• List of Articles texture

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Vision-based Entrance Detection in Outdoor Scenes
        Mehdi Talebi
        Doors are a significant object for the visually impaired and robots to enter and exit buildings. Although the accuracy of door detection is reported high in indoor scenes, it has become a difficult problem in outdoor scenes in computer vision. The reason may lie in the More
        Doors are a significant object for the visually impaired and robots to enter and exit buildings. Although the accuracy of door detection is reported high in indoor scenes, it has become a difficult problem in outdoor scenes in computer vision. The reason may lie in the fact that such properties of a simple ordinary door such as handles, corners, and the gap between the door and the ground may not be visible due to the great variety of doors in outdoor environments. In this paper, we present a vision-based method for detecting building entrances in outdoor images. After extracting the lines and deleting the extra ones, regions between the vertical lines are specified and the features including height, width, location, color, texture and the number of lines inside the regions are obtained. Finally, some additional knowledge such as door existence at the bottom of the image, a reasonable height and width of a door, the difference between color and texture of the doors and those of the neighboring regions, and numerous lines on doors is used to decide on door detection. The method was tested on eTRIMS dataset and our own dataset including doors of houses, apartments, and stores leading to acceptable results. The obtained results show that our approach outperforms comparable state-of-the-art approaches. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Door detection based on car vision in outdoor scenes
        abbas vafaei Mehdi Talebi monadjemi monadjemi
        Doors are an important sign for blind people and robots to enter and leave the building. Detection of doors in outdoor environments has become one of the most difficult issues in computer vision; Because usually in outdoor doors, the features of a simple door such as ha More
        Doors are an important sign for blind people and robots to enter and leave the building. Detection of doors in outdoor environments has become one of the most difficult issues in computer vision; Because usually in outdoor doors, the features of a simple door such as handles, corners and empty space between the door and the floor are not obvious. In this article, a method for detecting doors in outdoor environments is presented. After extracting the lines and removing the extra lines, the area between the vertical lines is formed and the characteristics of each area including height, width, location, color, texture and number of lines inside the area are extracted. Additional knowledge such as the presence of the door at the bottom of the image, the reasonable height and width of the door, and the difference in color and texture of the door with the surrounding area are then used to determine the presence of the door. This method has been tested on our eTRIMS image collection and our image collection, including doors of houses, apartments and shops, and the presented results show the superiority of the proposed method over the previous methods. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - (An Analysis of the Realization of the Principles and Standards of New urbanism for the restructuring of urban old texture (Case study: District 10 of Tehran
        Farkhondeh Ranjbar Parvaneh Zivyar Farzaneh Salami
        Abstract : The purpose of the present study is Analysis of the Realization of the principles and standards for the restructuring of urban old texture in the 10th district of Tehran. The research method is descriptive-analytical and field studies, questionnaire techniqu More
        Abstract : The purpose of the present study is Analysis of the Realization of the principles and standards for the restructuring of urban old texture in the 10th district of Tehran. The research method is descriptive-analytical and field studies, questionnaire technique and documentary studies have been used and then analyzing the inferential findings from the questionnaire has been discussed. The inferential findings of the research were analyzed using SPSS software and appropriate tests in the field of research. In this section, it is necessary to determine after each survey which rank of each criterion is located in each neighborhood and the extent to which the ability to implement and implement the principles and criteria for the restructuring of urban old texture will be met. In general, capacity in the area 10 can be assessed on the basis of measurable dimensions in New urbanism , which means that each of the principles and criteria can be prevented by preventing the horizontal growth of Tehran and the social, economic and environmental consequences It paved the way for the city to revitalize in areas that were slowly moving away from calm urbanization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Optimal Resilience Pattern in Problematic Urban textures Case Study: Farahzad neighborhood of Tehran
        nesa khazaey hosain  mojtabazadekhanghahi abolfazl  meshkini naser eghbali
        The main aim of doing this research was to assess the resilience in Farahzad neighborhood of Tehran. In order to assess resilience in social, economic, and managerial- institutional dimensions, questionnaire method was used and in order to assess physical section, field More
