• List of Articles the one

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Study of the Rule of the One from the Viewpoint of Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī
        Rohollah Adineh Fatemeh Babaeiy Adeleh Fallah
        The rule of the one or al-wāḥid (nothing proceeds from the one, but one) is one of the most fundamental rules which is referred to in philosophy and, particularly, in discussions on the quality of the creation of the world. This principle has provoked several debates in More
        The rule of the one or al-wāḥid (nothing proceeds from the one, but one) is one of the most fundamental rules which is referred to in philosophy and, particularly, in discussions on the quality of the creation of the world. This principle has provoked several debates in the history of philosophy, and many philosophers have resorted to it when explaining their own cosmological views. However, some philosophers have found it completely inconsistent with the absolute power and will of Almighty Truth and harshly criticized it. Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī is one of the scholars, who, in spite of being a well-known philosopher and presenting a great number of innovative ideas, has not received the attention that he truly deserves. He studied the “rule of the one” extensively and intended to demonstrate it based on several rational and traditional arguments and through resorting to various Qur’anic verses and narrations. Following a descriptive-analytic method and based on several historical documents, the present study initially explores the origin of the rule of the one and its historical development among philosophers. Next, it presents the view of Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī regarding the rule of the one and analyzes and examines his rational and traditional arguments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - An Analysis of Ibn Sina’s Reductio ad Absurdum in Demonstrating the Principle of Nothing Proceeds from the One but One
        Mohammad Hosseini
        This paper investigates Ibn Sina’s method of demonstrating the principle of “nothing proceeds from the one but one”. He is the first philosopher who has proved it based on logical reasoning. His famous reasoning in this regard in the book al-Isharat is based on reductio More
        This paper investigates Ibn Sina’s method of demonstrating the principle of “nothing proceeds from the one but one”. He is the first philosopher who has proved it based on logical reasoning. His famous reasoning in this regard in the book al-Isharat is based on reductio ad absurdum; however, Fakhr al-Din Razi and the thinkers after him have attributed another argument to Ibn Sina which is based on the principle of the impossibility of the union of two opposites. This argument has proved to be challenging and has given rise to some extensive discussions; moreover, it has not been explicitly mentioned in Ibn Sina’s works. The writer believes that he has referred to a similar argument in the book al-Mubahithat; however, he has logically based it on reductio ad absurdum. He is also of the idea that Ibn Sina has only resorted to the necessity and contradiction arising from the proposition of the first emanated in the analytic structure of the premises of his own argument. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Critique of “the Methodological Role of the Principle of Nothing Proceeds from the One but the One”
        Mahdi  ‘Azimi
        “The Methodological Role of the Principle of Nothing Proceeds from the One but the One” is the title of an article the writer of which believes that the explanation of this principle is limited to a number of problems in the field of metaphysics in its particular sense. More
        “The Methodological Role of the Principle of Nothing Proceeds from the One but the One” is the title of an article the writer of which believes that the explanation of this principle is limited to a number of problems in the field of metaphysics in its particular sense. Therefore, any reference to it “in order to demonstrate logical and natural problems and some problems in metaphysics in its general sense” is unjustified. In this paper, in response to the above claim, the writer shows: 1) this idea was initially proposed by Mulla Sadra and later evaluated and developed by Hakim Sabziwari (although the article mentioned above refers to Mulla Sadra’s view and Sabziwari’s evaluation and development of this view, it does not provide any response to it); 2) the origin of this view neglects the limit of modal unity; 3) all through this article the true One is mixed with the one truth; 4) in the mentioned article, the original principle and its opposite are intermingled, and the claim of the original principle also effects its opposite, and 5) the writer of the same article considers the “impossibility of inferring a single concept from multiple referents” to be one example of the false applications of the principle of “Nothing proceeds from the One but the One”, whereas philosophers have not resorted to this principle in this regard. It seems that this error originates in equating the relationship between the concept and the referent with causality. Even if we assume that it is correct, it is better to say that this problem is based on the opposite of this principle rather than its original form. However, the claim made in the article, if assumed correct, entails the original principle and not its opposite. Moreover, the mentioned problem is not even based on the opposite of the principle. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - An Explanation of the Ontological Principles, Genetic Place, and Effects of Mohammedan Truth in the Transcendent Philosophy
