• List of Articles خلقت

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Examining "Lo La Fatimah" narration from verbal view point
        ali emamifar
        One of the blights of religious and religiosity is the issue of exaggeration about the prophets and religious diviners and leaders. This issue has been in previous religions and Allah has interdicted it in Holly Quran. The infallible Imams have fought against it as well More
        One of the blights of religious and religiosity is the issue of exaggeration about the prophets and religious diviners and leaders. This issue has been in previous religions and Allah has interdicted it in Holly Quran. The infallible Imams have fought against it as well. In our time, fighting against this blight is one of the bonds of religious scholars and sages. Narration is one of the ways through which exaggeration infiltrates into religion. The famed following phrase is among the exaggerated narrations from the Holly Prophet Mohammad "upon him and his family be pray and peace" from Allah: Ahmad, if you had not existed, I would not have created the existence. If Ali had not existed, I would not have created you and if Fatimah had not existed, I would not have created you both. By precise examination, it was revealed that firstly; this narration does not hold a well-ground documentation and source. Secondly, in terms of content and significance, it holds serious flaws as well, since the mentioned phrase contains three parts, The first part (narrated by Shi'a), (if you had not existed, I would not have created the existence), is validated with accurate verses and narrations and common sense and the Sunni, but the other two parts is contradictive with Holly Quran, the Sunni and the common sense and consequently is not acceptable. Some has endeavored in order to justify it in one way or another. We have examined the justifications as well and it was clarified that the mentioned justifications from these two parts of the narration are unacceptable. Manuscript profile
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        2 - the theory of evolution and human creation; Reviews of views Allameh Tabatabei and Yadollah Sahabi
        mahdiye tabatabae Mohammad  Saeedi Mehr
        Since its development by Darwin, the theory of evolution has always been debated for its harmony or incompatibility with the scriptures, especially in terms of its inclusion of human creation. The story of Adam's creation in religious books, including the Qur'an, made i More
        Since its development by Darwin, the theory of evolution has always been debated for its harmony or incompatibility with the scriptures, especially in terms of its inclusion of human creation. The story of Adam's creation in religious books, including the Qur'an, made it possible for religious scholars to take different positions on this theory. This article examines the views of two contemporary Iranian thinkers, Mohammad Hussein Tabatabai and Yadollah Sahabi, on the relation between the theory of evolution and the Qur'an's account of human creation. Sahabi accepts this theory and takes it compatible with the Qur’an and Tabatabai maintains that if it were totally confirmed, it does not contradict the verses of the Qur'an. It seems that the reason for their positions was their attention to some (and not all) dimensions of this theory that do not contradict the definitive religious doctrines. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Review and critique the creation of the world in six days
        Mahin SHahrivar
        The verses of the Qur'an speak of the creation of the heavens and the earth in six days and sometimes eight days, but modern science considers the process of formation of celestial bodies and earth in long periods of time and does not accept the formation of the univers More
        The verses of the Qur'an speak of the creation of the heavens and the earth in six days and sometimes eight days, but modern science considers the process of formation of celestial bodies and earth in long periods of time and does not accept the formation of the universe in a period of time equal to a few days.Thus, many contemporary Qur'anic scholars have deviated from the ostensible and famous understanding of the ancient commentators - that the heavens and the earth were created in a period equivalent to six normal days - and interpreted the interpretation of the "set of days" into six periods and stages.In the meantime, it is also worth noting that in the field of science, it is not possible to refer to something out of nature to explain natural phenomena, and the intervention of a superior occult force is not predictable and calculable, while the Qur'anic expression is based on the presence And the unconditional intervention of a superior and transcendent occult force has been introduced.Thus, since the religious point of view is not limited to the closed presuppositions of science, it will not necessarily be limited to the results of scientific calculations, and it can be concluded that trans-sensory forces have intervened in this field.However, in the present age, experimental knowledge is more respected and valid than such an analysis can ignore its results and data. And in fact, such a view affirms the image of the opposition between the Qur'an and science. As a result, if a promise is to be made, the interpretation of the "set of days" into six times and eras is the only determined and preferred promise. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Ibn Arabi and Divine Wisdom on the Word “Adam”: A Study of a Comprehensive Image of Adam in Fusus al-Hikam
        Masood  Ahmadi Afzadi Nawab  Moqarrabi
        The most important point in the “Adam” chapter of Ibn Arabi’s book of Fusus al-hikam pertains to the whyness of the creation of Adam and the world. Within our religious and Islamic context, the first response to this question is based on the famous holy hadith that cons More
        The most important point in the “Adam” chapter of Ibn Arabi’s book of Fusus al-hikam pertains to the whyness of the creation of Adam and the world. Within our religious and Islamic context, the first response to this question is based on the famous holy hadith that considers the Divine Knowledge as the basis and reason of creation. However, this knowledge-based response is too vague and insufficient to explain the whole story and needs to be expanded. One can view this problem from another perspective: there are, in fact, two different views; one is based on a general image of believers in Abrahamic religions, and the other rests upon the oneness of being. In the latter image, which is the most important image for epistemologists in the field of Divine Knowledge, God is both the outermost and the innermost; He is both the beginning and the end. Adam (human being) is both creation and truth; he is the gathering point of all divine names, and the world is a mirror in which God and Adam see themselves. The angels are also the powers of the world; glory and beauty are the two hands of God. Moreover, the perfect Man is the same single soul. Finally, it is noted that God’s vicegerent on Earth possesses both the image of God and the image of the world. In this paper, the writers have tried to explore this image from various angles and, ultimately, provide a comprehensive picture of the problem under debate. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Study of Ibn Barrajān’s View of al-Ḥaqq al-Makhlūq bih
