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        1 - Comparative Analysis of Religious Experience of Sohrevardi and Hafez
        ایمان  زرگران حسینعلی قبادی
        Persian literature and especially mystical literature, is largely mixed with illuminationist thoughts of Sohrevardi (Suhrawardi). This blending and the resulted effect are mainly due to his mysterious works in which he expressed his philosophical ideas in a literary lan More
        Persian literature and especially mystical literature, is largely mixed with illuminationist thoughts of Sohrevardi (Suhrawardi). This blending and the resulted effect are mainly due to his mysterious works in which he expressed his philosophical ideas in a literary language. In his works, the religious experiences are expressed in different ways: sometimes directly, sometimes in the form of mysterious stories, and sometimes he classifies and systematizes these experiences as an external observer. Hafez as a poet, who has always been connected to the previous literary heritage, sometimes communicates such unique experiences through sonnet which considered being significantly similar to Sohrevardi’s experiences. Facing a holy idea which is indefinable and formless in nature, this is the experiencer’s mind which forms the experience in this process. It can be claimed that Sohrevardi’s works played a role in forming the structure of Hafez’s mind. Sometimes these experiences are similar regarding the location of the events which is Sohrevardi’s “world of ideas” or “hovargheliya”, and sometimes the similarity is in the quality of the experience manifested in the form of visual, auditory and olfactory experiences. The description of experiences as a fleeting lightning or midnight son, meeting the sacred witness (Shahid) and the holy Pir (leader) are some of the common features in Hafez and Sohrevardi’s works. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Realism of Cyberspace: A Philosophical Analysis of Virtual Reality with an Emphasis on the Principles of the Transcendent Philosophy
        Mahdi Ganjvar
        From an ontological point of view, cyberspace should be considered a domain of original and effective reality which, given its vast growth, has exercised great influence on different aspects of modern human life. A study of the ontological dimensions of this realm of re More
        From an ontological point of view, cyberspace should be considered a domain of original and effective reality which, given its vast growth, has exercised great influence on different aspects of modern human life. A study of the ontological dimensions of this realm of reality is important for different reasons. Undoubtedly, toady a significant part of human life is affected by the various manifestations of cyberspace. Moreover, this phenomenon has influenced multiple angles of human thought and behavior and introduced a new lifestyle for contemporary human beings and later generations. The present study, while investigating the virtual world from an ontological point of view and providing a metaphysical analysis of this realm, tries to rationally demonstrate that cyberspace is a real entity enjoying objectivity and truth relying on its effects on human nature and destiny. Later, based on the logical principle of “By their fruit you will recognize them”, the author first explains and emphasizes the objective effects and concomitants of cyberspace, and then discloses some angles of this secret and complicated reality based on Sadrian principles. The realism of cyberspace can suggest the idea that virtual reality is similar to a kind of existence in Islamic philosophy called the “world of Ideas” or the “world of quantitative forms”. This is because, irrespective of the differences between these two phenomena, virtual reality is also based on numbers and quantitative forms. Moreover, similar to the world of ideas, there is no trace of matter in this realm of being (cyberspace), whereas the effects and concomitants of matter can be witnessed there. The smallest philosophical outcome of exploring virtual reality is that, by revealing a realm of being including both immaterial and subtle forms, it prepares contemporary Man to perceive and experience “abstract truths” and accept holy, immaterial, and intangible affairs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - From Imaginal Faculty to Imagination: A Review of the Evolution of the Concept of Imagination in the Philosophical Systems of Fārābī, Ibn Sīnā, Suhrawardī, and Mullā Ṣadrā
        Ibrahim Bazargani
        Imagination is one of the human perceptive faculties that is shared with animals. This concept, which has been transferred from Greek philosophy to Muslims’ philosophical tradition, has always been a very important problem with various functions in the self-knowledge of More
        Imagination is one of the human perceptive faculties that is shared with animals. This concept, which has been transferred from Greek philosophy to Muslims’ philosophical tradition, has always been a very important problem with various functions in the self-knowledge of Muslim philosophers from Fārābī to Mullā Ṣadrā. It has even been used in responding to some kalāmī inquiries. Since the very beginning, Muslim philosophers have continuously devoted some of their studies to the investigation and explanation of the whatness and howness of the concept of imagination. However, this concept has not remained immune against change and has developed a distinct meaning in each philosophical system. In the history of Islamic philosophy, the three-fold schools of philosophy (Peripatetic philosophy, Illuminationist philosophy, and the Transcendent Philosophy) have each adopted a particular and different approach to this problem. The present study intends to examine the theories of some great figures of Islamic philosophy regarding the whatness of the faculty of imagination and reveal the existing differences among them. The findings indicate that philosophers’ views of the concept of imagination have not been fixed and similar in the course of history, and each has presented a specific and innovative explanation of this concept in conformity with their own philosophical system. For example, Fārābī considered this faculty to be a material component of the soul, while Mullā Ṣadrā changed it into the world of Ideas. This study was conducted following a descriptive-comparative method using library resources. Manuscript profile