• List of Articles Dialectic

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Binary Structures in Dowlatabadi’s Writings: From Contrastive Mentality to Analytic Thought
        نصرت  حجازی شهناز  شاهین
        Although the critical structure of Mahmud Dowlatabadi’s narratives makes the characters appear flexible and sometimes rough, with semiotic narrative structures leading them to direct confrontation with the elements disturbing the initial order and serenity, we believe t More
        Although the critical structure of Mahmud Dowlatabadi’s narratives makes the characters appear flexible and sometimes rough, with semiotic narrative structures leading them to direct confrontation with the elements disturbing the initial order and serenity, we believe that the character’s conflict with themselves and others mostly results from the contrastive mentality and the binary thought that the author’s imagination system projects against outward world of turbulence and anxiety, rather than the necessity for keeping balance between the nature and manner of the characters. Though, initially, the author’s philosophical approach to the world and the way in which his imagination system responds to it motivates him to create his fictional characters having internal and external conflicts, gradually, his mentality uses duality as a kind of dialectic experience and a place for his subjective challenges to express themselves through the story’s usual flow, in the form of an analytical-interrogative discourse, and to reveal the author’s attitude towards himself and the others, in addition to polarizing the fictional world into the fictional narration and theoretical-analytical writing. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Ideational dual constructions of hope and hopelessnessin relation to social developments in the novel"Yekoliaa va tanhaayi-e ou"
        nematollah hiranzade Shahnaz  Arsh Akmal
        Hope and hopelessness are the most important characteristics of humans, which are in close relationship with fortunes and misfortunes of life. There are numerous theories in different fields such as philosophy, ethics, psychology, social sciences, etc about this duo.H More
        Hope and hopelessness are the most important characteristics of humans, which are in close relationship with fortunes and misfortunes of life. There are numerous theories in different fields such as philosophy, ethics, psychology, social sciences, etc about this duo.Hope and hopelessness are dialectical with each other and suffering as a representation of hopelessness is a background for the birth of hope.This dual has two individual and social dimensions that are directly related to each other.The individual is as a society; Thus, individual hope or hopelessness and even philosophical despair is often influenced by social status.Given the human is the main subject of the novel, the representation of hope or hopelessness in the novel can be investigated."Yekoliaa va tanhaayi-e ou" by Taghi Modarresi is one of the first allegorical novels after the 1953 coup d'état in Iran, which indirectly tries to represent the conditions of Iranian society.The present paper using descriptive-analytical method deals with the dual analysis of hope and hopelessness and its ideational constructions in this work; assuming that although the hopelessness of the novel is discourse, there is a kind of hope in it.Therefore, "Yekoliaa va tanhaayi-e ou" can be viewed from the hope’s perspective and not consider it as a mere reflection of despair and failure. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Suffering, Action making in Marx's Political Thought
        Zahra خشک جان محمدرضا  تاجیک
        This paper seeks to study Carl Marx’s view, as a sciologist and political philosopher concerning the objective conception of revolution occurrence requirement focusing on human suffering key concepts. In examining the requirements of revolutuion occurrence, Marx focused More
        This paper seeks to study Carl Marx’s view, as a sciologist and political philosopher concerning the objective conception of revolution occurrence requirement focusing on human suffering key concepts. In examining the requirements of revolutuion occurrence, Marx focused on the suffering concept (that he defines in alineation form and objective and subjective requirements leading to its occurrence) and talks aboat the paradoxical aspect of suffering that is based on toghetherness of positive and negative aspects of proletariat social suffering. From his viewpoint, the precondition of Praxis achievment and revolutionary action, is dependent on objective and subjective existence of social suffering that can turn it from passive state to active issue of social affair along with revolutionary action infrastruture by means of proletariat awareness(objective and subjective) achievement and egression of alineation state. In this path, he as political philosopher and sociologist, is not unaware of religion’s role (that in his view it is the purposeful infrasructure of aristocrats for false informing and neutralizing the effect of existing social suffering). Therefore, Marx by acknowledging the affirmative aspect of suffering (in spite of social privative determinations), attends to it in proletariat (revolution) political action process as a vital, driving and even necessary force in the dialectic process of social and political evolution. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Place of the Art of Dialectic in the Program of “Philosophy and Children”: An Explanation
