• List of Articles پذيري

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Study of Urban Textures Vulnerability against the Earthquake Crises (Case study: Region 8 Municipality of Tabriz)
          Saber Abdollahzadegan
        One of the issues that most cities of the world are involved is natural disasters.The need to reduce vulnerability of cities against natural disasters such as earthquakes can be considered as one of the main objectives of urban planning and urban designing.Therefore, th More
        One of the issues that most cities of the world are involved is natural disasters.The need to reduce vulnerability of cities against natural disasters such as earthquakes can be considered as one of the main objectives of urban planning and urban designing.Therefore, the present study aims to identify the vulnerable pieces of district 8 of Tabriz against earthquake.In this study, 9 indicators of population density, building density, land usage, microlithicity, access to relief centers, open space, quality of materials, quality of buildings and distance from risk making centers were selected.Then, by the use of ANP method and combining the related criteria in GIS environment, vulnerability of the district 8 of Tabriz was investigated.The results showed that more than 43% of the parts of district 8 of Tabriz have high and very high vulnerability against earthquake that high vulnerability can be seen in old quarters due to the very narrow and dead-end passages, small and breakable parts, old buildings with less durable materials and neglected building privacies.According to the zoning map, about 15.84 percent had average vulnerability and 29.94 percent less vulnerability.Considering the vulnerability of the district, proper planning to organize the mentioned buildings is needed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - An Estimation of the Trend of City Horizontal Expansion within Seismic Faults and natural Risky Regions and its Consequences (Case Study: Saqqez county in Kurdistan province)
          abdolah tayari   Mohammad Ali Salari Kamangar
        A review on different research about human habitats indicates that geology structure and environmental characteristics have affected city establishment and dwelling selection. With this in mind, the place of establishment (plains, foothills, so an) of a greater part of More
        A review on different research about human habitats indicates that geology structure and environmental characteristics have affected city establishment and dwelling selection. With this in mind, the place of establishment (plains, foothills, so an) of a greater part of human habitats generally and urban habitats specifically has encountered such phenomena as quakes, landslides due to its relative proximity with the faults. The occurrence of numerous earthquakes in different places of the country within recent decades and their negative consequences especially on urban centers is a clear proof to this argument. Saqqez city in Kurdistan province due to its location with the proximity of many faults (Saqqez river faults, Valikhan river, Sonata and so an) is one of the places that from one hand the natural sea-bed features of its location has caused the possibility of accessibility to this property. From another perspective the horizontal expansion of the city in direction of above-mentioned faults has increased the accessibility. Now this writing tries to investigate the horizontal and physical development of the city in wake of quakes. For this respect, by using Topography – digitally maps and geology at the scale of 1:250000 and by using geographic information systems including Arc GIS and Arc view soft ware's and historical seismographic data , the isoseismic curve maps and expanse measurement of quake risk have been delineated. The results of the research hold that in accordance with seismography map and examining the quake occurrence timing in the region, there is a higher possibility of earthquakes in Saqqez. Most importantly, the city has been developing hastily towards unstable heights and minor faults in western and northern parts. An accordingly editing strategic and essential measure in the course of reducing quake risks by optimum orientation towards horizontal expansion is absolutely crucial. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Development of Iranian Myths Based on Pishdadi and Kiyani Myths
        محمدتقي  راشد محصل مرتضي  تهامي
        The Iranian myths are explained in the form of creation of Twelve Thousand Zoroastrian or Nine Thousand Zarwani. The main characteristic of these myths is the dualism and limitation of the universe. The Pishdadi Dynasty and Kiyani Dynasty cover a part of this Creation P More
        The Iranian myths are explained in the form of creation of Twelve Thousand Zoroastrian or Nine Thousand Zarwani. The main characteristic of these myths is the dualism and limitation of the universe. The Pishdadi Dynasty and Kiyani Dynasty cover a part of this Creation Period. The foundation of thought and belief in the existence of demons and fairies on the one hand and the appearance of tyrannical men such as Zahak and Afrasiyab on the other hand takes place in these two fictional periods. The magnificence and glory of Iran and the significance of kingdom also count as the main characteristics of this mythical period. The promotion of mankind (kings, heroes) and taking the place of gods are the other considerable features observed in these myths. Furthermore, one should not forget that the Iranian myths were affected by the myths and cultures and civilizations of neighboring regions (Mesopotamia, Greece, regional area of Indus). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        Ahmad razi
        The poets of persian literature, from beginning up to now have recited many pure and prominent poems in prais of Imam Ali. All these praises indicate the multi dimentions of unique personality of Imam Ali and fascination of peots toward him. With a little consideration More
        The poets of persian literature, from beginning up to now have recited many pure and prominent poems in prais of Imam Ali. All these praises indicate the multi dimentions of unique personality of Imam Ali and fascination of peots toward him. With a little consideration in the works of peots, we come to knowing that they did not only praised the Imam, rather they made Imam's words as their own thoughts and works backing and support of their literal accuracy. They mixed it with their gentle expression and used it in their subject matter makings and portraitings. In this article, the fields, history and the way of being affected with Imam Ali's words, is being studied. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigation The Alignment of moral values and organizational communication (Case of Study: Infrastructure communication co.)
