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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Survey management solutions of urban effete fabrics and exhibition optimal pattern in intervention (Case study: Quarter of Sartapole in Sanandaj city)
        Hamed ghadermarzi Atefeh Ahmadi Dehrashid
        Attention to urban old and effete fabrics as fabrics that have problem, not just in Iran but in the world has a long history. Organizing and improving this fabrics that more located in center and core of historical city, the best way to describe history and national ide More
        Attention to urban old and effete fabrics as fabrics that have problem, not just in Iran but in the world has a long history. Organizing and improving this fabrics that more located in center and core of historical city, the best way to describe history and national identity and is one of bases for realization ideals innate development. The GIS based on functions, applied algorithms and their ability can as efficient tool helped management of effete fabrics in order to overcome said concerns. Present research has be done based analytical-descriptive method and with emphasis on practical aspects and with use of data collected at database of geographic information systems relevant to Sanandaj municipal. Case study is Sartapole quarter in Sanandaj city, this region selected because including effete indicator factors. In order to obtain to each of optimal patterns of management effete fabrics in case study including improvements, renovations, reformation,… based key indicators in identify exhaustion type of urban effete fabrics created multiple data layers such as: prices maps of blocks, maps of old buildings, Access Map, map of the number of classes, slope map of streets, landuse map, area map of blocks in case study, covering maps of roads, map of type materials and ... Finally, with spatial analysis and using practical algorithm in GIS and and usage of Fuzzy Logic were identified priority areas for the development of effete fabric based proposed solutions improvements, renovations, reformation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigating the strategies for empowering the worn-out urban fabric of a case study in District 9 of Tehran
        samira Rezaee
        In the corners and along the urban spaces of Iran, especially in the old context of some areas of Tehran, such as region 9, there is a type of land urban spaces that have not been defined in the legal system and urban planning. In urban terms, these lands are called wor More
        In the corners and along the urban spaces of Iran, especially in the old context of some areas of Tehran, such as region 9, there is a type of land urban spaces that have not been defined in the legal system and urban planning. In urban terms, these lands are called worn-out textures and marginal areas or worn-out textures. In general, the causes and consequences of marginal areas and worn-out areas, in addition to physical ugliness, security problems, and environmental problems, can be summarized in four groups: economic, social, legal causes, legal causes, and physical-environmental causes. Since District 9 of Tehran Municipality has more worn-out texture than other areas, so in this study we intend to investigate the management of worn-out urban texture (case study: District 9 of Tehran). In this research, using field observations and interviews and with the help of urban maps, the management of the worn-out urban fabric of District 9 of Tehran Municipality as one of the central and important areas of this city has been analyzed. The results show that the most important causes of occurrence and formation of worn texture in District 9 of Tehran are: severe wear of buildings in the old texture, problems related to the network of texture passages, without using some urban elements, density and connectivity of the texture, problems Due to the materials used and the way of repairing the building, lack of services and facilities and urban and infrastructure facilities, as well as some problem and s due to the weakness of laws in acquiring and correcting the use of worn-out structures and management problems of Tehran 9th District Municipality. Manuscript profile