        The main aim of doing this research was to assess the resilience in Farahzad neighborhood of Tehran. In order to assess resilience in social, economic, and managerial- institutional dimensions, questionnaire method was used and in order to assess physical section, field study and GIS software was used. One of the most important ideas that has been going on in current decade about crisis management and also urban management, is to create resisting cities and cities than can resist various crisis. Urban resilience can be described as the ability of an urban area to resist against dangers such as climate change, accidents, economic and social poorness to resist against them, absorb and adapt them or to avoid them. The thought of resilience in complicated systems such as cities, enables the understanding of mobility and nonlinear relations in such systems. This thinking, in the modern urban zone, the ability to integrate human and ecologic factors in urban systems and understanding their interactions, enables the extension of sustainable strategies according to the identified attractions. Today, mostly cities and settlement societies are created or built in such places that in terms of natural disasters are in danger of various of them and or because of technological advances are in danger of human made accidents. The perspective that has been there in management of accidents and urban management, has been mostly conflicting and decreasing the dangers. About the assessments done on social resilience in Farahzad neighborhood, based on the completed questionnaires, it can be said that the social tendency to participate with an average of 3.94 was ranked first. In second rank, is social ties with neighbors with an average of 3.82 and in third rank is the ability to adapt to tensions and chaos with an average of 3.64. Factors of participation in decision making and level of participation to solve the crisis with 3.55 and 3.46 averages in order, are ranked fourth and fifth. Local understanding of danger with an average of 3.15 is on sixth rank and knowledge and awareness of crisis with average of 2.95 is ranked seventh. Altogether, the sum of social resilience in the studied neighborhood was 3.50 which can be said that the level of social resilience in Farahzad neighborhood is at an average level. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analysis of the Social Pathology Due old Texture Dugonbadan City in Using the Security Approach (Gachsaran Town ship)
        Mohammad Hasel nejad Ali Shamsoddini Mohammad Reza Rezaei
        Today, urban old Texture have caused many anomalies to the inhabitants of this texture and even to other parts of the city. One of the most important problems and abnormalities is the social security issue of this Texture. Which has become one of the most imp More
        Today, urban old Texture have caused many anomalies to the inhabitants of this texture and even to other parts of the city. One of the most important problems and abnormalities is the social security issue of this Texture. Which has become one of the most important issues facing urban management. The main objective of this research is to identify the issues and social damage existing in the context of the worn-out urban areas of Gachsaran city (Douganbadan) in terms of security. This is an applied research, using descriptive-analytic method.The method of collecting information is also inductive-scorecard and deductive. The statistical population of this research is 384 people was obtained according to the Bridgesh and Morgan tables, which increased to 400 for more reliability. They were selected by random sampling method. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. The results of the study indicate that the Security damage to the earthenware in the old Texture with an average of 8.47 is higher than the average. The Q-test at a significant level of 95% confirms the poor condition of the security damage in the old Texture sites. Also, Pearson statistical analysis, one-sample t-test and multivariate regression analysis indicate a correlation between old Texture and social security, Inappropriate status of social security aspect of the old Texture from the viewpoint of citizens and in the multivariate analysis, the coefficient of explanation for all factors was significant at the level of 0.99. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Evaluation of neighborhood in urban Improvement and renovation plans -Case Study: District 10 of Tehran
        The neighborhood has a special place in Iranian cities and is one of the elements that plays a key role in shaping collective identities. However, the body shapes the city, but beyond it, it repeats the role played in the daily lives of the inhabitants and plays a role More
        The neighborhood has a special place in Iranian cities and is one of the elements that plays a key role in shaping collective identities. However, the body shapes the city, but beyond it, it repeats the role played in the daily lives of the inhabitants and plays a role in long-term collective memory. They become elements of identity that change in these structures can make fundamental changes to the foundations of the identity of a city. However, today, the neighborhood is no longer of importance and credibility, but with respect to the remaining historical nuclei of the old neighborhoods, it continues to identity in some areas. Urban development plans such as renovation and renovation projects of textiles and worn out sites are among the most important designs and tools that can have a positive or negative impact on neighborhood structures and neighborhood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of urbanization and renovation projects on urbanization in district 10 of Tehran municipality. The present research is based on the applied objective and based on the descriptive-analytical method. The data gathering method was documentary and field study (in the form of a questionnaire, interview). Descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, ...) and inferential statistics (correlation, multivariate regression) were used to analyze the data using spss software as well as content analysis method. To this end, structural, physical, security, economic, and health indicators