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the alignment of moral values and organizational communication that the study was conducted in Telecommunication Infrastructure Company. Since no study has been done on the alignment of moral values and organizational communication More
        The aim of this study was to evaluate the alignment of moral values and organizational communication that the study was conducted in Telecommunication Infrastructure Company. Since no study has been done on the alignment of moral values and organizational communication ، This study could reveal alignment moral values with organizational communication. Statistical Society is Managers and employees of Telecommunication Infrastructure Company، which according to the sample of 284 people were selected for sampling. The research method is survey. Data were collected through questionnaires and The research questionnaires، including questionnaires Hunt et al (1989)، Syngapkdy et al. (1996) and residents (1394) is used. The validity of the questionnaire was given to a number of specialists and senior managers and reached to confirm them and The Reliability of SPSS software through Cronbach test of reliability was demonstrated. The findings also showed، In the official relations only component in the ethical values of responsibility creates a direct and significant relationship and In informal relations components of commitment، fairness، responsibility and participation in a direct and significant relationship creates moral values and It was determined by regression analysis ، There is a alignment moral values and organizational communication Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigation the Effect of Intellectual Property Rights on Export
        Abolfazll Shahabadi Farimah Rahimi
        Different levels of knowledge and technology among countries play a key role in describing the development gap between them. Hardware-based technology comprises equipment and machinery and software-based technology is an outcome of human intellect. The latter is protect More
        Different levels of knowledge and technology among countries play a key role in describing the development gap between them. Hardware-based technology comprises equipment and machinery and software-based technology is an outcome of human intellect. The latter is protected by intellectual property rights. Protection of patents and inventions within the intellectual property framework plays a significant role in trade development of countries; because new ideas that their properties have been protected can create or strengthen competitive advantages. In this paper, we investigated 0the effect of protection of intellectual property rights on the export of Group 15 member countries during 1995-2007. The index of patent applications is used as an indicator of the level of protection of intellectual property rights. The effect of protection of property rights to export has been surveyed directly and through other variables such as GDP, foreign direct investments and Research and development expenditures. The results indicate that extensive protection of intellectual property rights in the domain of common needs for Group 15 members will provide suitable conditions for increased investment in R&D activities, foreign direct investment, competitiveness power and increasing the exports, especially high-tech exports, if the conditions for application of this patent is provided, then the protection of property rights will be effective on the export, directly of through other variables. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Competitiveness Assessment of OPEC Member: with an Emphasis on Innovation-driven Componets
        Abolfazll Shahabadi Hamed Sadeghi
        Competitiveness is an issue that in recent decade has shifted the attention of many researchers and policymakers to its side. In today's world of expanding globalization, countries are employing all their efforts and use all of their capacities to be able to gain more s More
        Competitiveness is an issue that in recent decade has shifted the attention of many researchers and policymakers to its side. In today's world of expanding globalization, countries are employing all their efforts and use all of their capacities to be able to gain more shares of international markets by improving the competitiveness. Among the factors that increase the competitiveness of the countries, the basic needs indicators, efficiency-driven and innovation-driven can be noted that all of them have been considered in Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum as one of the most reliable sources of competitiveness at the national level. In this paper, we try to investigate the status of overall index of competitiveness and innovation and basic factors influencing the competitiveness among OPEC members according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011. The results show that the state of competitiveness among countries is not so appropriate, also it should be noted that their competitive power is largely dependent on infrastructure and macroeconomic environment which themselves function from oil exports and foreign exchange revenues. Beside, the innovation components of their competitiveness are poor. Thus, it should be noted that the economic decision- makers in these countries are recommended to push their competitive power toward relying on innovation-driven components which have more flexibility and seek higher value-added for them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Effective factors on Innovativeness of Telecommunication in transition towards mobile broadband (MBB); case study mobile industries of Iran
        Bita Kamali Hojatollah Hajhoseini Mahdi Elyasi
