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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The identification of the recharge source in the important karstic springs of Khuzestan province using stable isotopes (18O and 2H)
        HamidReza Mohammadi-Behzad دکتر اسماعیل کلانتری  Charchi Arash Nadri
        Sabzab and Bibitalkhone Karst springs are the main discharging points of the Kamarun and Pabdeh karstic anticlines (Asmari dolomite and limestone) in Khuzestan province. The exposed surface of both anticlines are not sufficient to feed the aforementioned springs. Accord More
        Sabzab and Bibitalkhone Karst springs are the main discharging points of the Kamarun and Pabdeh karstic anticlines (Asmari dolomite and limestone) in Khuzestan province. The exposed surface of both anticlines are not sufficient to feed the aforementioned springs. According to the general water balance estimation and the discharge hydrographs of springs, there are important water resources in the region (including the Shahid Abbaspour dam reservoir as well as the Shirgun anticline in the vicinity of the host anticlines of springs) which could contribute in feeding the springs. All of water resources in the target (discharge) and the recharge area were sampled during two rainy (February 2013) and dry (July 2013) periods. The origin of the spring's waters in the target area evaluated using these isotope data, as well as the local meteoric water line (LMWL) in the study area. The average elevation of the recharge area and the probable recharge fraction from the water bodies resources in the region estimated for the springs. The results show that the recharge area elevation of the springs in the target area corresponds to the recharge area elevation in the neighboring karstic anticline. It was also revealed that the Shahid Abbaspour dam reservoir participate in recharging the Sabzab spring. However, the volume of input water from the dam reservoir in comparsion to Shirgun karstic catchment is not considerable. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Structural controls on the hydrogeochemistry of Azarshahr travertine springs, NW Iran
        Karim Taghipour Mohammad Mahdi Khatib Mahmod Rez Heyhata Abdol Rez Vaezihir Esmail Shabanian
        Travertine deposits in Azarshahr, NW Iran, are one of the most extensive travertine deposits in the world. The process of travertine deposit is currently active in the several springs. It was used a multidisciplinary approach to determine the source of fluids and struct More
        Travertine deposits in Azarshahr, NW Iran, are one of the most extensive travertine deposits in the world. The process of travertine deposit is currently active in the several springs. It was used a multidisciplinary approach to determine the source of fluids and structural characteristics of travertine springs. Results of in-situ measurements and type of travertine deposits, demonstrate that the springs are of thermogenic type with hydrothermal sources. Hydrogeochemical diagrams and ionic ratios represent that the type of spring waters are calcium carbonate, with increased sodium and chloride ions levels due to mixing with brine waters. Geophysical studies showed that these brines originated from the Urmia Lake or related brines, which are intruded through fracture systems to relay zones of faults and mixed with hydrothermal bicarbonate-saturated fluids. This phenomenon shows that hydrochemistry of travertine springs are affected by Urmia Lake or related brines. Manuscript profile