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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Geomechanical zonation of the Faraghan, Zakeen and Sarchahan formations based on incorporation of rock mechanical and sedimentological studies, in one of the Persian Gulf oil fields
        Mehran Kalhori Hooshang Mehrabi Ebrahim Sefidari Hasan Eshraghi Behnam Vaez Livari
        Geomechanical studies have important applications in various topics such as wellbore stability, well completion, well orientation, hydraulic fracturing plans and operations, sand production and hydrocarbon fields subsidence. It is necessary to prepare earth mechanical m More
        Geomechanical studies have important applications in various topics such as wellbore stability, well completion, well orientation, hydraulic fracturing plans and operations, sand production and hydrocarbon fields subsidence. It is necessary to prepare earth mechanical model of the well in the field. In addition, one of the necessary subjects to prepare mechanical earth model (MEM) is providing continuous rock mechanical parameters in the well. Rock mechanical parameters change by any variation in lithology. In this study, rock mechanical parameters are provided in continuous form, for Faraghan, Zakeen and Sarchahan formations for a field in the Persian Gulf and these parameters are clustered. Clustering resulted in recognizing six clusters with various rock mechanical characteristics. Petrographic study (i.e. determining facies, cementation and diagenesis) recognized five facies with different petrographic and cementation characteristics. These facies include quartz arenite and arkosic sandstones, shales, red mudstone and carbonates. A correlation between sedimentary and geomechanical facies was found. According to petrographic and geomechanical studies, the studied interval was divided into 7 sections. Accordingly, variation of rock mechanical parameters with regard to change in lithology was investigated. In addition, the impact of rock composition, cementation and compaction changes on rock mechanical parameters were evaluated as well. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Asmari Formation in Lar anticline (northeast of Gachsaran): biostratigraphical correlation
        Meysam Barari Kharkeshi Ali Seyrafian Hossein Vaziri-Moghaddam Roohollah Shabafrooz
        The Asmari Formation at the Lar anticline, located 77 km northeast of Gachsaran city, comprised 361 meters in thickness. In the present study, biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Asmari Formation at the Lar anticline (northeast of Gachsaran city) is investigated. Bas More
        The Asmari Formation at the Lar anticline, located 77 km northeast of Gachsaran city, comprised 361 meters in thickness. In the present study, biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Asmari Formation at the Lar anticline (northeast of Gachsaran city) is investigated. Based on foraminiferal distribution, 25 genera and 21 species have been identified and four biozones: 1. Lepidocyclina – Operculina – Ditrupa assemblage zone, 2. Archaias asmaricus – Archaias hensoni – Miogypsinoides complanatus assemblage zone, 3. Indeterminate zone, 4. Borelis melo curdica – Borelis melo melo assemblage zone, representing Oligocene (Chattian) to Early Miocene (Aquitanian - Burdigalian) are introduced, respectively. 12 microfacies related to an open marine and lagoon (semi-closed and closed) environments of homoclinal ramp setting are present. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - (Biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Asmari Formation in south flank of Mish anticline (northeast of Gachsaran
        Saber Ahmadi Ali seyrafian Hosyen vaziri-Moghadam
        Asmari Formation at the section of the south flank of Mish anticline (northeast of Gachsaran), located 22 km northeast of Basht city, in vicinity village Kalagh ¬Neshin is investigated and has a thickness of 281 meters. In this research, biostratigraphy and microfacies More
        Asmari Formation at the section of the south flank of Mish anticline (northeast of Gachsaran), located 22 km northeast of Basht city, in vicinity village Kalagh ¬Neshin is investigated and has a thickness of 281 meters. In this research, biostratigraphy and microfacies of the Asmari Formation in this section were studied and the results were compared with 5 section of Asmari Formation in similar regions and close to it. By studying on 172 microscopic sections, 3 the biozone for Asmari Formation in the section the study was carried out and the section studied given that is: Lepidocyclina – Operculina – Ditrupa assemblage zone. Archaias asmaricus – Archaias hensoni – Miogypsinoides complanatus assemblage zone. Indeterminate zone. According to the study of benthic foraminifera and biozones, the cut off age is from the late Oligocene (Rupelian-Chattian) to the early Miocene (Aquitanian). Microfacies studies led to identify 10 microfacies and 4 subfacial belonging to the open marine and lagoon (semi-closed and enclosed) environments, which includes the external, intermediate, and interior parts of a hemocalinal ramp. Manuscript profile