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    • List of Articles کشورهای درحال توسعه سازمان ‏تجارت ‏جهانی تجارت خارجی فرصت‌‏ها و هزینه‌‏ها

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Constructive interaction of the World Trade Organization with developing countries
        Mahdi  Sadeghi Shahdani Amir Kargar Ali Javanjafari
        The consequences of the accession and non-accession of the developing countries to the World Trade Organization have been stated in many articles, which point to the inefficiency of this organization and the political and economic power of developed countries and their More
        The consequences of the accession and non-accession of the developing countries to the World Trade Organization have been stated in many articles, which point to the inefficiency of this organization and the political and economic power of developed countries and their influence on the decisions of this organization. Research Assuming that the process of globalization and increasing membership of countries in the World Trade Organization is upward, we consider the membership of many of them in this organization to be inevitable; However, since some of the goals of this organization are the same as the economic goals of developing countries, it is possible to use effective and timely policies to interact effectively and achieve goals such as the efficient and equitable exploitation of nature. New benefits and opportunities for all were eradicated, eradicating poverty, corruption and discrimination in the country, and maintaining economic independence. For this reason, there is a need to review and adapt this organization to the economic foundations of these countries. The research question is what are the benefits and costs of membership in this organization for developing countries? what steps should they take to maximize opportunities and minimize membership costs? According to the descriptive-analytical approach and based on some theoretical assumptions of international economics and understanding the atmosphere of this organization, we will reach the hypothesis that this organization, considering the influence of developed countries in establishing fair and effective trade relations, It is inefficient, but with some flexible policies and regulations, costs can be minimized. Manuscript profile