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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Status of Musicianship and Tradition of Verbal Narration in Old Persian Literature and Reviewing Historical Evolution of Composer-Narrators in the Process of Rhyming Heroic Narrations
        One of the main areas whose historical evolution was highly affected by composers and narrators from ancient time to Islamic era is Shahname-composing and verbal epics. Composing hymns and forming narrations and epic stories via combining and quoting broadcasting of the More
        One of the main areas whose historical evolution was highly affected by composers and narrators from ancient time to Islamic era is Shahname-composing and verbal epics. Composing hymns and forming narrations and epic stories via combining and quoting broadcasting of these narrations had made many epic stories. Ancient kinds of narrators like musicians, singers and minstrels were replaced by later narrators of later eras like narrator-nightingales and storytellers; forming written literature based on oral (i.e. unwritten) literature is the most important feature in this area. This article dealt with the status of oral narration tradition in ancient Iran and continuing of literary traditions related to this in Shahname-composing and forming oral Persian epics in Islamic Era Literature and reviewed the role of these narrator-composers in process of rhyming epic narrations. Manuscript profile