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        1 - History of Ideas, Intellectual History and Political Studies
        سيد صادق  حقيقت
        History of ideas which deals with explanation and evolution of ideas during history can be considered as part of, or similar to, intellectual history. Unlike Lovejoy, Quentin Skinner analyzes "idea" in the historical and social conditions. Although these two fields of s More
        History of ideas which deals with explanation and evolution of ideas during history can be considered as part of, or similar to, intellectual history. Unlike Lovejoy, Quentin Skinner analyzes "idea" in the historical and social conditions. Although these two fields of study belong to discipline of history, they have used in political thought too. Meanwhile, Cambridge school of thought, and specially Skinner, has tried to bridge between analytic and continental philosophy in one hand, and between Textualism and Contextualism on the other hand. This could be called "The third way" or "confluence of Textualism and Contextualism". Using "the third way", It seems that (Islamic and Iranian) political studies could overcome detects of the two ways. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Elucidation of the physical patterns of contemporary housing based on the contextual architecture in Kashan; Case study: Selected historical houses of the Qajar dynasty
        Hossein kalantari Seyed Amir nezam dost Ali yaran
        In previous eras, Iranian architecture and urban planning has always followed a specific trend that established a balanced, logical, strong, and in the meantime onward relationship with the before and after eras, but this trend has not continued in the contemporary era More
        In previous eras, Iranian architecture and urban planning has always followed a specific trend that established a balanced, logical, strong, and in the meantime onward relationship with the before and after eras, but this trend has not continued in the contemporary era of architecture and urban planning and is in chaos, turmoil, and disturbance. The houses formed during this time do not meet many of the physical, cultural, social, and lifestyle requirements of the people of this land. Therefore, this paper aims to determine the components and nanocomponents of the physical dimension of contextualism, and propose suggestions and solutions to explain the physical patterns of housing in Kashan based on the mentioned components and the evaluation results of case studies. This research is qualitative and based on the descriptive-analytical method. At first, the concept of contextualism is developed by referring to study sources, and the components and nanocomponents of the physical dimension of contextualism are compiled by adapting the sources of research and analysis of the opinions of experts. Subsequently, the selected case samples in Kashan are evaluated based on the obtained components and using observation tools, library studies, and photography, the results of which are presented separately for each sample. The results of the study in the field of contextualization along with an adaptive comparison of the evaluation results of the samples are reviewed and analyzed. Finally, the solutions and suggestions are presented under the general characteristics of the building’s location, scale and size, shape and form, materials and details, and the arrangement of physical elements and components indexes. In the end, paying attention to the contextualism approach, especially its physical pattern, and the practical application of the proposed solutions can play a pivotal role in establishing this lost connection and promoting Kashan residential architecture. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigation and Determination of the Evolution Process of Architecture in the Structure of the Tabriz bazaar with emphasis on contextualism
        Prosha Bahrieh sahar tofan شبنم اکبری نامدار
        Contextualism, as an important approach in architecture emphasizes upon the preservation of traces of the past and the differences and the features of each culture and it is rooted in the identity of every nation. The ancient texture of cities carries rich signs of the More
        Contextualism, as an important approach in architecture emphasizes upon the preservation of traces of the past and the differences and the features of each culture and it is rooted in the identity of every nation. The ancient texture of cities carries rich signs of the culture and identity of forebears and Iranian traditional architecture is no exception to this rule, at the same time it’s a rich instance of harmony and co-habitation with environmental characteristics and spatial values. In traditional Iranian cities, bazaar was considered to be a fundamental element so that the city was recognized and appreciated for its bazaar. The Tabriz bazaar arranged in a complete city block has a long antiquity, vastness, functional diversity and architectural values. The current research makes attempt to elucidate and determine contextual factors influencing the Tabriz bazaar at urban (site location, formation and development) and architectural (dispersion of physical elements and function) scales. Therefore, the research questions are explained as follows: first, which contextual factors have been influential in the site location, formation and development of the Tabriz bazaar (Large scale)? Secondly, which contextual factors have been influential in the dispersion of physical elements and functions of the Tabriz bazaar (Intermediate scale)? The methodology of the research is deductive, which is based on the analysis of the content of documents. Thereby, the research attempts to re-read the subject matter and to draw a conclusion through the study of documents, exploration of historical books and logbooks, analysis of maps and old aerial images of Tabriz and the bazaar, as well as analysis of field survey findings of the existing condition of the bazaar. The extraction of contextual factors affecting the formation of the bazaar on the metropolitan scale and architectural programming related to the physical and functional dispersion shows that the formation and development of Tabriz bazaar and its elements over the ages have been influenced by the environmental, cultural, social, political, governmental and economic structure of the city. The effect of the contextual index in terms of the status of the political geography of the city and the economic value of the structural index of bazaar on the formation of necessity characteristic, supply-demand relationship and its manifestation in the form of Tabriz bazaar on large and medium scale has been found to be of more importance. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - An Analysis of Contextualism and its Consequences in Richard Paul’s Theory of “Fair-minded Critical Thinking”