        This paper aims to investigate the factors affecting the innovativeness of the telecommunications in transition towards mobile broadband. The methodology is qualitative through a case study approach. Since telecom is one of the key industries in terms of economy and tec More
        This paper aims to investigate the factors affecting the innovativeness of the telecommunications in transition towards mobile broadband. The methodology is qualitative through a case study approach. Since telecom is one of the key industries in terms of economy and technology It can be a driving force behind many of other high-tech industries, The findings of this study may applies for telecommunication industry in general and mobile operators in particular. first a literature review discusses the importance of innovation in the industry And then the factors affecting the innovation modelized within a conceptual framework that includes internal factors such as, 1) the structure of the value chain 2) business model, 3) integration and organizational side, and 4) integration technology (between old and new equipment), and external factors includes, 1) the adoption of technology by the market and 2) regulatory. In order to validate the proposed model, a set of interviews with industry experts has been deployed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Philosophical Psychology in Islamic Kalam in the Sixth and Seventh Hijri Centuries
        Akbar  Faydei Sohrab  Haqiqat
        The philosophical psychology of Muslim thinkers in the sixth and seventh centuries (AH) was influenced by Ibn Sina’s discussions of the soul. However, the difference was that Ibn Sina tried to demonstrate only the immateriality of the rational faculty. Nevertheless, aft More
        The philosophical psychology of Muslim thinkers in the sixth and seventh centuries (AH) was influenced by Ibn Sina’s discussions of the soul. However, the difference was that Ibn Sina tried to demonstrate only the immateriality of the rational faculty. Nevertheless, after him, some thinkers focused on interpreting the immateriality of all levels of perception in the soul. Following Ibn Sina, Nasir al-Din Tusi considered the rational soul to be a substance separate from matter as well as a simple and spiritually originated entity which, in the course of its development enjoys an administrative relation to the body. Based on the belief in the concomitance of immateriality and immortality, Tusi demonstrated the immateriality of all the perceptive levels and subsistence of rational souls by employing solid intellectual arguments. He also believes that the soul and body affect each other, and neither the corruption of the body nor any other factor can cause the annihilation of the simple and immaterial rational soul. However, Fakhr al-Din Razi has a dual theory of the nature of the soul and its relationship with the body. Sometimes, like Islamic philosophers, he views the soul as an immaterial substance drawing on Ibn Sina’s arguments in order to demonstrate its immateriality and, sometimes, like most Islamic mutakallimun, he introduces the soul as a subtle entity which dominates the body in the light of the power of Almighty God. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Man’s Intellectual and Intuitive Knowledge of the One and the One’s Knowledge of Himself and other than Himself in Plotinus’ Philosophy
        Asadullah  Heydarpour Kiya’i
        The present paper explores whether, based on Plotinus’ view, man can have a demonstrative and inferential knowledge of the One. It also tries to provide answers to the questions of whether he can describe and explain Him, whether he is capable of having an intuitive and More
        The present paper explores whether, based on Plotinus’ view, man can have a demonstrative and inferential knowledge of the One. It also tries to provide answers to the questions of whether he can describe and explain Him, whether he is capable of having an intuitive and presential knowledge of the One, what kind of knowledge the One has of Himself, and, finally, whether this knowledge is of an intellectual demonstrative nature or of an intellectual-intuitive type. Plotinus believes that man is not capable of attaining a theoretical concept and intellectual-demonstrative knowledge of the One. Therefore, he cannot provide a description and explanation for Him. Nevertheless, he will be able to have intuitive knowledge and presential knowledge of the One under certain conditions. In this case, he will become one with the One in some way. Demonstrative thinking, which is concomitant with plurality in its essence, has no way into the essentially simple and pure One. Accordingly, He is intuitively self-conscious, and since He is the Origin of everything, and since everything is present in Him, He is aware of other than Himself in the same way that He is aware of Himself. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - A Study of the Concomitants of the Psychological Aspect of the Theory of Ideas: Controversy in Mulls Sadra’s Defense of Ideas
        Ali  Shirvani Fatemeh  Razizade
        The theory of Ideas is one of the important philosophical theories which has influenced the views of most philosophers in various periods, and many of them have confirmed or rejected it. The majority of Muslim philosophers have also had to investigate this theory and fi More