        Mahdi Ganjvar Naser Momeni
        The emanation of the First Intellect as the first thing which was created without an intermediary by Almighty Truth is one of the important problems in Islamic philosophy. The First Intellect or the First Emanated in the Transcendent Philosophy is the essence and transc More
        The emanation of the First Intellect as the first thing which was created without an intermediary by Almighty Truth is one of the important problems in Islamic philosophy. The First Intellect or the First Emanated in the Transcendent Philosophy is the essence and transcendent spirit of the Holy Prophet (s) or the same “Mohammedan truth”, which is confirmed based on transmitted proofs and rational principles. Following a descriptive-analytic method, this paper explains the ontological bases of this theory in the Transcendent Philosophy while clarifying its meaning and referents in Islamic philosophy and gnosis. Some of the philosophical fundamental principles upon which the understanding and explanation of Mohammedan truth depends include the principiality of existence, the principle of the One, the principle of the noblest possibility, simplicity of existence or the principle of simple truth, and the principle of the simplicity and diffusion of existence. In the final section of this paper, based on Mulla Sadra’s works, the writers have dealt with the genetic place of Mohammedan truth in the system of being and elaborated on some of the most important effects and ontological blessings of this transcendent truth, such as mediation in divine blessing and mercy, maintaining the basis and order of the world, providing guidance towards the right path and attainment of happiness, and gaining proximity to God and benefitting from His intercession. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Social and cultural impact assessment of city of Tehran’s homeless shelters
        سمیه  مومنی هادی  درویشی
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical met More
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical method has been used with stakeholder analysis approach to achieve this goal. On the one hand, it can be said the negative impact of Farahzad Valley’s neighborhoods on the function and the image of the businessman by regarding the geographical scope of the impact of the surrounding environment of Homeless Housing Assistance Center On its function as The main focus of the social damage is the Naft area By creating urban defenseless spaces, The presence of homeless people And trash exacerbation On the function and the image of Homeless Housing Assistance Center And on the other hand, in the social domain, one can claim that If one of the main goals of the construction of Homeless Housing Assistance Center is to prevent the deaths of addicted and homeless people in public roads and to preserve urban furniture and to eliminate these people from the city’s face rather than rehabilitation, The findings and data of the research indicate the success of the 5th District Municipality in creating a comfortable dormitory space for clients. But, in the end, two main damage to the function of the Homeless Housing Assistance Center can be identified: 1. becoming Homeless Housing Assistance Center to Permanent residence of clients and their precipitate and 2. Discontinuing the Empowerment Cycle of Clients and as a result the loss of Retrospective nature of the collection. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - World Creating Vortex: A Recreation of the Concept of δίνղ in Empedocles’ Cosmogony
        Ebrahim  Ranjbar Mehdi Monfared
        Empedocles’ philosophy is conceived as the campaign of a number of hostile forces that are continually in conflict with each other. The traditional view of, for example, ancient dualists is that sometimes strife and sometimes love gain victory in the Empedoclean world. More
        Empedocles’ philosophy is conceived as the campaign of a number of hostile forces that are continually in conflict with each other. The traditional view of, for example, ancient dualists is that sometimes strife and sometimes love gain victory in the Empedoclean world. Orthodox thinkers and revisionists did their best to contradict each other. one group believed that these two forces are repulsive, and the other believed that they are attractive. In this paper, it has been tried to reconstruct the internal logic of Empedocles’ poetry in a new way by dealing with the concept of vortex (δίνղ), which both methods of interpretation have ignored. In line with this purpose, in addition to examining the literary logic of the poetry itself, the authors have dealt with the background and consequences of his thoughts before and after him while taking the Aristotelean background of his philosophy into account. Therefore, they initially focus on the point that, in order to understand the nature of motion in Empedocles’ view, one must distance oneself from Aristotelean philosophy. Then they explain the nature of this kind of motion, and finally conclude that vortex is in fact a function that preserves the integration of the one and the plural. This is the same idea that Greek philosophy studied in different ways and considered it as the eternal and pre-eternal motion of the world, the survival of which depends on such a motion. Empedocles highlighted this point by posing the concept of δίνղ. Manuscript profile