• List of Articles text-based

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        1 - The position of Text and person in conjunction of Islam and Christianity
        On the one hand all religions claim salvation of their followers and on the other hand there is in all of them more or less scripture and holy person. an important question that arises here This is: which played a major role in salvation of followers? Another question More
        On the one hand all religions claim salvation of their followers and on the other hand there is in all of them more or less scripture and holy person. an important question that arises here This is: which played a major role in salvation of followers? Another question in this context that: is there any difference between divine religions and non divine religions? Religion can be divided,, Considering the role that the "scripture" or "saint" have in human salvation,, to "person-centered religions" and "Text-based religions". Religions "pantheism" Since not believe in God distinguished and distinct from the world, belief of divine connection with the temporal, through the divine message, is not significant. This Religions based on their funder and and knows him duct Allah. In this respect called them "person-centered. But the revealed religions believe in God distinguished and distinct from world and the other side believes the relationship between the temporal world with the divine through the divine revelation. But they all have not same interpretation of Revelation. These religions can be divided to"person-centered" and "Text-based" according to their interpretation of divine revelation. Islam believe that God's revelation is in the category of message and promise. The center of gravity revelation in Islam, is Qur'an, and in Christianity, is Christ. That's why can called Christianity ,,from a different direction with "pantheism",,a religion "person-centered". There is emphasizing on saint in some Islamic groups such as Shi'ism and Sufism, but substantly the nature of this emphasis, is different with Christianity. So it should be said on the one hand "person-centered" in religions pantheistic is different with "person-centered" in Christianity, and on the other hand "person-centered" in Christianity is different with "person-centered" in Shi'ism and Sufism Manuscript profile