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        1 - Consistensy between Contractualism and Rule-Utilitarianism on Parfit and its valuation
        Seyed Taghi  Agha Miri Seyed Ahmad  Fazeli Mohsen  Javadi
        Utilitarianism and contractualism throughout its life have enjoyed a variety of readings in new and old societies among utilitarians and contractualists. The ancient utilitarians have different readings of classical and act-utilitarianism, and rule utilitarianism More
        Utilitarianism and contractualism throughout its life have enjoyed a variety of readings in new and old societies among utilitarians and contractualists. The ancient utilitarians have different readings of classical and act-utilitarianism, and rule utilitarianism treats the two differently. Parfit utilitarianism is not only different from other forms of utilitarianism, but also distinct from normative utilitarianism, rooted in the principles of general principles based on his rationality, objectivism, and anthropology. He has the same view of contractualism. Parfit says:A)Agreed general moral principles ,B)followed the rational principles that people agree on. Principles must be chosen that can be rationally formulated so that no one can easily dismiss it.This kind of contractualism wants to show, firstly, the existence of moral knowledge and, secondly, the objectivity of moral values and propositions by relying on rationality.Parfit tries to build utilitarianism and contractualism on the maximum of rationality. Manuscript profile