• List of Articles the truth

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The soul travelingtrend in Mo’lana’s mystic meditation
        The school of mysticism and Sufism consists of principles and traditions that reveal the method of behavioral way for truth seekers up in achieving to explain it. Mysticism traveling and good behavior that consist of soul-travelling and self-sense finding trends inspire More
        The school of mysticism and Sufism consists of principles and traditions that reveal the method of behavioral way for truth seekers up in achieving to explain it. Mysticism traveling and good behavior that consist of soul-travelling and self-sense finding trends inspired from the respectful verse” In the near future We will show them Our Signs throughout the universe as well as in their own souls to prove that this Ou’ran is the truth… (Fussilt 53): and other verses and traditions whereof portions of important Persian mysticism sources of Islamic mysticism with rare matchless natural disposition of high degree of standing and ranking. In his works whether verse or prose he has glanced to soul traveling trends of the Great World (Aa’lam-e-Kabir), and self-seeking (Aa’lam-e- Sagh’ir), and he prefers self-seeking which is the study of the world detailed visage to soul seeking trends. He is of mystical persons who for truth-recognizance has also paid attention to metaphors, and regards the world creatures the signs of truth manifestation and beauty. From his point of view-pointing to substance motion- he knows all the cosmos’ constituents in continual motion and change. And his soul seeking trend continues from the phase of inanimate object to the degrees of soul and spirit and up to the arrival in the kingdom of heaven. Mo’lana in his elf-seeking trend, with a deep and influential glance, which he names it “cause of boring”, has passed through the apparent veils of creatures, and he has achieved the observance from creatures to creator, from deed to attribute, and from attribute to viewing the Supreme Being. He behind the apparent facial elements of being, and in Sufism travelling and his self-seeking trend, in the world of possibilities and constitutes has dealt with the observation of the unending and eternal beloved face Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Deception and concealment in the story of Rostam and Sohrab of Shahnameh
        Mohammad akbar sepahi Saeed  Damani
        Abstract Shahnameh is the most famous epic work in Iran. Works such as Shahnameh, along with the narration of heroic stories, by performing norms and anomalies in front of each other, also perform the task of teaching virtues. The story of the battle of Rostam and Sohr More
        Abstract Shahnameh is the most famous epic work in Iran. Works such as Shahnameh, along with the narration of heroic stories, by performing norms and anomalies in front of each other, also perform the task of teaching virtues. The story of the battle of Rostam and Sohrab, although a small part of the Shahnameh, is one of the most famous stories in this book. This article looks at the story of Rostam and Sohrab Shahnameh Ferdowsi from the perspective of educational literature and the topic of truthfulness. At a glance, To the story of Rostam and Sohrab, Appears from the beginning and end of the story, The reader thinks that Ferdowsi, like many people of that time, considers destiny without the active role of man as the most important cause of the tragedy of Sohrab's death, But with a closer look at the story, It seems that Ferdowsi, in arranging the conversations of the characters in this story, shows that everyone is involved in hiding the truth. And their work has gone hand in hand with concealing the truth, leading to disaster Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Meaning of Truth in the View of Muslim Philosophers with an Emphasis on Ibn Arabi’s Works
        Mohsen  Habibi Mohammad Sadiq  Rezaee
        The truth and its meaning have always been discussed by gnostics and philosophers in the course of history. Philosophers have mainly dealt with truth in its logical sense; however, some philosophers, such as Mulla Sadra in Islamic philosophy and Heidegger in Western phi More
        The truth and its meaning have always been discussed by gnostics and philosophers in the course of history. Philosophers have mainly dealt with truth in its logical sense; however, some philosophers, such as Mulla Sadra in Islamic philosophy and Heidegger in Western philosophy, have paid attention to truth in its ontological sense, which is very close to Islamic gnostics’ particular impression of this word. The meaning of truth in gnostics’ view is greatly influenced by its meaning in the Qur’anic and traditional culture. One of the divine names mentioned in the Holy Qur’an is the “Truth”, and Almighty God has called Himself by this name. Some philosophers such as Ibn Arabi used to refer to Qur’anic verses and traditions in order to consolidate their religion. Muslim gnostics concede that there is only one truth in the world, and it is the Necessary Being. They believe that any existent other than Him is mentally-posited and is among the manifestations of that simple Truth. That is why gnostics, themselves, consider the religion of the philosophers who believe in the graded unity of existence to be atheistic and believe in the individual and true unity of existence. Hence, they view closeness to the truth as the only way to attain it and have always been after some ways in order to gain proximity to that original Truth. On the other hand, gnostics consider the human soul to be the most complete locus of the manifestation of God; therefore, the first step in Islamic gnosis in order to attain the knowledge of God is to attain the knowledge of the soul. Ibn Arabi also believes that wayfaring towards God is of vital importance for learning about that single Truth. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - developments of proof of the truthful (Burhān-i ṣiddīqīn) in Ashʿarite philosophical theology
        Hamid  Ataei Nazari
        Proof of the truthful (Burhān-i ṣiddīqīn) is among the most famous and valid arguments to prove God’s Existence in Islamic philosophy and kalam. However, the history and developments of the proof in Islamic theology have not been the subject of research so far. Likewise More
        Proof of the truthful (Burhān-i ṣiddīqīn) is among the most famous and valid arguments to prove God’s Existence in Islamic philosophy and kalam. However, the history and developments of the proof in Islamic theology have not been the subject of research so far. Likewise, the evolution of the proof in Ashʿarite philosophical theology has not been yet explained. In the present article, having discussed and compared different versions of proof of the truthful set forth by late Ashʿarite theologians, it has been shown that proof of the truthful received much attention in Ashʿarite philosophical theology from the twelfth century onwards and was even considered the most important argument to prove God’s Existence. Moreover, certain Ashʿarite theologians, including Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī and ʿAḍud al-Dīn al-Ījī, succeeded to put forward innovative versions of proof of the truthful which made the proof more common and stronger. Manuscript profile