have been used for neighborhoodism. The results of this study indicate that, despite the fact that the implementation of urban regeneration and renovation projects in terms of structural and physical aspects has had dramatic results in the region, but the impact of these plans on the feeling of belonging to people The local area and local identity have been weak and sometimes caused the lack of trust and sense of belonging to the local community and the surrounding environment, making them unsuccessful in terms of social performance. Overall, evaluating urban drainage projects and projects has not been followed up with studies of its strategies and policies, and has not succeeded in strengthening the foundations of neighborhoodism, and it can even be said that the implementation of these plans has weakened the dimensions of neighborhood and neighborhood status in the social system. . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Analysis Newurbanism indictors with an emphasis compactness, pedstrain and old texture recreation (case study: Maragheh city)
        امید  مبارکی parvaneh amirhosseini
        Newurbanism is an effort to raise traditional urbanization and to adapt it to modern life today. This movment came to the fore in the twentieth centary and latly in the current decade it was considerd and emphasize on by authorities and urbanization experts in our count More
        Newurbanism is an effort to raise traditional urbanization and to adapt it to modern life today. This movment came to the fore in the twentieth centary and latly in the current decade it was considerd and emphasize on by authorities and urbanization experts in our country. The main charictristics of this attitude is being humanist and bolding human roles in our modern-lif cities just as it was noticible before. The purpose of this study is to study conperhensive development, distressed area, pedestrian Attitude of new urbanism in the city of Maraghe. In this context with utilizing the methods of descriptive, analyctice and field study we try to study existing subject and also we have made use of Holdren and shanon antropy methods.the level of antropy in the year 1390 was 1.84 and Ln n = 1.94, and shanon antropy was close to 1.94, this was a sign of physical development that was scattered and uncompressed. In the other hand the result of Holdern antropy showed the development that happened horizontaly. The unending spread of cities in the recent decades has made. Old texture inhabitants abandon and live in cities that have lead to horizontal and ancompressed city development also because of uncompressed development and increase of access roates, use of public and private vechicles has exceeded and coused problems for pedestrian access. The result indicats that the city of maraghe is not matching with the new urbanism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Factors controlling different types of anhydrite textures and their relation to reservoir quality in the Asmari reservoir in Ahvaz oil field
        نسترن  آزادبخت
        Various diagenetic processes have affected reservoir quality of the Asmari Formation in Ahvaz Oil Field in wells No. 19 with a thickness of 357 meters. It is composed of limestone dolomite, dolomitic limestone, sandy dolomitic limestone, sandstone, siltstone and sha More
        Various diagenetic processes have affected reservoir quality of the Asmari Formation in Ahvaz Oil Field in wells No. 19 with a thickness of 357 meters. It is composed of limestone dolomite, dolomitic limestone, sandy dolomitic limestone, sandstone, siltstone and shale. Study of 1100 thin sections from available cores at this well as well as the well’s numeral data, porosity and permeability of cores, indicates that the most important diagenetic processes is anhydritic cement with different types of textures. It appears as poikilotopic, porefilling and pervasive, nodular, fracture filling, sparce crystals, and evaporite veins. During different steps of diagenesis, these texture show replacement and pore filling porosity that have affected different facies to some degrees. Results of this study show that anhydrite cement occurs mainly in dolomitic and sandstone facies and to some extent, affected the reservoir quality. This is due to the effect of sulphate rich brines during dolomitization. Where the presence of anhydrite cements in limestone facies is sparse and rare, it has little effect on reservoir quality. However, pore filling and pervasive anhydrite texture filling all pore-space in dolograinstone and dolopackstone grain-supported facies during shallow burial intensively reduced reservoir quality. Dissolution of cements at later stage of diagenetic processes (creating secondary porosity) improved reservoir quality. In addition, solution of texture poikilotopic anhydrite in sandstone facies and repercipitated as patchy anhydrite with poikilotopic texture, results in reduction of porosity but it doesn’t make any changes in throat pores. Hence patchy anhydrite with poikilotopic texture that reduces porosity converts the sample from Lucias class 2 to class 1. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Analysis of the executive system of renovation plans in worn-out urban textures with emphasis on worn-out textures of Tehran; Case study: Safa and Shahid Asadi neighborhoods
        Hossein Kalantari Khalilabad Mahdi Haghi
        Renovation of worn-out tissues is a necessity for which there is numerous legal and national support at the national and macro levels. According to the annual law, 10% of these tissues must be renovated, and in order to achieve this goal, a role and task will be assigne More
