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        1 - Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Asmari Formation in southern flank of Mish anticline (Tang-e-Ganaveh)
        Farzad Moradi Abbas Sadeghi Hasan Amiri Bakhtiar
        The Asmari Formation in the southern flank of Mish anticline (in the north of Gachsaran) with a total thickness of 366 m is mainly composed of medium to thick limestone layers. Based on lithological studies, it is mainly composed of a periodic arrangement of marly lime More
        The Asmari Formation in the southern flank of Mish anticline (in the north of Gachsaran) with a total thickness of 366 m is mainly composed of medium to thick limestone layers. Based on lithological studies, it is mainly composed of a periodic arrangement of marly limestone with very thick, thick and medium bedded limestone layers and in some parts it consists of dolomitic layers. The lower contact of the Asmari Formation with Pabdeh Formation is gradual and its upper contact with the Gachsaran Formation is conformable with some sharp lithological changes. Based on change in thickness of layers, color and lithology, this carbonate sequence is subdivided into three lithological units. In Biostratigraphic studies, 28 species belonging to 41 genera of foraminifera were recognized. According to recognized biozone and foraminifera assemblages, 4 biozones and one undetermined zone were classified according to Laursen et al., 2009. The age of the Asmari Formation in this section is Oligocene (Rupelian-Chatian) to Early Miocene (Aquitanian-Bourdigalian). Manuscript profile