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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Modeling an Urban Incubator for Tehran City
        Mehdi Kanuani
        One of the major priorities of each big citys developing plan is to support & promote SMEs through Incubators. This policy has played a key role in innovation, entrepreneurship & economical growth. Entrepreneurs play as a growth motor for the economics of the cities. So More
        One of the major priorities of each big citys developing plan is to support & promote SMEs through Incubators. This policy has played a key role in innovation, entrepreneurship & economical growth. Entrepreneurs play as a growth motor for the economics of the cities. So in most countries, various laws & facilities have been developed for supporting them. In our country, the capital city “Tehran” is the largest city in the country and developing an Urban Incubator in Tehran will play the role of a pilot plan for the other cities. Then this article by analyzing available trends and models in other cities, intends to make a model for supporting SMEs in Tehran city by Urban Incubators and its infrastructure and sub-structures. Manuscript profile