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      • Open Access Article

        1 - An Estimation of the Trend of City Horizontal Expansion within Seismic Faults and natural Risky Regions and its Consequences (Case Study: Saqqez county in Kurdistan province)
          abdolah tayari   Mohammad Ali Salari Kamangar
        A review on different research about human habitats indicates that geology structure and environmental characteristics have affected city establishment and dwelling selection. With this in mind, the place of establishment (plains, foothills, so an) of a greater part of More
        A review on different research about human habitats indicates that geology structure and environmental characteristics have affected city establishment and dwelling selection. With this in mind, the place of establishment (plains, foothills, so an) of a greater part of human habitats generally and urban habitats specifically has encountered such phenomena as quakes, landslides due to its relative proximity with the faults. The occurrence of numerous earthquakes in different places of the country within recent decades and their negative consequences especially on urban centers is a clear proof to this argument. Saqqez city in Kurdistan province due to its location with the proximity of many faults (Saqqez river faults, Valikhan river, Sonata and so an) is one of the places that from one hand the natural sea-bed features of its location has caused the possibility of accessibility to this property. From another perspective the horizontal expansion of the city in direction of above-mentioned faults has increased the accessibility. Now this writing tries to investigate the horizontal and physical development of the city in wake of quakes. For this respect, by using Topography – digitally maps and geology at the scale of 1:250000 and by using geographic information systems including Arc GIS and Arc view soft ware's and historical seismographic data , the isoseismic curve maps and expanse measurement of quake risk have been delineated. The results of the research hold that in accordance with seismography map and examining the quake occurrence timing in the region, there is a higher possibility of earthquakes in Saqqez. Most importantly, the city has been developing hastily towards unstable heights and minor faults in western and northern parts. An accordingly editing strategic and essential measure in the course of reducing quake risks by optimum orientation towards horizontal expansion is absolutely crucial. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analysis of urban vulnerability passive defense in regional Cities a case study in Gorgan
        Today, the comprehensive crisis management programs and projects Application of Passive Defense before, the intensity of the extent of the losses caused by such risks are significantly reduced. The measures to reduce the risk is to apply the principles of passive defens More
        Today, the comprehensive crisis management programs and projects Application of Passive Defense before, the intensity of the extent of the losses caused by such risks are significantly reduced. The measures to reduce the risk is to apply the principles of passive defense, as well as to apply these measures can be used to reduce risk to natural hazards and man-made helpful. However, due to our country's geographical and political situation is always at risk of natural hazards and man-made threats (war) has been and heavy human casualties and financial losses incurred. Therefore and considering the importance of research, the aim of this study was to assess the vulnerability of utility with passive defense approach in Gorgan is the purpose of descriptive - analytical and field studies and subsequent zoning and overlay data layers ( IndexOverlay) software is used GIS spatial analysis. In this study, using five criteria of access, population density, dispersion police stations 10+, building density and spatial distribution of critical facilities Gorgan and delineate them and finally made use of overlapping layers, It was found that the northwestern city of Gorgan to focus on vital installations such as electricity distribution companies Province, the national broadcast of petroleum products and the District of vulnerability is more in need of measures, planned in the framework of passive defense is . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Optimization of DRASIC Model for assessment of groundwater vulnerability to nitrate pollution in Kashan Aquifer using statistical methods and sensitivity analysis
        faeghe samadi
        In this study, the optimized DRASTIC model parameters and land use layer (LU) were used to assess specific vulnerability in Kashan aquifer using statistical methods. Information layers were prepared, rated (deterministic and fuzzy-statistical), weighted (original and st More
        In this study, the optimized DRASTIC model parameters and land use layer (LU) were used to assess specific vulnerability in Kashan aquifer using statistical methods. Information layers were prepared, rated (deterministic and fuzzy-statistical), weighted (original and statistical) and combined (by Index-Overlay method) in GIS environment. For optimization of DRASTIC model, nonlinear regression for fuzzy-statistical rating (scaling) and Pearson correlation coefficients between nitrate concentrations and scaling parameters of DRASTIC model and sensitivity analysis (removal and single-parameter) were performed to determine and modify weighted parameters. As a result, RASIC-LU model with statistical rating and weighting, single-parameter sensitivity analysis, determined the best selection model based on correlation coefficient = 61.1%, P-Value= 0.001 and with parameters of net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, impact of vadose zone, hydraulic conductivity and land use with weight values of 2.50, 4.63, 4.15, 3.03, 1.96 and 2.00 respectively. According to this model, western and southern parts of the aquifer has a high and very high pollution risk due to high net recharge, pollutant land use and coarse-grain material in the impact of vadose zone, soil and aquifer media. In addition, sensitivity analysis based on mean squares error (MSE) indicated that this model is more sensitive to removal and increase of parameters weight of land use, soil media, impact of vadose zone, aquifer media, net recharge and hydraulic conductivity, and shows a decreasing ternd, respectivily. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Comprehensive Approach to Urban Disaster Management Based on Vulnerability Map and Risk Zoning Case Study: Tehran Municipal District 1
