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        1 - Jewish behavioral characteristics and field performance in contemporary Arab stories (a Case Study Dom Lefatier Sahion Hare Al-yahod and Rabi Har)
        Ebrahim Barzegar ardashir sadraldini mostafa yegani
        Reflecting on today's Arab fiction literature, we find many fictional works influenced by the war between Arab Muslims and Sionism, and the authors of these works were directly or indirectly influenced by this phenomenon to introduce the real face of the usurper Jewish More
        Reflecting on today's Arab fiction literature, we find many fictional works influenced by the war between Arab Muslims and Sionism, and the authors of these works were directly or indirectly influenced by this phenomenon to introduce the real face of the usurper Jewish to the world. The Jewish people, with their special characteristics, have been introduced as the worst enemy of Islam, and no one can confront Muslims as stubbornly as he does. The current research, which was written in a descriptive-analytical way, with the aim of introducing the face of the Jew in the novels of Elihud Dom Lefatier Sahion Hare Al-yahod, Rabi Har, the findings indicate that in both novels, they talk about historical events in their works and using their capacities Fiction is a lasting narrative of the facts, and they have used all the components and narrative as a sign to explain their beliefs and ideology, so that the real image of the Jews is clarified. In these novels, it clarifies the background in which martyrdom operation begins and answers the questions raised in the international arena about resistance, martyrdom and what the West calls terrorism. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Editor's Note
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        در ایامی نزدیک که گذشت واقعه‌یی شگفت ‌و تاریخی روی داد که همه جهانیان را به ستایش و تحسین وادار نمود. در این رویداد، که به آن «طوفان الاقصی» نام دادند، رزمندگان شیردل و شهادت‌طلب غزه در یک حملۀ نظامی و اطلاعاتی، به قلمرو صهیونیستها نفوذ کرده و ضمن رساندن آسیبهای نظامی س More
        در ایامی نزدیک که گذشت واقعه‌یی شگفت ‌و تاریخی روی داد که همه جهانیان را به ستایش و تحسین وادار نمود. در این رویداد، که به آن «طوفان الاقصی» نام دادند، رزمندگان شیردل و شهادت‌طلب غزه در یک حملۀ نظامی و اطلاعاتی، به قلمرو صهیونیستها نفوذ کرده و ضمن رساندن آسیبهای نظامی سنگین، چندین اسیر نیز از آنان گرفتند. دولت صهیونیستی برای رهایی از این فضاحت تاریخیِ نظامی و سیاسی، که ضعف همه‌جانبۀ آنان را ـ‌برغم ادعای برترین بودن در منطقه‌ـ افشاء و بافت تار عنکبوتی آنان را آشکار میکرد، از آن زمان، همه‌روزه وحشیانه‌ترین حملات نظامی خود را از هوا و زمین به مردم مظلوم غزه، بویژه به کودکان و زنان و بیمارستانها و معابد مسلمان و مسیحی وارد مینماید، که نه فقط شکست او را جبران نمیکند بلکه بیشتر از پیش، او را ناتوان و پست معرفی مینماید. عمق خشونت حملات این دولت خبیث باندازه‌یی است که عواطف همۀ ملتها، حتی ملل امریکائی و اروپائی را هم متأثر ساخته و در همۀ این کشورها، بیشتر ایام تظاهرات همدردی با فلسطینیان در شهرها برپاست، و خشم جهانی را بر ضد خود برانگیخته است. این وقایع از نظر و تجربۀ تاریخی و سنن الهی نشانۀ نابودی حکومت صهیونیستی معروف به اسرائیل و نصرت و پیروزی مستضعفان فلسطینی سرزمین غزه و سرزمینهای غصبی آنجاست، همچنانکه قرآن مجید مکرر این سنت الهی را بیان نموده است. قانون دستگاه آفرینش نشان داده که هیچ ستم و ستمگری دوام نمی‌آورد و پایان کار آن نابودی و ننگ در تاریخ است؛ سنت الهی اثبات میکند که سرنوشت مردم مستضعف بدست خود آنهاست و اگر به پا خیزند و ستم‌پذیر نباشند و بدنبال رهایی از ستم و آزادی و شکستن بندهای بردگی قیام کنند، یاری خداوند و نصرت او به سراغشان خواهد آمد و آنان را نجات خواهد داد. «وَسَیَعلم الذین ظلموا اَیَّ مُنقَلب یَنقلبون» (شعراء/ 227). Manuscript profile
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        3 - apartheid; An example of violation of the rule of prohibition of discrimination. Focusing on moral values and looking at the Palestinian issue
        Fatemeh  Beigi Mirazizi Sattar  Azizi Farid  Azad Bakht Mohammad Javad  Jafari
        Discrimination is known as an international crime, the prohibition of which is a mandatory rule in international law and is a necessity in order to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and guarantee his dignity and even in some cases to maintain international p More
        Discrimination is known as an international crime, the prohibition of which is a mandatory rule in international law and is a necessity in order to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and guarantee his dignity and even in some cases to maintain international peace and security. Therefore, the principle of prohibition of discrimination has a prominent role in the international human rights system. The Geneva Quadrilateral Conventions of 1949 and the Additional Protocols of 1977 contain provisions that expressly prohibit "adverse discrimination" against persons affected by armed conflict and occupation, and require equal treatment between certain categories of persons, such as the sick, and this is the first step in considering Making apartheid a war crime. After this first step, the human suffering caused by the political ideology of apartheid in South Africa during 1948 to 1994, which drew global condemnation and a variety of diplomatic and legal responses, led to the adoption of the Apartheid Convention in 1973 as a crime against humanity. And also, war crime became the first in Article 85 (4) (c) of the Additional Protocol. These international reactions did not stop even after the end of the apartheid era, and in 1998, apartheid was included as an example of war crime in the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Furthermore, paragraph 1 of Article 86 AP I, which obliges parties to suppress serious violations of the Protocol, ensures that apartheid is included as a war crime in the domestic criminal laws of many countries, and the destruction of apartheid in South Africa will not change this. In fact, it is the increasing (but debatable)use of the term apartheid in laws that makes Israel's actions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories(OPT)cause or even increase individual criminal prosecution in this context. In other words, although the inclusion of the Apartheid Convention on Israel's actions faces challenges, there are no such restrictions regarding the provisions of API. Manuscript profile