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        1 - Explanation of the ratio between social gap and national unity in Iran
        Maintaining and strengthening national unity and integrity is one of the most important priorities of all political systems, because increasing the correlation coefficient can lead to reducing internal and external threats and providing good grounds for development and More
        Maintaining and strengthening national unity and integrity is one of the most important priorities of all political systems, because increasing the correlation coefficient can lead to reducing internal and external threats and providing good grounds for development and progress of the country. Iran is one of the countries that by relying on its historical background and civilization can overcome on the divergence challenges, throughout centuries. So despite, the occupation of this country and abstraction of some parts of vast territory by aliens at some historical sections, in recent decades,it continued to be a powerful and independent political unit with pervasive sovereignty. National unity and solidarity have been more exposed to domestic challenges and external threats and among them, the most important domestic challenge is the activation of some social gaps at some profiles of time. This article inevitably focuses on the role of external threats in weakening national unity on domestic factors and tries to investigate the ratio of four major social gap in Iran (generation gap, gender, ethnic and religious gap)with different dimensions of national unity ( religious, territorial, political, cultural, social dimensions). The used method in this article is secondary analysis method of research findings and studied period is between 2001-2011. The obtained results show that in this time period, there is no serious disagreement between two ends of spectrums oriented to social gaps about the various aspects of national unity and national convergence in Iran has benefited from a good level. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Using Shunpikes: Women's Strategy for Overcoming Social Constraints in Tourism
        hamed bakhshi fatemeh atri
        The current paper examines the differences between men's and women's tourism experiences as an aspect of leisure. Four factors, including normative restrictions, female roles, economic weakness, and lack of security feeling, lead women to regulate their tourism travels More
        The current paper examines the differences between men's and women's tourism experiences as an aspect of leisure. Four factors, including normative restrictions, female roles, economic weakness, and lack of security feeling, lead women to regulate their tourism travels different from men. For this purpose, the data of the National Survey of Values, Attitudes and Behavior of Tourism in Iran, with a sample size of 5009 people from all provinces of the country, were secondary analyzed. Eight hypotheses related to tourism motivations and behaviors, including having tourism experience, and choosing accommodation, vehicle and tour, were compared between men and women. The results showed that women who traveled alone or with their friends/colleagues, comparing with men, traveled more with tours, less by personal cars, less for recreation purpose, and more for pilgrimage motivation. Women were more likely to travel for visiting relatives when they were alone, and were less likely to camp in trips when traveled with their friends or colleagues. Although the frequency of women who traveled alone or with friends/colleagues were less than men, since their trips with families and relatives were more than men, the total amount of domestic travel by women were not significantly less than men. While the number of foreign trips of women were less than men, the frequency of foreign trips of employed women were not significantly different with men. It seems that despite the serious shortcomings in the quality of women's tourism experience compared to men, by using structural and normative shunpikes, they tried to compensate it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Relationship Between Macroeconomic Indicators and Collective Conflict
        Ismail  Jahani Dolatabad taha ashayeri Hossein Heydari
        Collective conflict refers to the conflict, conflict and physical tension of more than two people, which is affected by the social, economic and cultural conditions of the society. According to surveys, and based on the data of the Forensic Medicine Organization since 2 More
        Collective conflict refers to the conflict, conflict and physical tension of more than two people, which is affected by the social, economic and cultural conditions of the society. According to surveys, and based on the data of the Forensic Medicine Organization since 2013 to 2121, the amount of conflict has increased in the provinces of the country. The main purpose of the research is to study of the relationship between macroeconomic indicators and collective conflict in the period of 2015-2018. The research method is the secondary analysis, data were analyzed using Spss software. The results are reported in the form of descriptive, including frequency tables, and charts, and central indices, as well as inferential statistics, including bivariate and multivariate tests. The results show that the increase in inflation, unemployment and Gini coefficient between 2015 and 2018 has been effective in increasing the amount of conflict in different provinces of the country. According to this, with economic disorder (economic disorganization), due to the increase in unemployment, inflation and class gap as well as the reduction of social resilience, mental instability, the feeling of scarcity of resources (crisis of production, distribution and consumption) and the feeling of economic abnormality, people's social behaviors has become more radical, violent and aggressive. The important reason for the collective conflict in the provinces of the country in the above period of time has been functioning of economic institutions. Manuscript profile