        Renovation of worn-out tissues is a necessity for which there is numerous legal and national support at the national and macro levels. According to the annual law, 10% of these tissues must be renovated, and in order to achieve this goal, a role and task will be assigned to all government and public bodies in the form of a regeneration headquarters defined at the national to city levels. In addition to the capacity of the Reconstruction Headquarters, several laws have also stated the need to renovate worn-out structures and have devised instructions and solutions for it, including the Law on Urban Renovation and Development, the Law on Organizing and Supporting the Production and Supply of Housing, and the Law. He noted the support for the rehabilitation, improvement and renovation of worn-out and dysfunctional urban structures. Examining these laws shows that all aspects of worn-out tissue renovation are addressed at the policy level. But the ambiguous point is that despite these rules and the goals that have been set, why the path to goals is slow and in some cases impossible and the field of implementation is facing something different from the field of policy. For this purpose, by examining the laws, domestic and foreign experiences and literature, an attempt has been made to obtain a framework to determine the key measures of the success of modernization projects in the field of implementation. Data analysis has been done by SWOT method and solutions have been presented by strategic planning method. The results obtained from the analysis and interviews completed in this report show a functional difference and goal setting between the actors in the field of modernization and a kind of imbalance in the distribution of resources, roles, inter-agency relations and legally defined expectations and tasks. There is a field of modernization for the actors. Some of the solutions presented in this plan can be defined as the legal position in the Deputy of Planning and Development of Municipalities for offices, defining the legal position in the Deputy of Planning and Development of Municipalities for offices and activating the renovation house The following is the framework of Sarai Mahallat for purposeful activities in the field of tissue modernization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Reviving the identity of the historical texture of city with an emphasis on organizing the physical and Visual System Case Study: Historical Square of VIJUYEH , Tabriz
        Shahryar Shaghaghi Samaneh Mahdinezhad
        Identity, culture and related elements are not only conceptual components of urban space but also necessary to create urban space. Accordingly, the city and the public spaces express their thoughts, ideas and the cultural interactions and its form declares their functio More
        Identity, culture and related elements are not only conceptual components of urban space but also necessary to create urban space. Accordingly, the city and the public spaces express their thoughts, ideas and the cultural interactions and its form declares their functions and meanings. Urban spaces have provided the basis for people’s participation and interaction and have established a flow of culture, notion, and human experiences so that the presence of human beings in urban spaces leads to dynamism in urban spaces. Squares play a vital role in citizens’ minds and on the other hand, it is a field for the presence of people and their activities, which requires physical and functional continuity in the best way for the appearance of this meaning. The present study aims to apply the descriptive-analytical method using the SWOT matrix and the quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM), tries to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and offers practical strategies to deal with weaknesses and threats by using the strengths and opportunities. The main concentration of the present study is on the physical-visual system using operational strategies following the defined strategies to organize the physical and visual system of the historical square of Vijoyeh, Tabriz, which currently lacks its historical and cultural identity. The aim is to restore life to the vital arteries of the historical context along with reviving the original identity of this field, and it is hoped that the presented practical results will be a way to revive similar historical contexts in order to take a step towards protecting the rich cultural of Iran and its historical identity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Cover Selection Steganography Via Run Length Matrix and Human Visual System
        Sara Nazari Mohammad Shahram Moin
        A novel approach for steganography cover selection is proposed, based on image texture features and human visual system. Our proposed algorithm employs run length matrix to select a set of appropriate images from an image database and creates their stego version after e More
        A novel approach for steganography cover selection is proposed, based on image texture features and human visual system. Our proposed algorithm employs run length matrix to select a set of appropriate images from an image database and creates their stego version after embedding process. Then, it computes similarity between original images and their stego versions by using structural similarity as image quality metric to select, as the best cover, one image with maximum similarity with its stego. According to the results of comparing our new proposed cover selection algorithm with other steganography methods, it is confirmed that the proposed algorithm is able to increase the stego quality. We also evaluated the robustness of our algorithm over steganalysis methods such as Wavelet based and Block based steganalyses; the experimental results show that the proposed approach decreases the risk of message hiding detection. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Identification and explanation effective factors in Fire Stations site selection in run down texture
        Ahmad Heydari Hamidreza Joudaki