        Zahra  Ommi Ghasem  Pourhasan
        Richard Paul is a renowned thinker in the field of critical thinking who believes in the implementation of critical thinking in human decisions and actions. By analyzing reasoning and thinking, he found certain ideas that turned out to be significant in analyzing thinki More
        Richard Paul is a renowned thinker in the field of critical thinking who believes in the implementation of critical thinking in human decisions and actions. By analyzing reasoning and thinking, he found certain ideas that turned out to be significant in analyzing thinking. Here his contextualism is blatant which along with foundationalism and coherenticism seem to be a kind of reaction to skepticism. From this perspective, in epistemology, there is a turn towards social contexts. In this way, contextualism enjoys certain contextual elements such as actions, social relations, culture, and other human situations in justifying a belief or vice versa. Context, in this sense, can formulate Paul’s inclination towards textulism, pluralism, and relativism. The main objective of the present work is to explore the consequences of Richard Paul’s theory. Resolving the problem of contextualism by critical thinking is one of the Paul’s innovations that so far has remained unnoticed. So universal attention towards his ideas made this research necessary for analyzing his views. According to this research, Paul has succeeded to follow a moderate method that contains in itself certain universal standards which at the same time attended to context. Consequently, in his fair-minded critical thinking, Paul has sought to be saved from falling into reductionism, and in this way he has succeeded to reduce the consequences of contextualism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analysis and study of contextualism in the form of contemporary architecture and urban planning in the world
        zohre nadryan Reza Ghashghaei
        Contextualism as a holistic approach in designing an artificial environment, by understanding the mental and objective structure of the text and context as an evolutionary event in physical, natural, historical and social-cultural dimensions and by linking the perceptio More
        Contextualism as a holistic approach in designing an artificial environment, by understanding the mental and objective structure of the text and context as an evolutionary event in physical, natural, historical and social-cultural dimensions and by linking the perception and perception of the audience with the context, seeks to create meaning. Is artificial. The present article seeks to explain the prevailing dimensions, features and components in this field by examining the evolution of contextualism theory in architecture and urban planning by expressing the views of experts and examples. In this regard, after examining the background of the subject and stating the relevant definitions, the scope of the field discussion in architecture and urban planning in the opinions and thoughts of experts has been studied in order to formulate the theoretical foundations of research and the position of contextualism in some contemporary architectural movements. The results of studies indicate that contextualism initially paid attention to purely physical dimensions, but in its evolutionary course has focused its field of study on social, cultural and human development aspects and attention to cultural, social, ecological and human relations issues. It has replaced the topics of mere form, style and aesthetics. Emphasis on the development of environment-human relations. Emphasis on place recovery, strengthening the position of human values ​​in architecture and urban design, the importance of social meaning of the environment, using environmental capabilities to achieve sustainable development and. .... is one of the strategies of contextualism approach. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Presenting a model of contextual views with emphasis on improving the visual quality of cities, a case study of Yasuj city in 1401
        Javad  Takhsha Amir  Aminzadeh
        Contextualism, one of the common views in urban planning, considers the context as a historical event in which the elements of the city are known, addressed and constructed. What is needed in the lively and lively life of a city is to adapt the container of the environm More
        Contextualism, one of the common views in urban planning, considers the context as a historical event in which the elements of the city are known, addressed and constructed. What is needed in the lively and lively life of a city is to adapt the container of the environment to the contents of the building in a historical process. The confusion and anxiety of urban views in most cities of Iran, especially in contemporary and modern cities, is a tolerable issue. Unfortunately, today, not only the show is not considered as a part of the urban space; Rather, it is often built as a unit for the supply of owners. This issue has caused disturbance and perceptual confusion in urban spaces. While dealing with, analyzing and studying the facades of urban buildings, part of the urban walls is of special importance. Landscape architecture as a codified knowledge to improve the quality of man-made environments, has always claimed to pay attention to the cultural values ​​and specific identity of each region, but contemporary and new cities are becoming more and more similar, this issue is more pronounced in different cities Relaxing views based on local materials and climate can help to give identity, a sense of belonging and peace of mind to citizens. The main purpose of this article is to identify the criteria and patterns of contextualism and to create a favorable visual environment and to deal with new urban views with a case study of Yasuj with emphasis on ecology and its role in urban planning and architecture and their interaction with sustainable development, culture and behaviors. It is social actions and taking into account the urban wall (facade) that leads to a desirable and ideal atmosphere that indirectly and indirectly affects them and the personality of citizens. Manuscript profile