• List of Articles Doubt

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        1 - Reading out the doubt of “contradiction between slavery and human” Personality from Islamic prospective
        Among the posed doubt and issues is the contradiction between slavery and human personality. That is, while Islam gives personality to human, why has Islam confirmed slavery and not rejected it? What is the philosophy of this confirmation? This article has investigated More
        Among the posed doubt and issues is the contradiction between slavery and human personality. That is, while Islam gives personality to human, why has Islam confirmed slavery and not rejected it? What is the philosophy of this confirmation? This article has investigated the issue in a descriptive and analytic method and field noting is used in gathering the data. The conclusion is that because deleting the slavery in society had been a time consuming process and although Islam confirmed it at first, conducted programs like blocking slavery origins, opening the freedom gates, surviving slaves’ personalities, etc. And Islam succeeded in this way so that today there is no slavery in Islam. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Methodology of How Wahhabis Raise Doubts and Its Systematic Criticism
        Abdolhadi  Ahmadi دکتر محمدتقی شاکر
        Analyzing Wahhabis' doubts and classifying them can result in extracting their different kinds and awareness of the methods of raising doubts by them. In addition to presenting these methods, the present article tries to deal with the strategy of systematic criticism of More
        Analyzing Wahhabis' doubts and classifying them can result in extracting their different kinds and awareness of the methods of raising doubts by them. In addition to presenting these methods, the present article tries to deal with the strategy of systematic criticism of each of these kinds of raising doubts. Analysis of these doubts and classifying them reveals that Wahhabis use four methods in raising doubts including: reviving past outdated doubts, raising doubts based on wrong beliefs, making use of sophistry, and making use of non-scientific methods like accusation along with propagation. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Infallibility from Allame Tabatabai's point of view
        Abbas  Asad Abadi
        This writing is intended to discuss the issue of the prophets' infallibility from the point of view of Allamah Taba'-e-Baha'i, centered on the interpretation of the meaning of Al-Mizan, and the explanation and implications of this great Imam's commentator in this regard More
        This writing is intended to discuss the issue of the prophets' infallibility from the point of view of Allamah Taba'-e-Baha'i, centered on the interpretation of the meaning of Al-Mizan, and the explanation and implications of this great Imam's commentator in this regard. This great commentator has followed the question of infallibility: one from the point of view of the implications of the Qur'anic verses and the other Which has been raised with the distortion of the signification of the verses concerning the infallibility of the prophets. Consideration of the Prophet Taba'tabi verses: Fath: 1 and 2, toubah: 32, p. 82 and 83, nesa` : 64, ahzaab : 33, anbiah: 27-26, signification It is clear on the verses of the prophets that some of the verses mentioned have been mentioned or other verses for negating and defamation of infallibility. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Criticism and examination of the doubts about the necessity of obedience to the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
        najmeh ansari alireza mokhtari mohsen zarei jalyani
        There is no doubt that God Almighty has called people to absolute obedience to the Holy Prophet in the Holy Qur'an, because in many verses of the Qur'an, obedience to God and His Messenger is accompanied by the fact that wherever obedience to God Almighty comes, it come More
        There is no doubt that God Almighty has called people to absolute obedience to the Holy Prophet in the Holy Qur'an, because in many verses of the Qur'an, obedience to God and His Messenger is accompanied by the fact that wherever obedience to God Almighty comes, it comes with obedience to the Prophet. The word "obedience to God and obedience to the Messenger" has been explained. Has reviewed and answered based on Quranic arguments and narration. The result of this article is that obedience and obedience to the Prophet, like obedience to God Almighty, is obligatory and necessary under the command and words of the Prophet and the words of God Almighty. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Doubt and Certainty in Contemporary Islamic and Western Philosophies
        Abdurrazzaq  Hesamifar
        Doubt and certainty are two soulish states which form problematic and certain knowledge in the process of human cognition. Problematic knowledge is mainly obtained in the realm of empirical sciences, while certain knowledge is mostly acquired in the domain of certain no More
        Doubt and certainty are two soulish states which form problematic and certain knowledge in the process of human cognition. Problematic knowledge is mainly obtained in the realm of empirical sciences, while certain knowledge is mostly acquired in the domain of certain non-empirical sciences such as philosophy, logic, mathematics, and gnosis. In the history of philosophy, philosophers often sought certain knowledge and believed that it is possible to attain the truth. In contrast, skeptics undermined the acquisition of such knowledge and did not believe in the existence of any kind of truth. The confrontations of these two groups have always constituted a part of the history of philosophy. Such a confrontation has been revived in contemporary philosophy as a result of the discussions which are made in modern epistemology both in Islamic philosophy and Western philosophy. On the one hand, contemporary Muslim philosophers have tried to defend the strong epistemological principles of Islamic philosophy through negating the views of skeptics. They believe in realism in epistemology and reject any interpretation of knowledge which is based on subjective idealism. On the other hand, at least some contemporary Western philosophers have tried to provide some responses to the questions posed by skeptics by developing a number of new views. In this comparative study, the author has tried to evaluate the attempts of a group of philosophers of each side in this regard. It is eventually concluded that the responses of Islamic philosophers to the posed questions enjoy a stronger basis both in the past and at present. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Faith, Doubt and Education
        The essence of faith is a controversial issue, especially among Muslim and, more prevalently, among Christian thinkers. In this connection, the relation between faith and doubt is one of the main cases of the diffrences of this controversy. In an attempt to pin down the More
