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        1 - Analysis of spatial growth pattern - time in Maragheh city using spatial metric methods
        Ali Shamaei Hasan Ahar Eshaq Jalaliyan
        physical development of the city as the spatial pattern of activity in a particular period of time is defined and it is divided into two main groups, means Urban sprawl (Sprawl), and the compact city model (Compact city). In recent decades, cities have grown organically More
        physical development of the city as the spatial pattern of activity in a particular period of time is defined and it is divided into two main groups, means Urban sprawl (Sprawl), and the compact city model (Compact city). In recent decades, cities have grown organically and urban areas in a short time have been several times its original size and city development has been the forms of the individual components, without planning, uncoordinated that urban sprawl pattern is the main feature. This is necessary that attention to physical development of the city in order to sustainable Development. The case study is Maragheh city. Analytical method in this study is comparative. In this study is used of the methods of spatial metrics in order to analysis of urban sprawl in Maragheh city. The results show urban sprawl. Urban growth has been slowly in the past. Starting with rapid urbanization from 1355 to 1365 the city began a rapid growth and area of the city has increased several times and urban sprawl has occurred in this decade and it is continued until 1394. Manuscript profile