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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Mediating Role of Positive and Negative Affect in the Relationship between Meaning in Life and Mental Health
        Leila Mohammadi Mohammad Ali Besharat Mohammad Reza Rezazade Masoud Gholamali Lavasani
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of positive and negative affect in the relationship between meaning in life and mental health. The sample consisted of 337 students (153 males and 184 females) from University of Tehran at three levels: BA, More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of positive and negative affect in the relationship between meaning in life and mental health. The sample consisted of 337 students (153 males and 184 females) from University of Tehran at three levels: BA, MA and PHD. Participants are chosen by available sampling. The students answered the Crumbaugh Maholick (1964) Meaning of Life Questionnaire, Veit and Ware (1983) Mental Health Inventory and Watson et al (1988) Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. For analyzing data, we used some indexes such as Frequency, Percent, Standard deviation, Pearson correlation test and for proving the mediating role, we used Pathway analysis. The results showed a significant positive and negative relationship between meaning in life and psychological well-being as well as psychological distress. The Pathway analysis showed that positive and negative affect has mediating role in the relationship between meaning in life and mental health. According to the result, it can be concluded that, attention to meaning in life and improve it in students life lead to increasing positive affect and as a result can influence mental health and decrease expression of negative affect and psychological distress level. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Effectiveness of Anger Management Training based on Cognitive-Behavioral Approach on Parents' Aggression and Mental Health
        mohsen Shokoohi-Yekta
        The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the anger management program on parents’ mental health and aggression. The design of this study was quasi-experimental using single group with pretest-posttest. In this research anger management program w More
        The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the anger management program on parents’ mental health and aggression. The design of this study was quasi-experimental using single group with pretest-posttest. In this research anger management program was implemented for seven sessions, each session two hours per week on 77 parents who participated as volunteers. Data were collected utilizing Ahvaz Aggression Inventory (AAI), and Mental Health Inventory-28, (MHI-28) to assess parents' aggression and their mental health. Findings showed that the anger management program significantly reduced mean scores of all aggression subscales. In addition, mean scores of mental health subscales changed significantly in the desired direction. The anger management program can be effective in reducing aggression and promoting mental health among parents. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Legal Protections of Children Under 8 on Instagram
        Fatemeh  abdi
        Background and Aim: Children are one of the most vulnerable sections of the society and are exposed to all kinds of abuses due to the violation of their rights. Also, children's privacy in cyberspace is a very important issue. In this research, at first, the relationshi More
        Background and Aim: Children are one of the most vulnerable sections of the society and are exposed to all kinds of abuses due to the violation of their rights. Also, children's privacy in cyberspace is a very important issue. In this research, at first, the relationship between the publication of children's pictures on Instagram by parents and their privacy, and then the damage of publishing children's pictures on their personality, was discussed, and then the scope of legal protection of children's privacy on Instagram was examined. The purpose of this research is to address the necessity of legal protection of children's privacy in cyberspace in order to maintain their mental health in the future. Method: This research has been done using documents and library resources and descriptive-analytical method. Results: Cyberspace is a mixture of opportunities and threats. Today, a number of parents by violating some of their children's rights such as image rights, increase the number of followers on their Instagram page and thereby attract advertisements and generate income. Also, the findings indicate that there are significant legal gaps in the field of protecting children's privacy in cyberspace, which will cause serious damage to the various aspects of the children's personality in the future. Conclusion: Supporting children is necessary and unavoidable due to their unequal position when playing a role in cyber space. The advancement of technology and stepping into the digital age requires the establishment of protective laws and specific legal mechanisms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Comparative Study of Cognitive Assessment in Cognitive Psychology and Quran
        محمدرضا   ستوده نیا
        From the cognitive viewpoint, people’s psychological and physical health depends on how they view themselves and their universe. Given the prevalence of this view, the current research aims to consider how this notion is described in the Quran? The procedure in this wor More
