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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Explaining an Enduring indicators of Iranian vernacular housing using Grounded theory
        marjaneh najarnejad khosrow afzalian Mahdi Sheybani seyed moslem seyed alhosseini
        Today, by vanishing of vernacularism from Iranian houses, buildings can be seen that are far from the traditional and vernacular values of housing and thus, the vernacular values in housing have been ignord. On the other hand, housing and residential areas, as an import More
        Today, by vanishing of vernacularism from Iranian houses, buildings can be seen that are far from the traditional and vernacular values of housing and thus, the vernacular values in housing have been ignord. On the other hand, housing and residential areas, as an important subject of architecture related to humans, must meet the various needs of human beings.Therefore, the present qualitative research, recognizing the sensitivity of the housing issue and the quality degradation of contemporary housing, considers the necessity of paying attention in this field based on the conceptual values considered in indigenous architecture. And the Grounded theory has been done with the aim of presenting vernacular indicators in housing using the Glaser approach. This applied research is a descriptive-analytical method using documentary and library studies. For this purpose, the critical points of the definitions of “experts familiar with the vernacular field” are purposefully selected and the data are analyzed simultaneously using MAXQDA10 software as a set of open, selective and theoretical codings and Enduring indicators in the vernacular housing architecture of Iran were introduced.The results and findings show in a comparative way there is a significant relationship between the adapted concepts of vernacular and traditional architecture and some traditional conceptual indicators, or in other words: a positive correlation .Accordingly, by matching traditional ideas with vernacular concepts and matching the two with traditional indicators , enduring vernacular indicators were achieved. Also, according to their definitions and functions, vernacular architectural concepts were classified into four main dimensions: contextual, Causal conceptual, Causal behavioral, and symbolic. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Indigenous Architecture in the Sustainable Design of Rural Settlements (Case Study: Venan and Kohandan villages in Qom)
        Mohsen golriz seyyed ehsan mousavi
        <p>Unlike many contemporary urban constructions that have lost their Iranian identity and are developed without consideration for cultural values and principles of sustainable and Iranian architecture. Still in the villages of Iran, due to its high age and Valuable text More
        <p>Unlike many contemporary urban constructions that have lost their Iranian identity and are developed without consideration for cultural values and principles of sustainable and Iranian architecture. Still in the villages of Iran, due to its high age and Valuable texture, a proportionate and homogeneous collection can be observed, in which the connections, functions and roles of the spaces in housing encompass a proportionate socio-economic and cultural system. The villages of Venan and Kohandan Baft are relatively valuable in terms of native architecture and worthy of study, with the existing types of rural housing in this article being among the examples examined in this research. In this study, the villages have been studied in terms of settlement, appearance, landscape, texture, and housing, and they have been analyzed from two perspectives: the assessment of the climatic pattern and the assessment of the spatial-functional pattern. In this research, since the characteristics of the village need to be examined, a qualitative method is used to describe the data and examine a case study, and an analytical method is used to draw conclusions from the collected data. Furthermore, the method of collecting information involves using library sources to gather basic information, followed by field studies through visiting and observing the village sites.</p> Manuscript profile