• List of Articles Esfandiar

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analyzing the Iranian, Islamic and Creek reflection components in Souhravardi’s interpretation upon the Rustam and Esfandiar Story
        حسن  شاهی‌پور
        Although, interpretation of the anecdotes has thousands – year history in the west and it is now considerable in the west literature, it has not been paid so much attention in Iran classic literature due to some reasons including their being profane. Along with the scat More
        Although, interpretation of the anecdotes has thousands – year history in the west and it is now considerable in the west literature, it has not been paid so much attention in Iran classic literature due to some reasons including their being profane. Along with the scattered and little interpretation by Sanaie, the poet of the 5th century, Sheikh Eshragh, the mystic and philosopher of the 6th century is the last person interpreted and reflected upon the Iran ancient myths. He wants to make a concrete link between three separate dimensions of Islamic culture, Iranian ancient wisdom and Creek philosophy. For he, as a believer Muslim, is familiar with Islamic culture and its components including mysticism in one hand and he is the heritance to the pre-Islamic period as Iranian generated one on the other hand and so can not ignore the Creek philosophy as the result of human valuable reason and wisdom. Souhravardi, with his especial perceptivity, has found that the three mentioned apparently opposing cultures essence is the same and in case of their unification and harmony, Men can have a great experience in Human development and leadership. This article tries to show this great genius attempts for linking the Human thinking follows reflected in his interpretation from the Rustam and Esfandiar Story, revealing and the reasons for such interpretation while showing the elements of the cultures said above. It is clear that during Souhravardi day, this story and Shahname stories were famous in such a way that,deconstructing them was not an easy task except for some specified reasons but, Sheikh Eshragh could do so by his special thought background and broke the structure of this story aimed at finding his views within the layers of it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analytical study of Haft Khan Esfandiar's connection with shamanism, initiation and the world of the dead
        Ali Farzane Qasrodashti mahmood rezaei dasht arjaneh Farrokh  Hajiani
        Eliade believes the ritual travels of heroes is one of the main themes of epics. On the other hand, Iran is one of the most influential societies in shamanic rituals and shamanic manifestations are seen in many Iranian epics. Esfandiar's Haftankhan is one of the example More
        Eliade believes the ritual travels of heroes is one of the main themes of epics. On the other hand, Iran is one of the most influential societies in shamanic rituals and shamanic manifestations are seen in many Iranian epics. Esfandiar's Haftankhan is one of the examples of the connection between Iranian epics and shamanic rituals which includes the basics of ritual travel. In this story, Gogsar is a symbol of the novice guide shaman and the stories of Haftkhan are symbols of initiation, the arrival of the learned hero in the associations and his journey to the dead's world to bring back the souls of the sisters. In this article, an attempt is made to compare the manifestations of the initiation ritual in this story by comparatively checking the stories of Esfandiar's Haftkhan with the shamanic passage rites and show why this story is his initiation. The article will also show that Esfandiar in the third stage passed the rites of initiation successfully. And the stories that follow are a description of his journey to the underworld to restore the soul. This task was performed by shamans in ancient societis. Manuscript profile