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      • Open Access Article

        Alireza Fouladi
        This article is surveying two theories about persian mystical poem. One is the evolutionist theory, that believes, emergence of this kind of poem is the result of the evolution of Ascetic poem and the other, is the cohersivist theory which believes that there is coheren More
        This article is surveying two theories about persian mystical poem. One is the evolutionist theory, that believes, emergence of this kind of poem is the result of the evolution of Ascetic poem and the other, is the cohersivist theory which believes that there is coherent background for emerging mystical poem. Studying the backgrounds of persian mystical poem within non-mystical one, mystical Arabic and Persian prose, Arabic and Persian mystical poem made this writing as a field of expressing the theory of cohersivists. This discussion with introducing some of beginners of this type of peom will be ended. Manuscript profile