        وحید  اسماعیلی کیاسج   Kamran shahanaghi
        Natural Disasters have always been a part of life on our planet. With human society development, urban areas and Metropolises have not been safe from destructive effects and consequences of disasters. In addition to intensity and extent of disasters, vulnerability of so More
        Natural Disasters have always been a part of life on our planet. With human society development, urban areas and Metropolises have not been safe from destructive effects and consequences of disasters. In addition to intensity and extent of disasters, vulnerability of societies has remarkable dependence on proper urban infrastructures, strong structures, preventive programs and appropriate preparation in emergency-related organizations. Occurrence of an onset disaster like earthquake, usually leads to secondary damages in urban areas; they happen for an obvious reason and have specific outcomes. Identification of all significant reasons and consequences results in creating a vulnerability map for urban wards which could be a useful basis for preventive programs. On the other side, one of the most effective and efficient approaches to create preparedness and response plan disaster management organizations, is designing a relief chain with proper logistic modules and devoting responsibilities to authorities, based on data achieved from damage estimation studies. Hence, in this paper, a sequential approach is used to apply geographic information system and eliciate experts' knowledge of urban areas so as to create both damage estimation and vulnerability maps; These information. In turn, help designing disaster management cycle, specifically, Preventive, preparedness and response programs for an urban area. In order to create a better perceptive of the proposed approach, Tehran municipality district (1) is used as a real case study and its vulnerability to a hypothetical earthquake is estimated to create disaster management program. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analyzing Weighted Attack Graphs Using Genetic Algorithms
        M. Abadi Saeed Jalili
        Each attack graph represents a collection of possible attack scenarios in a computer network. In this paper, we use weighted attack graphs (WAGs) for vulnerability assessment of computer networks. In these directed graphs, a weight is assigned to each exploit by the sec More
        Each attack graph represents a collection of possible attack scenarios in a computer network. In this paper, we use weighted attack graphs (WAGs) for vulnerability assessment of computer networks. In these directed graphs, a weight is assigned to each exploit by the security analyst. The weight of an exploit is proportionate to the cost required to prevent that exploit. The aim of analyzing a weighted attack graph is to find a critical set of exploits such that the sum of their weights is minimum and by preventing them no attack scenario is possible. In this paper, we propose a greedy algorithm, a genetic algorithm with a greedy mutation operator, and a genetic algorithm with a dynamic fitness function for analyzing the weighted attack graphs. The proposed algorithms are used to analyze a sample weighted attack graph and several randomly generated large-scale weighted attack graphs. The results of experiments show that the proposed genetic algorithms outperform the greedy algorithm and find a critical set of exploits with less total weight. Finally, we compare the performance of the second genetic algorithm with an approximation algorithm for analyzing several randomly generated large-scale simple attack graphs. The results of experiments show that our proposed genetic algorithm has better performance than the approximation algorithm and finds a critical set of exploits with less cardinality. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigating the effect of Servicescape on Customer Dysfunction Behaviors respect to the Moderating Role ‎ of Customer Vulnerability
        Alireza Rajabipoor Roghaye  Quchani Maryam Ahmadi Zahrani
        The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of servicescape on dysfunctional customer behavior‎ with respect to the moderating role was customer vulnerability in restaurants in Yazd. The statistical population in the present study is the customers of a collectio More
        The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of servicescape on dysfunctional customer behavior‎ with respect to the moderating role was customer vulnerability in restaurants in Yazd. The statistical population in the present study is the customers of a collection of selected restaurants in Yazd in 1399. The sample size of 250 participants was considered and selected by the available sampling method. Measurement tools were standard questionnaires. The results related to the direct effects of the components of the servicescape with the customer vulnerability showed the direct paths of the layout and design component to the vulnerability and the direct path of the restaurant's interior component to be significant. The results related to indirect effects showed that the indirect path of the layout and design component to the customer dysfunction behaviors ‎ is significant due to the mediating role of vulnerability, but the indirect path of the exterior environment component to the customer dysfunction behaviors is not significant due to the mediating role of vulnerability. The results related to the moderating effects of customer vulnerability in predicting customer dysfunction behaviors‎ concerning environmental components with customer dysfunction behaviors ‎are not significant. it can be said that the servicescape leads to customer satisfaction with the services received and at the same time can reduce the vulnerability that is caused by the loss of well-being in receiving services and the satisfaction that reduces the sense of loss of well-being can lead to a reduction in customer dysfunction behaviors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - computer security models and proposing a new perspective: A review paper
