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        1 - Evaluation of Resonance Existence in Optimal Allocation of Capacitors in Distribution Networks
        M. Ayoubi R. Hooshmand M. Torabian Esfahani
        One of the most important problems in power networks is the presence of resonance at some of the buses which leads to an unwanted increase in voltage and current and damage to equipment. Since with installing a capacitor bank in the network, frequency characteristic of More
        One of the most important problems in power networks is the presence of resonance at some of the buses which leads to an unwanted increase in voltage and current and damage to equipment. Since with installing a capacitor bank in the network, frequency characteristic of the system is changed and resonance is increased, it is necessary to consider this point in allocation of capacitors in the network. In this paper, a new index for evaluating the resonance is presented. Applying the proposed resonance index, a new two-step method for optimal placement of capacitors in a harmonic system is provided. In the first step, a sensitivity analysis is used, then in the second step, the objective function considering technical constraints is optimized using a fuzzy technique. The proposed method is implemented with the MSPSO algorithm on the IEEE 18-bus network. The results show the efficiency of this method in comparison with other methods. Manuscript profile