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        1 - Benchmarking the Design and Implement Approaches for Knowledge Management
        Mohammadreza Hamidi zadeh
        To reach bright diagnosis from others, experiences and alternatives is not only the way to familiar with guidelines of future plans, but although it is a fine policy to learn from doing, processes, methods and techniques along with weaknesses and strengths coming from d More
        To reach bright diagnosis from others, experiences and alternatives is not only the way to familiar with guidelines of future plans, but although it is a fine policy to learn from doing, processes, methods and techniques along with weaknesses and strengths coming from design and implement K.M. The papers objective is to show how to gather and represent K.Ms firm & how to use them for K.M.S. Different paradigms to be used to analysis K.M. based on benchmarking because utilizing them for Iranians firm is very important theme. The outlines of the paper based on strategic priorities and management commitment by survey different cases to catch fine intuition from individual K. and org.K. . K.M. principles, implement alternatives, gather, present, disseminate and measure KM, K. Environment explanation for formatting K. types and sources. The papers approaches extended on benching firms procedures about them. Manuscript profile