        The theory of Ideas is one of the important philosophical theories which has influenced the views of most philosophers in various periods, and many of them have confirmed or rejected it. The majority of Muslim philosophers have also had to investigate this theory and finally accept it in general. However, they have often interpreted it within the framework of their own philosophical system. Mulla Sadra believes that he has presented an interpretation of the theory of Ideas based on his own philosophical principles which is completely compatible with Plato’s intention. The question is, given the fact that the theory of Ideas is inconsistent with Mulla Sadra’s philosophical principles from many aspects, such as those related to his psychology, was his philosophical endeavor successful? The present research aims to provide an answer to this question through analyzing and exploring the psychological concomitants arising from this theory. Here, after a thorough investigation of the psychological dimensions and concomitants of this theory and explaining Mulla Sadra’s view and defense in this regard, the writers portray the inconsistencies between the psychological principles of the Transcendent Philosophy and the concomitants of the Platonic theory of Ideas while providing a general explanation of Sadrian psychology. Following this, they question Mulla Sadra’s strict defense of this theory. Finally, they conclude that Plato’s belief in the pre-eternity of the soul, his theory of reminiscence of knowledge, and the restriction of his psychology to rational immateriality and its separation from corporeal body, versus Mulla Sadra’s theory of the corporeal origination of the soul and his belief in the acquisition of knowledge and the copulative existence of the soul are among the most important differences between the philosophical schools of these two philosophers. As a result, any attempt to reconcile their views with each other would be futile. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - An Analysis of the Efficiency of the Theory of Coining Words for the Spirits of Meaning
        Abdollah Mirahmadi Mona Amanipoor
        One of the useful views regarding the expansibility of meaning in the Qur’an is rooted in the theory of “coining words for spirits of meaning”. This view originates in a gnostic principle based on which the vertical levels of the meanings of words have a single spirit t More
        One of the useful views regarding the expansibility of meaning in the Qur’an is rooted in the theory of “coining words for spirits of meaning”. This view originates in a gnostic principle based on which the vertical levels of the meanings of words have a single spirit that applies to all referents in the real sense of the word. Through expanding sensible and material concepts to meta-gnostic meanings, the advocates of the principle of the spirit of meaning maintain that the features originated in the referents of words cannot affect the real meaning because the signified objects of words are general. Accordingly, the truth of words can be applied to all levels of meaning from the level of hidden truth to a lower level which is comprehensible to all. The followers of this theory consider “expanded concept” to be a level of word meaning without rejecting the common understanding of the lexical meanings of words. In this paper, the writers have examined the defects of the theory of the spirit of meaning through an accurate analysis of its nature and extracting its principles from the various interpretations provided by its advocates. The disagreement with predicating predicate adjectives on metaphoric expressions, concentration on objective affairs in word semantics, and lack of attention to new linguistic views are among the most important defects of this theory. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - مدلسازي مديريت ريسک در فرآيند سرمايه¬گذاري با استفاده از يک الگوريتم ابتکاري
      • Open Access Article

        14 - طراحي مــدل مــعادلات ساختاري عوامل رقابت پذيري شرکت هاي بيمه
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Analyzing the effectiveness and ranking engineering changes for complex engineered systems viability improvement
        مالک طهوری جعفر قیدرخلجانی Mohammad Hussein Karimi gavareshki
        Viability is one of the non-functional requirements in the complex engineered systems literature which is uses for assessing the ability of complex engineered systems under uncertainty. Usually in the earlier phase of systems design and development, systems stakeholders More
        Viability is one of the non-functional requirements in the complex engineered systems literature which is uses for assessing the ability of complex engineered systems under uncertainty. Usually in the earlier phase of systems design and development, systems stakeholders have the request for increased value of viability and for this mean, system engineers propose several engineering changes. The main problem here is the lack of a method for analyzing the effectiveness of these engineering changes and also ranking them based on different criteria such as cost, time and risk. For promoting this gap, in this paper we propose a 11 step model for analyzing the effectiveness and also ranking the engineering changes for increasing systems viability with the use of Monte Carlo and Electre methods. The applicability of the model is shown by using illustrative example of space system datas Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - The Effect of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Performance and Competitiveness in a Chadormaloo Iron Ore Mine
        seyyed morteza ghayour niloofar nejati yazdi nejad amir ghafourian shagerdi
        Because green practices are very common in industrial environments and have affected on performance.The present study investigates the effect of green supply chain management measures on performance and competitiveness in Chadormelo iron ore mine. This research is appl More
