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        1 - Investigation and Evaluation of Adaptive Nulling Methods of Array Antennas Using Genetic Algorithm
        S. Jam M. Delroshan
        This paper describes an approach to adaptive nulling with phased arrays. A genetic algorithm adjusts some of the least significant bits of the beam steering phase-shifters to minimize the total output power of the array. Also, some other criterions such as Mean Square E More
        This paper describes an approach to adaptive nulling with phased arrays. A genetic algorithm adjusts some of the least significant bits of the beam steering phase-shifters to minimize the total output power of the array. Also, some other criterions such as Mean Square Error and Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio are used and compared with each other. Using the least significant bits results in small perturbation in the main beam of the radiation pattern and puts the nulls in the direction of the interferences. Double search and weighted mutation are used to reduce the complexity of the algorithm. Also, the performance of genetic algorithm is compared with MPDR which is an optimum technique for beamforming. Finally, it is shown that the genetic algorithm performs superior to MPDR. Manuscript profile