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        1 - Interaction between Worship and Education with an Emphasis on the Educational and Moral Dimensions of Atonements Mentioned in the Holy Quran
        Mohsen  Malek Afzali Ardakani
        The issue of the influence of worship on the ethics and religious education of the servants of God is undeniable. That this interaction is realized in what areas of individual and social dimensions of devout human life is the subject that is considered in this article. More
        The issue of the influence of worship on the ethics and religious education of the servants of God is undeniable. That this interaction is realized in what areas of individual and social dimensions of devout human life is the subject that is considered in this article. The conceptualization and expression of the nature of atonements and their performance effect as a religious worship is another issue which has been considered by the method of description analysis of religious texts, especially Quran verses concerning atonements. This article assumes that there are numerous educational and moral effects on this worship – the performing of atonements. Finally, with the use of divine words, "the returning to Him", "the stability of the foundations of faith" and "the punishment and purity of the perpetrator of unlawful act through punishment", are of these effects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Principles and rules of Islamic educational jurisprudence in the scope of Teaching and learning
        esa bahrami Abbas Ali  Heydari mahmud ghayumzadeh
        The purpose if this study was to investigate the principles and rules of Islamic educational jurisprudence in the scope of teaching and learning. The research method was documentary-qualitative and the statistical population consisted of published documents in the field More
        The purpose if this study was to investigate the principles and rules of Islamic educational jurisprudence in the scope of teaching and learning. The research method was documentary-qualitative and the statistical population consisted of published documents in the field of education in Islam. Data has been collected by index cards of the library. Descriptive-analytical method was used to analyze the data. In this study, there were three hypotheses that were explained and analyzed. The results of the study show educational jurisprudence in connection with educational sciences provides a good basis for using the useful science because this link, in addition to determining the correctness and punishment of what has been learned, it determines its effects and blessings in the world and in the hereafter. Teaching and learning is not rich enough if it does not pay attention to its jurisprudential rules. Human doings have meaning when they are more compatible with divine and jurisprudential values. Since Educational jurisprudence and the rules of teaching and learning have common sources, they are correlated and interdependent. Their sources are the Holy Quran, narrations and the Prophetic tradition. Commitment to the rules of teaching and learning ensures the effectiveness of the education process in individual and social dimensions of life. Manuscript profile