        The essence of faith is a controversial issue, especially among Muslim and, more prevalently, among Christian thinkers. In this connection, the relation between faith and doubt is one of the main cases of the diffrences of this controversy. In an attempt to pin down the sources of these differences, this paper trace their roots to matters such as differences in the contents of religious beliefs, the theoretical presuppositions of the religious thinkers, the different socio-political experiences of the religious societies and, finally, the differences in the intellectual-philosophical currents affecting these two religious fields. Admitting the important role of the last component, one can expect that the rapid growth of communications as the main channel of exchange of ideas may create opportunities for the Islamic thought to come into contact with rival and opposing views on account of which the Islamic Faith may face the same challenges that Christianity had to confront in recent centuries. This article, by using a concept analytical method toward explaining the relationship between faith and doubt, adopts an epistemological approach called constructivist realism as a basis for Islamic Faith and maintains that contrary to the belief by certain circles of Christianity, doubt cannot be regarded as an integral element of faith. Although the existence of doubt is undeniable, it is not a challenger vis-a-vis faith. This premise seems to predispose Islamic education to, on the one hand, promote tolerance regarding doubt and to emphasize effort and motivation for attaining certainty on the other. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Re-examining the basic concepts of Descartes and Gadamer's thought and deducing its implications in education
        Mohammad Hassan  Tajdari mohammadhassan mirzamohammadi Mahdi  Sobhaninejad
        The purpose of this research is to compare the basic concepts of Descartes' and Gadamer's thought and to deduce its implications in education. The research has three questions; What are the basic concepts in the thought of Descartes and Gadamer? What criticism do each o More
        The purpose of this research is to compare the basic concepts of Descartes' and Gadamer's thought and to deduce its implications in education. The research has three questions; What are the basic concepts in the thought of Descartes and Gadamer? What criticism do each of the two thinkers have on other basic concepts? And what implications does Descartes' thought and Gadamer's hermeneutics have for education? To answer these questions, the method of conceptual analysis, comparative criticism and inference was used and it was determined that: method, science, substance, human, idea and metaphysics are the basic concepts of Descartes' thought and method, consciousness, tradition, experience and understanding are concepts. They are fundamental in Gadamer's thought. It was also stated that Descartes' method was based on the principles of objectivism and Gadamer's concepts based on philosophical hermeneutics. Therefore, considering that according to Descartes, the method of mathematics is a method that has all the advantages and benefits of logic, algebra and geometry and at the same time, is free from their disadvantages, this component is with the components of consciousness and experience of Gadamer's thought. It was criticized and since Gadamer emphasizes on the pre-structures of understanding and he believes that the search for understanding without presuppositions is futile, this component of Gadamer was criticized with the components of man and metaphysics of Descartes' thought and finally the component of Gadamer's tradition Descartes' idea was criticized with the essential components. Descartes, the philosopher and mathematician of the 17th century, put the foundation of doubt in everything and discovered a method for scientific reasoning and adjusting skeptical arguments and led to the aging of a philosophical system; Therefore, he has been considered the pioneer of western modernity. On the other hand, the axis of Gadamer's thought is "understanding" and its constituent elements, and he claims a new narrative of understanding; Gadamer considers a set of elements necessary for understanding, the observance of which makes understanding more reflective. He bridges from method to "insight" and prefers philosophical and reflective "insight" to explanatory and precise "method". Also, the findings indicated that science, method, understanding, history, tradition and human are among the educational implications of the thought of the two thinkers and since Cartesian science is based on certainty and Gadamerian science is based on interpretation. By combining these two approaches, it is possible to achieve a definition of the science of education that is both objective and interpretive. It is also possible to use both Cartesian objective methods and interpretive teaching-learning methods, and by combining these two methods, an objective-subjective method can be achieved. Regarding the concept of understanding, Descartes had an objective view on the subject of understanding and Gadamer believes in an interpretive understanding of understanding, so pairing these interpretations of understanding can lead to an interpretive-objective understanding of understanding. It should be mentioned that it is possible to base the methods of education by using scientific rules and find an answer to common unknowns in the field of teaching and learning with the help of philosophical concepts. At the same time, we should express hypotheses about new educational methods and test these hypotheses and use the experiences gained to achieve a comprehensive solution. In general, by combining the concepts of these two thinkers, it is possible to look at the human being both as a basis and as a medium in education and to achieve a unified approach based on "objectivity-interpretation". Manuscript profile
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        8 - A research on the historical development and literary skepticism of the Holy Quran
        Karamat Miri Seyyed Mohsen Mirbagheri mojgan sarshar
        Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the word of God, but critics of the Qur'an have always tried to create doubts against this divine book in order to cast doubt on the divinity of the Qur'an Considering the spread of these doubts in the recent centuries and the contexts More
        Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the word of God, but critics of the Qur'an have always tried to create doubts against this divine book in order to cast doubt on the divinity of the Qur'an Considering the spread of these doubts in the recent centuries and the contexts of the emergence of this doubt, in this article, in a descriptive and analytical way, while explaining the literary doubt and the factors of its occurrence and emergence, the course of the emergence and development of such doubt in five The period from the era of descent to the late period has been investigated.The most important findings of this research are: In the era of the descent of the prophet's wisdom, he blocked the way of casting any doubts, while the lack of compilation of the rules of the Arabic language at that time ruled out such a doubt. During the period of the Imams (as) and companions, factors such as; The phenomenon of different readings, weakness in the Arabic script, the presence of similar verses and difficult words, became the basis for literary disputes in this age, which was met with the response of the Companions and the wisdom of the Imams (AS). By moving away from the age of texts due to the spread of conquests, the increase of new converts to Islam, and the hostility of Zandaqah, literary doubts have increased, Islamic thinkers tried to answer these doubts in their writings. In the recent period of disregard for literary rules and the hostile view of some orientalists, literary doubts have developed in a new format. Manuscript profile