        Because green practices are very common in industrial environments and have affected on performance.The present study investigates the effect of green supply chain management measures on performance and competitiveness in Chadormelo iron ore mine. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of analytical method. The statistical population of this study is the managers and organizational experts of Chadormelo Iron Ore Company (317 people), of which 180 people were selected as a sample by simple random sampling method.Data collection tools were a localized questionnaire based on the research of Yang et al. (2013) and Younes et al. (2016).The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the validity criterion and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient.Structural equation modeling and PLS software were used to analyze the data.The test of research hypotheses with the help of structural equation modeling showed that internal measures and external collaborations of green supply chain management are related to green performance and competitiveness of the company.Also, the relationship between both green supply chain management departments and the company's social performance was confirmed.On the other hand, the relationship between competitiveness and corporate social performance was positive and significant.In addition, the mediating role of competitiveness in the relationship between green supply chain management and social performance was only confirmed in terms of internal measures and external participation.Finally, it can be said that internal measures and external partnerships of green supply chain management in Chadormelo Company strengthen the company's social performance. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Analyzing Weighted Attack Graphs Using Genetic Algorithms
        M. Abadi Saeed Jalili
        Each attack graph represents a collection of possible attack scenarios in a computer network. In this paper, we use weighted attack graphs (WAGs) for vulnerability assessment of computer networks. In these directed graphs, a weight is assigned to each exploit by the sec More
        Each attack graph represents a collection of possible attack scenarios in a computer network. In this paper, we use weighted attack graphs (WAGs) for vulnerability assessment of computer networks. In these directed graphs, a weight is assigned to each exploit by the security analyst. The weight of an exploit is proportionate to the cost required to prevent that exploit. The aim of analyzing a weighted attack graph is to find a critical set of exploits such that the sum of their weights is minimum and by preventing them no attack scenario is possible. In this paper, we propose a greedy algorithm, a genetic algorithm with a greedy mutation operator, and a genetic algorithm with a dynamic fitness function for analyzing the weighted attack graphs. The proposed algorithms are used to analyze a sample weighted attack graph and several randomly generated large-scale weighted attack graphs. The results of experiments show that the proposed genetic algorithms outperform the greedy algorithm and find a critical set of exploits with less total weight. Finally, we compare the performance of the second genetic algorithm with an approximation algorithm for analyzing several randomly generated large-scale simple attack graphs. The results of experiments show that our proposed genetic algorithm has better performance than the approximation algorithm and finds a critical set of exploits with less cardinality. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Modeling, Assessment and Improvement of Demand and Supply Side Uncertainties in Long-term Dynamics of Power Markets
        E. Khorram H. Seifi Mohammad Kazem Sheikh El Eslami
        In this paper, the long-term dynamics of an electricity market is modeled, considering the load uncertainty. Moreover, the generation side uncertainties, including the uncertainties of the generators availabilities, the hydro generations and the wind generations are obs More
        In this paper, the long-term dynamics of an electricity market is modeled, considering the load uncertainty. Moreover, the generation side uncertainties, including the uncertainties of the generators availabilities, the hydro generations and the wind generations are observed. The problem is analyzed by the System Dynamics (SD) method. Also, the effects of capacity payment on power market dynamics, with and without uncertainties, are modeled and analyzed. The simulation results show how the uncertainties may affect the long-term behavior of a power market. Moreover, it is shown how the effect of uncertainties on market dynamics, may be improved through capacity payment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Outage Power Cost Calculation and Optimal Interruption Allocation to the Customers
        Mahdi Khajeh Rezaei Gh. yousefi   Ebrahim Shayesteh
        In power systems operation, interruptions occur due to various reasons such as faults and inadequacy of generation. Load shedding allocation with respect to operation costs and security, customers’ type and their behavior is the main challenge of this paper. In this res More
        In power systems operation, interruptions occur due to various reasons such as faults and inadequacy of generation. Load shedding allocation with respect to operation costs and security, customers’ type and their behavior is the main challenge of this paper. In this research a new procedure for load shedding allocation with respect to the “load shedding history” of each customer is presented. In this research a new coefficient, called endurance coefficient, is introduced. The customers declare their dependency to electricity via sending their endurance coefficients to the power system operator (ISO).A new method is proposed in this paper in which the customers get paid according to the mentioned coefficient, if load shedding occurs. For validation of the proposed method, different scenarios on IEEE RTS 24-bus test grid is studied and numerical results show effectiveness of the proposed method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - Consolidation Behavior and Geotechnical Parameters of Oil Contaminated Kaolinite Clay