        From among available uses and services, significant importance is distribution efficient site selection of Fire station, in the case of important and attention to the safety and arrangement in coping on fire and accident with increase Population and density in city ,ser More
        From among available uses and services, significant importance is distribution efficient site selection of Fire station, in the case of important and attention to the safety and arrangement in coping on fire and accident with increase Population and density in city ,services, fire organization is duty supply in the coping with fire. In run down and old texture because of supply suitable access and minimum standard time to fire place and in general supply urban safety establish fire station is more important. The basic goal of this research is identification main factors in site selection for establish fire stations in run down texture. In this research ,at first survey and identification main factors in site selection in run down texture with use of AHP method ,this is a multi-criteria decision making and then weighting and prioritization fire station site selection criterion and sub criterion. The results show that between factor such as access, population density, nearness and natural disasters, access factor appropriating access most weight in fire stations site selection in Tehran run down texture. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Review the Levels of Life in Constructions referring to the Historical Houses of Yazd
        Hossein Mahdavipour Shahrbabak seyed mohammad kazemi کاظمی Seyed Ali Akbar  Koosheshgaran
        The universe is made up of living and non-living beings. Based on its capacity, each of them has a level of life. Human creations, because of the change or stability in the conditions of matter, make it possible discover or create and have the ability to create levels o More
        The universe is made up of living and non-living beings. Based on its capacity, each of them has a level of life. Human creations, because of the change or stability in the conditions of matter, make it possible discover or create and have the ability to create levels of life. The builders’ attempt to create works and structures which is somewhat close to these characteristics. Characteristics in which the sense of vitality, kindness and other qualitative components are strengthened. Therefore, the research emerges to ask such questions; which classification can be considered in relation to the levels of life in constructions? How has the spatial quality of traditional houses in Yazd achieved success with the presence of life components? The present article seeks to present or propose the concept of life classification in structures in which more properly is expressed the values and characteristics related to the life of structures. Therefore, it seems that this feature is more recognizable in traditional cities. In order to understand it precisely with reference to the historical texture of Yazd city, the patterns of the central courtyard houses, sunken garden and garden house are selected and classified. The research is based on analytical and descriptive method along with documentary and field data collection. Also, in a precise framework, all datas are collected and analyzed based on the principle of induction, and summarized the document. The result shows that, in the traditional houses of Yazd, six general systems related to the category of life can be identified. Life as an empirical thing exists in all beings. It looks like metaphorical, energical, biological, and Spiritual aspects. Finally life as an inspiring idea forms the structure of the research. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Explaining The Contexts of Achieving Sustainability in Old and Worn Textures with Integrated Urban Regeneration Approach; Case Study: The Old Texture of Kashan
        Abozar Vafaei
        Today, the old texture of Kashan as one of the urban areas, despite having concealed potentials and capacities for future urban development, holds an ample of problems including lack of urban services, inability of tissues residents, spread of social harms, low level of More
        Today, the old texture of Kashan as one of the urban areas, despite having concealed potentials and capacities for future urban development, holds an ample of problems including lack of urban services, inability of tissues residents, spread of social harms, low level of health, insecurity, safety crisis and low resilience to calamities (physical instability). Therefore, to resolve these problems, traditional policies and approaches intervention in urban dysfunctional and worn tissues such as urban redevelopment and renovation cannot be accountable and there is a need to apply state-of-the-art patterns and approaches to place-based intervention in urban dysfunctional and worn tissues neighborhoods under the title of sustainable urban regeneration. This study intends to investigate the different dimensions of erosion and the challenges ahead in the old texture of Kashan to explain the context of sustainability realization in all dimensions of the texture with the approach of integrated urban regeneration based on analytical application. The research is categorized in practical sort in terms of purpose and analytical-explanatory in terms of using theoretical documents related to the research topic. The results show that integrated regeneration strategies in different dimensions of sustainability can be an appropriate model for resolving the problem of various types of exhaustion and the formation of a stable and intellectual spatial form in the old texture of Kashan. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Investigating the factors affecting the mental image of citizens of worn-out tissue and ways to improve it (a case study of worn-out tissue around the Qom Grand Mosque)
        ashraf mandani