        Ali Asghar  Jafari Valani Mahya  Mehrjedi
        The concept of philosophy is closely intertwined with the concept of intellectualization. Moreover, the way of transmitting thought from the realm of subject to the realm of object has been the inevitable concern of thinkers. A question may arise in our mind as to how c More
        The concept of philosophy is closely intertwined with the concept of intellectualization. Moreover, the way of transmitting thought from the realm of subject to the realm of object has been the inevitable concern of thinkers. A question may arise in our mind as to how can we express our ideas so that to be perceivable to the lovers of philosophy? On the one hand, the technique of choosing proper terms, the way of chapter wising and referring to philosophical ideas, all acknowledge the close relationship between art and philosophy. On the other hand, in the program of “philosophy and children” the way of developing stories and rising questions as well as the style of speaking of teachers indicate the use of a kind of art in this field. Dialectic or conversation in the program of “philosophy and children” is one of the basic principles and if we succeed to apply exactly the art of dialectic to attain exact definitions of philosophical concepts then we can concede our relative success in implementing this program. The present work, by reviewing the pattern of critical thinking and giving a brief account of the program of “philosophy and children”, intents to explain the place of the art of dialectic in the program of “philosophy and children”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Study of Heidegger’s Interpretation of Dialectic in Plato’s Dialog of the Sophist
        Sadiqah  Moosazadeh N‘alband
        The term dialectic has a Greek root and enjoys a historical background as long as that of philosophy itself. This term has been employed by most philosophers at all times and has undergone some changes in terms of meaning in line with the differences in the views of di More
        The term dialectic has a Greek root and enjoys a historical background as long as that of philosophy itself. This term has been employed by most philosophers at all times and has undergone some changes in terms of meaning in line with the differences in the views of different philosophers. The present paper aims to recount, examine, and evaluate Heidegger’s interpretation of the word “dialectic” as used by Plato. Heidegger’s interpretation of Plato’s dialectic is other than the common interpretations provided by most interpreters. While examining the interpretations given by the philosophers preceding him, Heidegger enters a dialog with them and believes that he has observed the norms of justice in this dialog while granting some freshness and beauty to their interpretations through employing a specific composing style and arrangement of ideas. At the same time, he has remained loyal to the interpreted text. In fact, while having a dialog with philosophers (particularly, Plato and Aristotle) and interpreting their views, Heidegger tries to remain objective and portray a new and unprecedented picture of their thoughts. In this paper, the writers have evaluated Heidegger’s loyalty to the thoughts of his intended philosopher (Plato) and, while exploring Platonic dialectic in the light of Heidegger’s philosophy, review the latter’s interpretation of this particular idea. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Skill Training Based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Depression of Orphans
        mina Mojtabaei
        The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy based on emotional regulation skills in reducing juvenile depression. The method of the present study was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with a control group. T More
        The aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy based on emotional regulation skills in reducing juvenile depression. The method of the present study was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with a control group. The population consisted of all young boys aged between 12 to 18 living in the state Welfare Organization of Malard in 2014. Pur-poseful sampling was used to select the sample. Beck Depression Inventory was ad-ministred on adolescents living at the Center. According to the test results, 20 students whose depression was higher than average were selected and randomly divided into two groups, experimental and control (each group consisting of 10 subjects). Then, during8 weeks, the treatment was conducted on the experimental group, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed using ANCOVA. Covariance analysis showed that emotional regulation skills training based on dialectical behavior therapy was effective in reducing depression in these adolescents. Dialectical behavior therapy by means of validation, leads to the acceptance of emotional problems and ultimately, facilitates the adoption of lead changes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - "Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation Skill Training Based on Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Depression of Orphans"
