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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Placement and Performance Analysis of UPFC in Restructured Power Systems
        a.k. abrishami A. Yazdian Varjani H. Seifi
        In this paper a new steady state modeling of unified power flow controller (UPFC) is proposed. Using this model, factors that affect the objective function of electricity market as a result of UPFC installation in power grid has been decomposed into four components, inc More
        In this paper a new steady state modeling of unified power flow controller (UPFC) is proposed. Using this model, factors that affect the objective function of electricity market as a result of UPFC installation in power grid has been decomposed into four components, including line series impedance increase, shunt reactive power compensation, in-phase component of series voltage and quadrature component of series voltage. An UPFC has been placed in different points of a test system and impact of each component on objective function of electricity market has been measured by simulation and compared with results from analytical method. Both active and reactive locational marginal prices are calculated and their relation with settings of UPFC series part has been studied. Manuscript profile