagenetic situations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Investigating the causes and motives of satire in Khaghani and Anvari poetry
        hajar jowkar Maryam parhizgari Seyed Jafar  Hamidi
        Satire is one of the branches of lyrical literature; in which the poet, for various Reasons and motives, slanders any annex that rivals or is hostile to him. The satire comes from the poet's resentment, enmity and neurosis; and because there are feelings and emotions in More
        Satire is one of the branches of lyrical literature; in which the poet, for various Reasons and motives, slanders any annex that rivals or is hostile to him. The satire comes from the poet's resentment, enmity and neurosis; and because there are feelings and emotions in all human beings, all human beings are instinctively capable of satire and satire. This type of literature has been common in Persian literature and other nations. Various causes and factors such as psychological, material and socio-economic factors can play a role in its development. In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the satirical motives of two great poets, . Anvari Abivardi and Khaghani are both great poets of the sixth century whose poems contain many satires. The main question addressed in this research is, what were the causes and motives of satire in the poems of these two poets? The findings of this article indicate that in Khaghani's poetry the motives for satire are mostly psychological, personal and personal causes, and in Anvari's material material, personal and personal motives, psychological and sometimes social factors have been the reason for satir. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The history of deposition and post-deposition and their effects on the reservoir quality of Asmari Formation in Ahvaz oilfield
        Akbar Heidari Milad Faraji Narges Shokri
        The carbonate interval of the Asmari formation along with sandstone deposits were deposited in most areas of the Zagros sedimentary Basin, including the Ahvaz area, in Oligo-Miocene. In this study, the effects of depositional and post-depositional environments on the re More
        The carbonate interval of the Asmari formation along with sandstone deposits were deposited in most areas of the Zagros sedimentary Basin, including the Ahvaz area, in Oligo-Miocene. In this study, the effects of depositional and post-depositional environments on the reservoir quality of zone A7 of the Asmari Formation in well No. 4 in Ahvaz oil field were studied. The study of the sequences of the Asmari Formation in this section led to the identification of 11 carbonate facies, one evaporite facies, one mixed carbonate-siliciclastic facies, and one siliciclastic facies. Sedimentary environments of tidal zone, lagoon, coral reef and open sea were introduced for the depositional environment of identified facies. Due to the absence of sudden changes, it seems that the studied deposits were deposited in a ramp-type carbonate platform that was influenced by siliciclastic sediments from the Zagros river systems. The immature sedimentary texture of the sandstone facies indicates the proximity of the origin of the quartz sources to the carbonate basin. Among the diagenetic processes that have affected the examined sequences, the following processes can be mentioned: micritization, cementation, neomorphism, physical and chemical compaction, dissolution, fracture development and filling, dolomitization, and anhydritization. These diagenetic processes occurred in post-depositional marine, meteoric and burial diagenetic environments. Many fractures were filled with petroleum, which indicates that fractures, along with dolomitization, chemical compaction, and fenestral pores, are among the most important post-sedimentation complications to increase reservoir quality. While cementation and anhydritization resulted in reducing the reservoir quality by closing the pore spaces . Manuscript profile
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        10 - Source and health risk assessment of arsenic in the water resources of Takab mining area
          N. Heydarian
        Arsenic is one of the heavy metals having harmful effects on human health if enters into the environment and water resources, so the major challenge of arsenic exposure is related to drinking water. The study area is Takab watershed in West Azarbaijan, which includes tw More
        Arsenic is one of the heavy metals having harmful effects on human health if enters into the environment and water resources, so the major challenge of arsenic exposure is related to drinking water. The study area is Takab watershed in West Azarbaijan, which includes two large Zarshouran and Agh Dareh gold mines in Carlin type. Carlin gold mines are sulphidic that are able to pollute the downstream environmental resources such as arsenic. In this work, the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks associated with arsenic was evaluated for the human community, who are living in Takab watershed and are exposed to arsenic through oral and dermal pathways with contaminated water sources . 45 water samples were randomly collected from surface and groundwater resources in the study area with regard to expert judgment and the distribution points, analyzed by ICP-MS method. Then, the health risk was assessed using by target cancer risk (TR), risk coefficient (HQ) and index hazard (HI). The total results showed that arsenic contamination is derived from volcanic activities and Quaternary alteration and gold mining activities in the east and north of the region. Most of the samples were revealed a range of 9-10 and -100 to -250 mV as pH and oxidation-reduction potential, respectively, which indicates the predominance of arsenate species (As5+) in the form of H2AsO4-. HQ and HI values are more than 10 in 52% of the samples, which indicate the high health risk in people living in the study area. Carcinogenic risk level varies from 0 to 2×10-7, which shows no carcinogenic risk to very high risk by arsenic contamination in water resources. Overall, there are both risks of carcinogenesis and non-cancerous impact in the east and north of the region for intake by ingestion, drinking and skin contact due to water contamination from the natural and anthropogenic sources. Therefore, it is recommended to pay special attention to continuous monitoring for potential contaminant, different methods for preventing exposure to polluted water resources and treatment methods in order to minimize the health risk of the population. Manuscript profile