        Masoumeh  Akhondi mina Mojtabaei
        Abstract Hope and self-efficacy might play a constructive and important role in the sub-stance abuse recovery process and prevention of repeated lapses in the process of therapy. This research has been conducted with the aim of the examination of such a role by comparin More
        Abstract Hope and self-efficacy might play a constructive and important role in the sub-stance abuse recovery process and prevention of repeated lapses in the process of therapy. This research has been conducted with the aim of the examination of such a role by comparing hope and self-efficacy of addicts in mainten-ance methadone therapy who were without lapses and those with repeated lapses. This re- search was a causal-comparative design study. The population of the research consisted of all the addicts referred to the maintenance metha- done therapy centers of Khorramabad city in the first half of 1394 (2015). For this purpose, one group of 40 patients with repeated lapses and another group of 40 patients without lap-ses were selected by convenience sampling. They were asked to fill Hope and Self-Effi- cacy Questionnaires. Results of analysis of variance indicated that although the scores of hope were high in these two groups, there was no significant difference between them in this variable, and they were significantly different only in self-efficacy. It could be concluded that, in order to gain positive and maintaining therapeutic outcomes, in addition to high levels of hope, high levels of self-efficacy are also necessary. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The effect of dialectical behavior therapy skills on self-criticism and self-compassion of adolescent girls with a history of self-injury
        Maryam Amirinia Mahdi Imani Mohammad Ali Goodarzi
        Due to the high rate of self-injury in adolescents in 2022 and its destructive effect, the present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of dialectical behavior therapy on self-criticism and self-compassion of adolescents with a history of self-injury behaviors. Th More
        Due to the high rate of self-injury in adolescents in 2022 and its destructive effect, the present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of dialectical behavior therapy on self-criticism and self-compassion of adolescents with a history of self-injury behaviors. The design of the present study is a single-subject experiment with several baselines. The target population was girls who were referred to education centers in 2021. As sample, 3 female adolescents in Shiraz with a history of self-injury behaviors were selected by purposive sampling. Research tools included inventory of statements about self-injury (ISAS) of Klonsky and Glenn (2009), self-criticism questionnaires (FSCRS) of Gilbert et al (2004), Neff) Self-compassion questionnaires (SCS) (2003), and structured clinical interviews for personality disorders (SCID-5 PD) (2014). Each person was randomly assigned to the baseline stage over a period of two, three, or four weeks. Adolescents then received 16 sessions of treatment and also their parents received 5 sessions of therapy and after one month a follow-up was carried out. Dialectical behavior therapy was effective in reducing self-criticism and increasing self-compassion in all three clients after treatment, but the stability of the treatment effect remained only for the first and second clients whose parents involved in therapy regularly. It seems that the application of dialectical behavior therapy skills with the cooperation and support of parents can be associated with a decrease in self-criticism and increased self-compassion in female adolescents with a history of self-injury behaviors. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Spiritual Journey Based on Dialectical Wayfaring in Plato’s Philosophy and its Compatibility with Gnostic Journeys
        Atiye Zandieh Leila Eftekhari
        In Plato’s philosophy and Islamic gnostic tradition, the world and Man enjoy two corporeal and spiritual dimensions. Man’s spiritual dimension can have ascending and descending journeys in the worlds of being. In Islamic gnosis, going through the levels of being – the f More