        From the cognitive viewpoint, people’s psychological and physical health depends on how they view themselves and their universe. Given the prevalence of this view, the current research aims to consider how this notion is described in the Quran? The procedure in this work is descriptive (we collect data and information) on the basis of analyzing the concepts). We make an asymmetric comparison between Quran and the psychological data. The base of our work is considering keywords related to the subject. We collected information in libraries and used reliable sources like Quran interpretations and Hadiths. The findings showed that, from the point of view of the Quran, cognition is one of the major issues in anthropology and there are different words for describing it (such as Hikmat, Fiqh, Fikr, Nazar, Tadabbur, and so on). From the psychological viewpoint, self-analysis and knowing about our environment is enough, but in view of the Quran, this cognition is meaningful only in relation between humans and God, and the concept of logical and illogical thinking becomes clear only within the system of Tawhid (monotheism). Belief in Tawhid is right and logical and lack of belief in it results in psychological disorders. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Investigating Effectiveness of Contemplating the Quran on Mental Health
        mahdi esmaeili Mahdi Esmaeili mohsen rafikhah Zahra Naghizadeh
        The Holy Quran, as the Everlasting miracle of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is the best guide for humankind and, according to verse 89 of Surah al-Nahl “And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things…,” it is the clarification of all things and More
        The Holy Quran, as the Everlasting miracle of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is the best guide for humankind and, according to verse 89 of Surah al-Nahl “And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things…,” it is the clarification of all things and referring to it can solve many problems and meet many needs. One of the problems humankind has always, especially in recent times, been facing and the advancement of science and research has helped little to resolve, is mental health problems. Recently, thinkers and researchers have asserted that religion and faith play a major role in the mental health of individuals and society. How the Quran, as a source of major religious beliefs, guarantee one’s mental health and prevent individuals and society from suffering from mental and psychological pressures and harms? This paper, using a qualitative, descriptive library research method seeks to clarify the effectiveness of contemplating the verses of the Quran on enhancing mental health. It concludes that by reflection on the verses of the Quran, especially on such content and concepts in the verses as faith, Hijab, marriage and turning away from worldly things, supplications and prayers, one can reach good results in both preventing and curing mental health problems. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Predicting married women’s mental health based on quality of life components
        Mansor Beyrami soolmaz dehghani dowlat abadi
        Women's mental health can influence their other responsibilities, so the investigation of the role of mental health factors is considered as an important subject. The present study aimed to investigate the role of emotional components of quality of life in predicting th More
        Women's mental health can influence their other responsibilities, so the investigation of the role of mental health factors is considered as an important subject. The present study aimed to investigate the role of emotional components of quality of life in predicting the mental health of married women. This study was conducted with a correlational method. Therefore, using purposeful sampling, 240 individuals were selected from the population of Shiraz married women and tested in cyberspace using the SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire and the General Health Questionnaire – 28 (GHQ-28). Data were analyzed using multiple regression method (simultaneous model). Results showed that emotional components of quality of life had a significant relationship with mental health. Findings showed that the components of energy/fatigue, emotional well-being, and social functioning had a positive role in predicting the mental health of married women; and role dysfunction had a negative role due to lack of emotional health. Hence, it can be concluded that emotional well-being, happiness, and vitality of married women could play an important role in their mental health. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - The Relationship Between Adolescent Disobedience and Dependence on Social Networks virtual in the Family Environment (Case study: Secondary School Students of District 17 of Tehran)
        Tahmineh Shaverdi zeinab Maghferati Shamsabad
        The aim of this research is to analyze the disobedience of adolescents in the family environment based on addiction to virtual social networks among secondery school students of the 17th district of Tehran. The study method is survey and the statistical population is th More
        The aim of this research is to analyze the disobedience of adolescents in the family environment based on addiction to virtual social networks among secondery school students of the 17th district of Tehran. The study method is survey and the statistical population is the lower secondery school of the 17th district of Tehran. The sample size is 347 individuals selected using simple random sampling method based on Cochran's formula. The data collection tools consist of the Addiction to Social Networks questionnaire (Yang 1998) and the Adolescents' Disobedience questionnaire (Motamedi and colleagues 2021).The results of the Pearson correlation test showed that the relationship between daily activity disorder, family-social functioning, mental health, and self-control with adolescent disobedience is equal to 21%, 31%, 25%, and 25% respectively. Furthermore, regression model analyses showed that the impact of addiction to social networks on adolescent disobedience is 33%. Manuscript profile