        Hamed  Nazarpour
        One of the gnostic expressions which is used in the discussion of God’s manifestations is al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih (the truth for which the world has been created). Ibn ‘Arabī believes that the origin of this expression is the works of Ibn Barrajān but does not provide an More
        One of the gnostic expressions which is used in the discussion of God’s manifestations is al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih (the truth for which the world has been created). Ibn ‘Arabī believes that the origin of this expression is the works of Ibn Barrajān but does not provide any explanation regarding his view. Ibn Barrajān was an Andalusian gnostic and commentator who presented his views of al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih” in Sharḥ asmā’ Allāh al-ḥusnā, Tanbīh al-afhām, and Iḍah al-ḥikma. The present paper aims to explore the expression al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih in the view of Ibn Barrajan based on a documentary and descriptive-analytic method. The findings of the study demonstrate that Ibn Barrajān’s source of inspiration for creating this expression was the holy Qur’an. In his view, the main purpose behind the Qur’an’s invitation to thinking about the divine verses is attaining the truth for which the world has been created. He maintains that believing in al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih is necessary for all faithful people. He also holds that al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih is the manifestation of God. It is single; includes all manifestations of God in the world, in the hereafter, in the purgatory, in Man’s being, and in Qur’anic verses, and is also the origin of all creatures and the reason for their survival. According to Ibn Barrajān, al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih is a route which leads to God; it is traversed based on knowledge and practice and is the same direct path and guardian religion. He suggests that the method of learning about al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih entails thinking about and deliberating over divine verses along with faith and piety. The most important consequences of the knowledge of al-ḥaqq al-makhlūq bih include sensing the presence of God, learning about heavenly existents, acquiring wisdom, and acting upon divine orders. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Studying the natural dimension of creation from the perspective of the Qur'an
        zohre Sanaini Nejad
        "Creation" is the act of God Almighty, and creativity is also His attribute, but since God created man in His own image and breathed a soul into his flower, by virtue of being the Khalifa of God, he should be ascribed to the attributes of God and the manifestation of Go More
        "Creation" is the act of God Almighty, and creativity is also His attribute, but since God created man in His own image and breathed a soul into his flower, by virtue of being the Khalifa of God, he should be ascribed to the attributes of God and the manifestation of God's names and attributes. be on the ground This research seeks to obtain a road map for the creation and creation of works of art and especially architecture by comparing the process of creation of nature from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an, and further discusses the performance of an architect in interaction with the cycle of existence and the generality of the diagram. Draw his creative process. In this way, the analytical-interpretive method has been used, and the collection of materials has been done in the library and field. At the end of this study, it shows, just as God creates a person by breathing his creative spirit into an inanimate body; Man, as his successor, breathes his creative spirit into the body of raw and inanimate materials and gives life to them, and thus art is born from man. On the other hand, creation is always done as a process, and in all stages of creation, opposing elements always exist alongside each other and have an evolutionary role for each other; A kind of diversity that all come from a current source and evolve together. In other words, it can be said: in creation; God has revealed the connection with similitude and with tension; It has given identity and personality to every element. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Human creation from the point of view of Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Imam Khomeini (RA)
        Mahmood Zaifi Khosrow   Zafar Nawai Seyyed Abdolhossein Tarighi
        Human creation is one of the most essential facts of Islamic mysticism, which is very important from scientific, theoretical, moral and educational points of view. Therefore, knowing and examining different angles of human creation has a special place. Although many res More
        Human creation is one of the most essential facts of Islamic mysticism, which is very important from scientific, theoretical, moral and educational points of view. Therefore, knowing and examining different angles of human creation has a special place. Although many researches have been done on the different views of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Imam Mohammad Ghazali, but their views on existence and anthropology have been less studied, so in this study, an attempt is made to understand the creation of man from the perspective of Imam Mohammad Ghazali and Imam Khomeini. (RA) to be fully investigated and analyzed. Analytical investigation of the comparison and explanation of the opinions and thoughts of Imam Khomeini (RA) and Imam Muhammad Ghazali about the creation of man and the mystical secrets of this unique divine creation, citing the opinions of two pious mystics. This is a library and basic research. In this thesis, library research is based on description and analysis. The use of various sources such as books, articles and authentic mystical texts is used. The results of the research showed that two thinkers have many similarities regarding the creation of man in their works and the difference between them is only in the expansion of some topics related to the creation of man. Manuscript profile