        Hadi sadjadi Reza Kalantari
        In this article first the use of computer security models and its benefits are discussed in a novel way. Then, while briefly introducing the space of computer security encounters in the form of ontology, for the first time, three perspectives in the study of patterns in More
        In this article first the use of computer security models and its benefits are discussed in a novel way. Then, while briefly introducing the space of computer security encounters in the form of ontology, for the first time, three perspectives in the study of patterns in this field have been identified and distinguished from each other. These three perspectives include the view of secure models, the view of security models, and the view of the framework and system to security models. The first and third perspectives are briefly explained and the second perspective is studied in detail from the perspective of the organization of patterns, including the five types of organization. The five types mentioned include software-based lifecycle organization, logical-level organization-based organization, threat-based classification-based organization, attack-based classification-based organization, and application-based organization. In this type of introduction of patterns, the audience acquires a comprehensive view of the discourse of computer security patterns and acquires the necessary knowledge to make better use of these patterns. Finally, the analysis and idea of this research is presented in the form of introducing a new type of organization in order to facilitate the proper use and addressing of patterns. In this idea, it is stated that the existing categories are mostly static and forward-looking and do not have the necessary dynamism and backwardness, and the idea of covering all stakeholders and security ontology can have this feature and, in addition, include agile patterns as well. . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Explaining the coceptual farmework for evalouating spatial resilience against urban floods and its application in urban planning literature case study babolsar city
        Elham  Rezaian KaleBasti Hossein Kalantari khalilabad Maryam Rezghi
        Environmental problems related to urbanization have their roots in both ecological and urban development fields, led to the formation of joint research fields such as resilience. Urban spatial resilience indicators are directly related to physical and environmental dime More
        Environmental problems related to urbanization have their roots in both ecological and urban development fields, led to the formation of joint research fields such as resilience. Urban spatial resilience indicators are directly related to physical and environmental dimensions and are related to the main components of the spatial organization of the city. The purpose is to explain the conceptual framework assessment against urban flooding in Babolsar and its application in urban planning, research method: descriptive-analytical, data collection method: library and field and tools. Data collection: questionnaire, statistical population: specialists of city related to the issue of urban flooding, of which 30 people were selected as a possible cluster sampling. Data analysis is done through mean, Kolmogrof-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk and t-test in SPSS software as well as AHP and WASPAS techniques. The results show that the city is in a relatively good condition in terms of resilience and it is necessary to use the existing potentials, opportunities and resources in order to improve spatial resilience against floods. The final status of the space organization has shown that the dispersion of uses, attention to natural elements and the condition of the road network and surrounding green and open spaces have been evaluated as favorable, and the lack of attention to the shape of the land, Attention to neighboring spots, lack of dispersion of high-risk spots, centralization of administration in the center of the city, centralization of functional elements by the river and centralization of services on the coastal strip are its negative points. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - A Survey on Computer Security Patterns and Proposing a New Perspective
        Hadi sadjadi Reza Kalantari
        In this article, at the beginning, the use of computer security models and its benefits are discussed in a new way. Then, while briefly introducing the space of computer security encounters in the form of ontology, three perspectives in the study of patterns in this fie More
        In this article, at the beginning, the use of computer security models and its benefits are discussed in a new way. Then, while briefly introducing the space of computer security encounters in the form of ontology, three perspectives in the study of patterns in this field have been identified and distinguished from each other. These three perspectives are secure models, security models, and the framework and system to security models. The first and last perspectives are briefly explained and the second perspective is studied in detail from the perspective of the organization of patterns, including the five types of organization. The five types mentioned include software-based lifecycle organization, logical-level organization-based organization, threat-based classification-based organization, attack-based classification-based organization, and application-based organization. In this type of introduction of patterns, the audience acquires a comprehensive view of the discourse of computer security patterns and acquires the necessary knowledge to make better use of these patterns. Finally, the analysis and idea of this research are presented in the form of introducing a new type of organization in order to facilitate the proper use and addressing of patterns. It is stated that the existing categories are mostly static and forward-looking and do not have the necessary dynamism and backwardness, and the idea of covering all stakeholders and security ontology can have this feature and, include agile patterns as well. Based on this idea and related analyzes, the atmosphere of future research activities will be revealed to the audience. Manuscript profile