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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Biostratigraphy of the Tirgan Formation in Robat-Eshgh (south-west of Bojnurd) and Ghezelghan (North of Bojnurd) stratigraphic sections, and comparing them with each other.
        nassim Riahi عباس  صادقی Mohammad Hossein Adabi حسین  کامیابی شادان
        In order to study biostratigraphy of the Tirgan Formation in western Kopet Dagh, two surface sections including Navia – Robat Eshgh and Ghezelghan, were selected and 230 samples were collected. The Tirgan Formation was measured with a total thickness of 237 and 192 mete More
        In order to study biostratigraphy of the Tirgan Formation in western Kopet Dagh, two surface sections including Navia – Robat Eshgh and Ghezelghan, were selected and 230 samples were collected. The Tirgan Formation was measured with a total thickness of 237 and 192 meters in Navia and Ghezelghan sections respectively and was represented by thick and sometimes medium bedded, grey and weathered cream colored limestones in two localities. In Navia section, the Tirgan Formation conformably overlies the Zard – Shurijeh Formation with sharp lithological changes. However, as a result of being located in the core of an anticline, this boundary is not determined in Ghezelghan section. The Tirgan Formation disconformably underlies the Abderaz Formation in Navia section while conformably underlies the Sarcheshme Formation at Ghezelghan section. As a result of biostratigraphical investigations, 58 species belonging to 68 genera of foraminifera were identified in the Tirgan Formation. Based on benthic foraminifera two biozones were determined as follows: 1. Palorbitolina lenticularis Taxon Range Zone 2. Novalesia producta – Orbitolina spp. assemblage zone According to the determined biozones and fossils associations, the age of the Tirgan Formation is Barremian – Early Aptian in both sections. The comparison of the Tirgan Formation, in two-mentioned sections, shows some differences. In terms of biostratigraphy, there is not any significant distinctions, except for thickness difference in biozones. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigating the Importance of the Ancient Way Fahraj-Nosrat Abad (Aspi) in the Late Sasanid Period until the End of the Seljuk Era Path Based on the Newly-Found Karvansaray (Robat) of the Gorg Desert (Southern Margin of Lut)
        Leyla Fazel Yaqub  Mohammadifar Esmail Hemmati Azandariani Massoud Ghamari
        Historical geography sources of the early and middle Islamic centuries have named two cities of, Fahraj and Aspi or Senij (current Nosrat Abad), which fall under prosperous cities on the outskirts of the desert and the route from Kerman to Sistan. Archeological studies More
        Historical geography sources of the early and middle Islamic centuries have named two cities of, Fahraj and Aspi or Senij (current Nosrat Abad), which fall under prosperous cities on the outskirts of the desert and the route from Kerman to Sistan. Archeological studies of the Cultural Landscape Region of Bam explored the ancient Fahraj-to-Aspi route in the first half of the 2010s. Later studies identified the Biyaban-e-Gorg building. The themes raised in this research concern understanding the significance of the Fahraj-to-Aspi axis in the late Sasanid era until the end of the Seljuk era and the study of the function of the Biyaban-e-Gorg building and its date of construction. The present study uses the descriptive-analytical approach and gathers data via field surveys and library sources. The research goals are as follows: first, part of the ancient main route of Fars and Kerman to Sistan in the cultural landscape region of Bam is introduced, which is aimed at answering numerous historical ambiguities in the eastern civilization, and few measures taken to understanding the ancient axes of this area are also discussed; second, the use and period of construction of the Biyaban-e-Gorg building as an impressive building in the middle of the Fahraj-to-Aspi route, located in southeastern Iran, is investigated. The studied axis starts from Fahraj in the southern outskirts of the Lut Plain (Zangi Ahmad Lut) and leads to Aspi (Nosrat Abad) on the road measuring 150 km involving 4-5 settlements. The works identified on the axis include two large settlements, parts of the ancient cobblestone roads, ten castles and caravanserais, and two minarets. These works date back to the late Sasanid era until the end of the Seljuk reign. This important axis was used from the beginning of Islam until the end of the Seljuk dynasty. It was also part of the ancient Kerman-to-Sistan main route that broadly constituted part of the ancient Fars-to-Sistsan (Zerang) axis. The Biyaban-e-Gorg building was an excellent site in the middle of this route. This building has an octagonal sketch with eight towers in the corners and forty chambers around the atrium, and a caravanserai in the middle of the route. An explanation of the use and date of construction of this site not only helps understand the importance of the route under study but also complements a set of architectural evidence of caravanserais as well as castles in the Seljuk era, finally compensating for the lack of data and cultural-historical documents from this era. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Ligament injuries and their management in the hind limbs of dogs
        Ramin Mazaheri-Khameneh Mohammadmahdi Gooran Seyed Siavash Ghoreishi
        Ligament injuries are one of the most common injuries in small animals. These injuries can cause sudden pain, lameness and even weight intolerance. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment greatly increase the likelihood of successful treatment. Chronic injuries usually do More
        Ligament injuries are one of the most common injuries in small animals. These injuries can cause sudden pain, lameness and even weight intolerance. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment greatly increase the likelihood of successful treatment. Chronic injuries usually do not respond well to treatment and weaken the prognosis of treatment. Injury to the cruciate ligaments, followed by damage to the collateral ligaments, is one of the most common injuries to the knee joint. There are many ways to diagnose and confirm these injuries. These include ultrasonography and radiography. Numerous strategies for diagnosing and treating ligament injuries have been presented in previous studies, some of which have been attempted during this study. Manuscript profile