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        1 - The Effect of MIMO Channel Estimator in the Precoder Design of Wireless Sensor Networks
        H. Rostami A. Falahati
        One of the most important applications of wireless sensor networks was to estimate the unknown phenomenon. The cooperative activities of wireless sensors and scattered information of sensor nodes over network are used to decentralized estimation. Precoder design done on More
        One of the most important applications of wireless sensor networks was to estimate the unknown phenomenon. The cooperative activities of wireless sensors and scattered information of sensor nodes over network are used to decentralized estimation. Precoder design done on the sensor nodes in order to provide an optimal estimate of the actual amount. Precoder design is an optimization problem. Since the channel is wireless link on the wireless sensor networks. Therefore, assuming the access of full channel state information isn't correct in this network. Since the perfect channel state information is required in the precoder design process, so the effects of the channel estimation investigated on precoder design process. On the issue of channel estimation, channel estimated by using of the known training sequence method with LS and MMSE criteria. Since power restriction is the key subject in the wireless sensor networks, therefore in this study power restriction considered in the channel estimation and precoder design problem. Manuscript profile