        mohammadreza khosravi امیر حمیدی
        Abstract The pollution of soil and underground water with organic and toxic materials is a common environmental problem and oil is one of the most important of them. In the present study, consolidation behavior of clay contaminated with gas oil and kerosene has been More
        Abstract The pollution of soil and underground water with organic and toxic materials is a common environmental problem and oil is one of the most important of them. In the present study, consolidation behavior of clay contaminated with gas oil and kerosene has been investigated. The main objective was to determine the parameters associated with the value and rate of settlement of contaminated soil. Influence of various test parameters such as degree of contamination, contaminant type and density of samples were investigated on the consolidation behavior of kaolinite clay. Results show that by increasing the degree of contamination, Compressibility of soil increases while the consolidation coefficient and the permeability coefficient decrease. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Investigating the effect of Servicescape on Customer Dysfunction Behaviors respect to the Moderating Role ‎ of Customer Vulnerability
        Alireza Rajabipoor Roghaye  Quchani Maryam Ahmadi Zahrani
        The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of servicescape on dysfunctional customer behavior‎ with respect to the moderating role was customer vulnerability in restaurants in Yazd. The statistical population in the present study is the customers of a collectio More
        The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of servicescape on dysfunctional customer behavior‎ with respect to the moderating role was customer vulnerability in restaurants in Yazd. The statistical population in the present study is the customers of a collection of selected restaurants in Yazd in 1399. The sample size of 250 participants was considered and selected by the available sampling method. Measurement tools were standard questionnaires. The results related to the direct effects of the components of the servicescape with the customer vulnerability showed the direct paths of the layout and design component to the vulnerability and the direct path of the restaurant's interior component to be significant. The results related to indirect effects showed that the indirect path of the layout and design component to the customer dysfunction behaviors ‎ is significant due to the mediating role of vulnerability, but the indirect path of the exterior environment component to the customer dysfunction behaviors is not significant due to the mediating role of vulnerability. The results related to the moderating effects of customer vulnerability in predicting customer dysfunction behaviors‎ concerning environmental components with customer dysfunction behaviors ‎are not significant. it can be said that the servicescape leads to customer satisfaction with the services received and at the same time can reduce the vulnerability that is caused by the loss of well-being in receiving services and the satisfaction that reduces the sense of loss of well-being can lead to a reduction in customer dysfunction behaviors. Manuscript profile
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        22 - A Survey on Computer Security Patterns and Proposing a New Perspective
        Hadi sadjadi Reza Kalantari
        In this article, at the beginning, the use of computer security models and its benefits are discussed in a new way. Then, while briefly introducing the space of computer security encounters in the form of ontology, three perspectives in the study of patterns in this fie More
        In this article, at the beginning, the use of computer security models and its benefits are discussed in a new way. Then, while briefly introducing the space of computer security encounters in the form of ontology, three perspectives in the study of patterns in this field have been identified and distinguished from each other. These three perspectives are secure models, security models, and the framework and system to security models. The first and last perspectives are briefly explained and the second perspective is studied in detail from the perspective of the organization of patterns, including the five types of organization. The five types mentioned include software-based lifecycle organization, logical-level organization-based organization, threat-based classification-based organization, attack-based classification-based organization, and application-based organization. In this type of introduction of patterns, the audience acquires a comprehensive view of the discourse of computer security patterns and acquires the necessary knowledge to make better use of these patterns. Finally, the analysis and idea of this research are presented in the form of introducing a new type of organization in order to facilitate the proper use and addressing of patterns. It is stated that the existing categories are mostly static and forward-looking and do not have the necessary dynamism and backwardness, and the idea of covering all stakeholders and security ontology can have this feature and, include agile patterns as well. Based on this idea and related analyzes, the atmosphere of future research activities will be revealed to the audience. Manuscript profile