        Dilapidated urban structures, regardless of their different species, are the product of some negligence of urban management, which over time has become an area of ​​the city that lacks the necessary physical stability and strength, does not provide adequate access to th More
        Dilapidated urban structures, regardless of their different species, are the product of some negligence of urban management, which over time has become an area of ​​the city that lacks the necessary physical stability and strength, does not provide adequate access to their homes and lacks Severe service suffer. For this reason, due to the low quality of life in some parts of them, the housing of deprived and rural immigrants and some non-Iranians have become and finally have become unsafe places with many social anomalies at the lowest level of environmental quality. What has faced the problem of intervention, improvement and renovation of worn-out structures in our country is the lack of a clear strategy based on the identification of worn-out tissue species and the serious determination of urban management to renovate and improve them. In many areas, contextual improvement and micro-partnership with the people living in it, offers a very desirable and sustainable method that can be done over a short period of time. Qom city is one of the cities that is clearly facing the problem of erosion due to having about 1074 hectares of historical and dilapidated texture and the residential texture around Qom Grand Mosque, due to its special location and being located in the central and historical area of ​​Qom city and its erosion. He faces certain problems. The findings show that a survey of residents' satisfaction shows that 32% completely agree with the demolition and renovation of the building, 23% agree, 20% somewhat agree, and there are those who are interested in this area and intend to continue living in the area. 15% of the residents of the area agree with the repair and reconstruction of the area but oppose the demolition and renovation. 10% are also dissatisfied with any changes in the buildings and structures of the area. The Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Renovation of worn-out urban tissues with emphasis on improving the quality of life Case study: Lordegan worn-out tissues
        Abolfazl  Nikbakht ali aram
        Today, the concept of reconstruction and renovation in urban planning and design is aligned with the predictions of improving the quality of textures and creating new facilities. With the reconstruction and renovation of old structures, local security, vitality, clean r More
        Today, the concept of reconstruction and renovation in urban planning and design is aligned with the predictions of improving the quality of textures and creating new facilities. With the reconstruction and renovation of old structures, local security, vitality, clean roads, free traffic and stylish surfing along with well-built buildings are created. Reconstruction and renovation of old structures does not belong to a specific group of society, but is a partnership between government organizations and residents. The old contexts of Lordegan city are determined in three areas A, B, C that area C is the center of the city and it is older that access routes have more problems than others. In this regard, suggestions such as: improvement and renovation of the central hills of the city in area C with the participation of government organizations and residents, improving the quality of Imam Khomeini Square, providing special incentives for public participation, renovation of canals, construction. Parking lots, widening of pedestrians if possible. Manuscript profile
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        17 - "Necessity and strategies for improving and renovating worn-out urban structures (case study: Shahr Karaj)"
        Asghar  Kazemi
        Human settlement was the beginning of his urbanization. To the extent that this growth of urbanization has created many social, economic and political issues in recent decades. One of these problems is the dilapidated urban structures, whose renovation and improvement h More
        Human settlement was the beginning of his urbanization. To the extent that this growth of urbanization has created many social, economic and political issues in recent decades. One of these problems is the dilapidated urban structures, whose renovation and improvement has attracted the attention of urban planners and managers in recent decades. In such a situation, it is necessary to revive these tissues by using appropriate policies such as reconstruction, rehabilitation, renovation, improvement, redevelopment and finally regeneration. Renovation and improvement does not happen once and for all, but is a continuous thing. This is not instantaneous and fast, but a sensitive and complex process that requires the design of short-term, medium-term and long-term targeted programs and to achieve Successful organization and revitalization requires a detailed understanding of the old context and the entire city system and regional system. Therefore, in the present research, an attempt has been made to address the issue of improvement in the dilapidated fabric of Karaj city through the formulation of strategies. The results show that the factors of creating suitable institutional and legal frameworks for the purpose of integrated urban management, empowerment and capacity building in the municipalities and Islamic councils of the city are considered to be the most effective strategies for the regeneration of the worn-out fabric of Karaj city. Future. Also, the effective factors on renovation policies are: "simplifying the processes and steps of action for the renovation of buildings in run-down neighborhoods" and "supporting the establishment of neighborhood renovation service offices". In addition, "the use of non-governmental organizations in worn-out areas and neighborhoods" were identified as influencing factors on the issue of renovation. Manuscript profile