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        1 - Is Iran's ballistic missile test a Violation of Barjam?
        ali maleki
        Abstract: Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action an agreement was reached on Iran's nuclear program with the P5 + 1 on July 14, 2015. And its goals are to ensure that the nuclear program is peaceful and that Iran's right to enrich itself is recognized and that Iran does n More
        Abstract: Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action an agreement was reached on Iran's nuclear program with the P5 + 1 on July 14, 2015. And its goals are to ensure that the nuclear program is peaceful and that Iran's right to enrich itself is recognized and that Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons; abolish outrageous sanctions; In this article we review the literature on the subject by studying library and Internet resources. To illustrate, Security Council resolutions include sanctions on ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and restrictions on conventional arms sales. But Iran's missiles are not equipped to carry nuclear weapons and are designed solely to defend the country's territorial integrity. Therefore, from the legal point of view, missile tests do not violate any of the provisions of the Security Council Resolution. And these hostile, politically motivated positions indicate that the West is monitoring Iran's defensive behavior and, if necessary, failing to fulfill its obligations. Manuscript profile