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        1 - Lithostratigraphy and Sedimentary Environment of the Jahrum Formation in two Anticlines of Jahrum and Tudej
        رضا  صادقی محمد حسین  خواجوئی مریم  جوکار
        Abstract In this study two stratigraphic sections named Tang-e Ab as type section and Tang-e Nimbashi analyzed in order to study lithostratigraphy and microfacies of Jahrum Formation in Fars province. Both sections, Tang-e Ab in northern flank of Jahrum Anticline (Ea More
        Abstract In this study two stratigraphic sections named Tang-e Ab as type section and Tang-e Nimbashi analyzed in order to study lithostratigraphy and microfacies of Jahrum Formation in Fars province. Both sections, Tang-e Ab in northern flank of Jahrum Anticline (East of Jahrom) and Tang-e Nimbashi in northern flank of Tudej Anticline (West of Estahban) located in Interior Fars Sub-Zone at Zagros folded belt. Tang-e Ab section included 450 meters of conglomerate, limestone, nodular marly limestone, dolomitic limestone and dolostone with thin, medium, thick and very thick bedding and Tang-e Nimbashi section included 562 meters of limestone, marly Limestone, nodular marly limestone, dolomitic limestone and dolostone with very thin, thin, medium, thick and very thick bedding. The result of field and laboratory observations is determination of 10 lithostratigraphic unit and 10 microfacies class in Tang-e Ab and 7 lithostratigraphic unit and 11 microfacies class in Tang-e Nimbashi, in both Sections 3 sub-environments included: open marine, lagoon and peritidal and sedimentary settings corresponded on a carbonate platform of homoclinal ramp. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Biostratigraphy and microfacies analysis of the Shahbazan and Asmari formations (through Eocene to Oligocene) in the carbonate deposits of northwest Dezful Embayment, Zagros Sedimentary Basin
        sepedeh Gholampoor-moghahi Hosyen Vaziri moghadam Naser Arzani Afshin Armoon
        Abstract In this research based on petrography study of 320 thin sections (cutting samples), biostratigraphy, microfacies and depositional environment analysis has been done to determine the boundary between the Shahbazan and Asmari formations in well No. 1 of the Bala More
        Abstract In this research based on petrography study of 320 thin sections (cutting samples), biostratigraphy, microfacies and depositional environment analysis has been done to determine the boundary between the Shahbazan and Asmari formations in well No. 1 of the Balarud Oil Field, located in the north of Dezful embayment. The Shahbazan Formation with 460 meters thick with mainly composed of dolomite along with interlayers of limestone, shale and anhydrite in the studied well. The lower boundary of this formation with the Pabdeh Formation is conformable and its upper boundary with the Asmari Formation is marked by an unconformity. The Asmari Formation with thickness of 140 meters mainly consists of limestone and shale with the interlayers of dolomite; its upper boundary to the Gachsaran Formation is conformable. Biostratigraphy studies documented a high diversity of shallow-water benthic and rare planktonic foraminiferas and led to the determining of one assemblage zone in the Shahbazan Formation (15 genera and 8 species) that indicates age of the Priabonain. Three assemblage zones also were recognized in the Asmari Formation (12 genera and 8 species) that, shows the age of the Asmari Formation from Mid-Rupelian to the Chattian, Aquitanian and Burdigalin. Based on biostratigraphy studies, the boundary between Shahbazan and Asmari formations and the position of an unconformity between them were determined. The facies analysis led to recognition of eight microfacies for the Shahbazan Formation which belong to three facies belts of inner (tidal flat and lagoon), middle and outer ramp, deposited on a ramp-type carbonate platform. Also four microfacies were recognized in the Asmari Formation which are related to the inner carbonate platform. Manuscript profile