        In Plato’s philosophy and Islamic gnostic tradition, the world and Man enjoy two corporeal and spiritual dimensions. Man’s spiritual dimension can have ascending and descending journeys in the worlds of being. In Islamic gnosis, going through the levels of being – the five divine presences – has been explained by resorting to the four-fold journeys, which include moving from the creature to the truth, traversing the truth, moving from the truth to the creature and, finally, travelling with the truth in the creature. The spiritual journey in Plato’s philosophy can be explained by using the dialectical wayfaring, analogy of the divided line, and the allegory of the cave. Plato generally dealt with this spiritual journey and did not intend to classify its levels. However, his views can be formulated in a way to conform to these four journeys. In this way, spiritual journey in Plato’s philosophy will include the following four stages: moving from shadows to the world of Ideas, traveling through the Ideas, moving from the world of Ideas to the world of sensibles and, finally, traveling with the Ideas in shadows. Therefore, given the differences between these two schools of thought regarding their views of the highest levels of being and the perfect Man, the first, second, and fourth journeys can be more clearly matched with each other. The third journey can also be matched with one of them but not as clearly as the other three. Gnostics’ religious views, their emphasis on ascetic practice and purification of the soul, and the long time interval between these two systems of thought have resulted in a number of great differences between them. Manuscript profile
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        10 - The Relationships Among Eros, Techne, and Philosophy in Plato’s Symposium and Phaedrus (With a Critical Emphasis on the Views of Vlastos and Nussbaum)
        Javid  Kazemi Seyyed Mohammad  Hakak Ali Naqi  Baqershahi Mohammad Raayat Jahromi
        Eros, the Greek god of love, in addition to its different meanings in the pre-Socratic mythological and philosophical history, has been used in Plato’s philosophy in different senses. This diversity has misled its interpreters in translating it into erroneous meanings s More
        Eros, the Greek god of love, in addition to its different meanings in the pre-Socratic mythological and philosophical history, has been used in Plato’s philosophy in different senses. This diversity has misled its interpreters in translating it into erroneous meanings such as love. The present paper examines the meaning of eros in Plato’s two Dialogs of Symposium and Phaedrus and then explores its relationship with philosophy and techne. In the dialog of Symposium, after being used in some different meanings, Eros is used in the sense of the longing and desire for observing absolute beauty, which is the same philosophy. This is because in Plato’s philosophy, the difference between the Idea of the good (philosophy is a motive for viewing it) and the Idea of beauty is mentally-posited. In other words, the Ideas of the good and absolute beauty are the same truth that is viewed from two points of view. Now that dialectics – an activity in which multiple details are recognized from the one and the one from multiple details – is introduced in the dialog of Phaedrus as an instrument of techne, it can be concluded that the Platonic lover, and the philosopher cannot perceive the Idea of beauty (or the good) unless through techne. The major problems in this paper are discussed based on the views of two interpreters of Plato, Gregory Velastos and Martha Nussbaum. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Repetitive Propositions in the Concept of Space Dialectic in Architecture
        Mahmoud Azhdari
        <p>The term "dialectic of space" in architecture refers to the contradictions and interactions present within spaces. These contradictions may encompass elements such as lightness and darkness, density and spatiality, as well as mutual aspects like internal and external More
        <p>The term "dialectic of space" in architecture refers to the contradictions and interactions present within spaces. These contradictions may encompass elements such as lightness and darkness, density and spatiality, as well as mutual aspects like internal and external factors. In architecture, this concept mostly addresses the design of spaces and their influence on human behavior and emotions. One of the most frequently cited propositions in the context of space dialectics is the pursuit of balance amidst contradictions. Designing spaces involves striving to achieve a balance among different elements including light and darkness, open and closed space, indoor and outdoor space, and more, which is considered as one of the basic principles. This balance can contribute to harmonizing people's moods and emotions while facilitating optimal utilization of space. Another important aspect of space dialectic is the interference and interaction among diverse elements. Spaces can be more attractive by creating interference and interaction between different components. In other words, spaces with diversity and multiplicity factors exert the greatest impact on people's behavior and emotions, potentially generating attractive and dynamic qualities within spaces. Additionally, a recurring proposition emphasizes the connection with the environment. Spaces should establish links with their surroundings and cultivate positive relationships with them, achieved through the integration with natural landscapes, connectivity with adjacent spaces, or even integration with urban spaces. According to these frequent propositions, architectural designers can develop spaces that exert a greater impact on the residents&rsquo; behavior and emotions, fostering environments that are both appealing and diverse. These principles aid designers in creating high-quality and suitable spaces for human life and work.</p> Manuscript profile