• List of Articles prophecy

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Theological analysis of Exclusive Prophecy in Sanayi's "Hadiqat"
        Ahmad Khatami
        Despite all the attempts made by researchers on the interpretation and analysis of the Persian versified texts and works, including Sanayi's works and especially his book “Hadiqat-Al Haqiqat”, still there ought to be a lot more research done on the study of most of the More
        Despite all the attempts made by researchers on the interpretation and analysis of the Persian versified texts and works, including Sanayi's works and especially his book “Hadiqat-Al Haqiqat”, still there ought to be a lot more research done on the study of most of the verse texts; including the mystical verse texts as well. Most of the mystical works have the potential for further survey, and from other aspects in addition to the mystical aspect; one of which can be the theological survey of such works. Obviously, Sanayi, and the mystical-spirited poets after him that have mostly been influenced by his thoughts, style, ideas and methods and manners as well, have all expressed deep theological insights along with mystical issues in their works. Actually, without access to these thoughts and ideas, which shows the basics of their faith and belief principles, a precise evaluation and survey of their mystical position becomes impossible. The present article intends to make a theological study of the exclusive prophecy from the perspective of the Islamic dialectics, search and inspect the same issue in Hadiqat-Al Haqiqat. Then it reveals Sanayi's approach towards the dear Prophet Mohammad, evaluates, and finally analyzes the findings with the well-known theological findings of his own time. In the final section it means to show what Sanayi followed due to the subject of the religious theological topic and in which parts he has offered his own point of view or refused to follow the special religious ideas in particular cases. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Khatamiat From Allameh Tabatabee's viewpoint based on Al-Mizan Interpretation
        Abbas  Asad Abadi
        This paper pursues to clarify Khatamyyat (The Seal) from Allameh Tabatabaee’s viewpoint based on Al-Mizan Interpretation. This outstanding interpreter has investigated this issue from two different viewpoints: the first, the viewpoint that indicates verses, their interp More
        This paper pursues to clarify Khatamyyat (The Seal) from Allameh Tabatabaee’s viewpoint based on Al-Mizan Interpretation. This outstanding interpreter has investigated this issue from two different viewpoints: the first, the viewpoint that indicates verses, their interpretation and explanation; the second, the viewpoint of dubiousness that tarnish the verses’ indication. According to Allameh, the first verse of Surah Al-Furqan (Chapter of Criterion), the 19th verse of Surah Al-Ana’m (Chapter of Cattle), the 28th verse of Surah Saba (Chapter of Saba’), the 40th verse of Surah Al-Ahzab (Chapter of the Confederates) and the 42th verse of Surah Fussilat (Chapter of Detailed) explicitly indicate the Khatamyyat, and some who criticize the dubiousness of the mentioned verses or they propound the other verses to breach Khatamyyat (The Seal) are rejected Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The rule of reason for ignorance and its application in theology
        morteza motaghi nejad
        reverence of excessive ignorance means that a truth is hidden and a person remain in his/her ignorance or means that mentioning against truth. This sometimes is lawful and correct including mentioning something against truth and sometimes is illegal l More
        reverence of excessive ignorance means that a truth is hidden and a person remain in his/her ignorance or means that mentioning against truth. This sometimes is lawful and correct including mentioning something against truth and sometimes is illegal like as considering the miracle for false prophet which is impossible for God ; because this is considered as cruelty and breach. The rule of enormity of reverence of excessive ignorance is one of the most important ones. research and study in the domain of this rule will show that mentioned rule is used to prove issues like as incumbency of benefice to God , the necessity of duty for human , the necessity of sending prophet , the necessity of appointing Imam , certainty of chastity of prophet and imam , the indication of miracle on the honesty of prophet. This study has been carried out by library and report- analytic methods and has investigated the different uses of this rule in scholastic theology and has determined that this rule is used in important issues of theology. At the final section of the study , the most important reasons of enormity of reverence of excessive ignorance to God like as the rule of congruity of cause and effect , the rule of rational enormity and virtue and the impossibility of ignoring intention have been studied Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Guardianship and its relation to prophecy and mission in mysticism
        Mohammad Ebrahim  Zarrabiha
        The truth of the governorship is that it is a divine word. Its principle is constant in the heavens. "Governorship" has its own levels and steps, its laws and its provisions are numerous based on its dimensions. Guardianship is one of the most important issues of mystic More
        The truth of the governorship is that it is a divine word. Its principle is constant in the heavens. "Governorship" has its own levels and steps, its laws and its provisions are numerous based on its dimensions. Guardianship is one of the most important issues of mysticism which realizes in perfect human. This world is the same as the appearance of God, and the Lord is present in his own manifestation. Therefore, human as a part of this world is the manifestation of God. Here, the concept of guardianship is meaningful. The perfect guardian is who has all the attributes of God, and this person is no other than the true prophet. The system of the world and the afterworld depends on the existence of the Muhammadiyah truth. Such a truth is the lord of all manifestations due to the credit of Guardianship principle. The truth of Muhammadiyah is the main pole of the universe, which all Prophets and Divine Guardians are the ranks of this great name. His prophecy includes all kinds of absence and intuition, and when it is realized in a person, it is divided into a special and popular guardianship. The special guardianship is the source of prophecy, and as one of the divine names is eternal, but prophecy ends over time. Perfect Guardian rule the world based on divine attributes. Therefore, the Guardianship position is the Great Divine Book and the version of great world. This study seeks to examine the connection between these three concepts of the guardianship, prophecy and prophetic mission and analyses the principle of prophecy and prophetic mission, which is the same guardianship position. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The problem of prophecy from the point of view of Farabi and Ibn Meimoun
        Mohammad Ali  Akhavian
        The issue of "prophecy" has long been the focus of philosophers' discussions. This research uses a library method to analyze the truth of prophecy between two philosophers, one from the Islamic school and the other from the Jewish Sharia. From the point of view of both More
        The issue of "prophecy" has long been the focus of philosophers' discussions. This research uses a library method to analyze the truth of prophecy between two philosophers, one from the Islamic school and the other from the Jewish Sharia. From the point of view of both philosophers, man was created to achieve true perfection and happiness, and the only way to reach true and lasting happiness is through the existence and guidance of the Prophet, and following the Prophet's instructions will make them reach It becomes perfection and happiness. In this research, firstly, we independently stated the views of both philosophers in relation to prophecy, and at the end of the research, we determined that their views are the same in relation to the truth, necessity, attributes, levels of prophets, duties and prophetic revelation. However, in the parts related to distinguishing a prophet from a non-prophet, divine law from non-divine, the best of prophets, and the ways of receiving revelation, their views differ from each other. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Description of apocalyptic events and events in Jamasab Nameh
        fatemeh namdar Abdolhossein  Tarighi Bakhsh,ali  Ghanbari
        The present article with the title "Description of apocalyptic events and events in Jamasb-nameh" deals with the investigation of apocalyptic events in Jamasb-nameh. Jamasab Nameh is a book that describes events and events of the end of time from the language of Jamasab More
        The present article with the title "Description of apocalyptic events and events in Jamasb-nameh" deals with the investigation of apocalyptic events in Jamasb-nameh. Jamasab Nameh is a book that describes events and events of the end of time from the language of Jamasab, the wise minister of Ghastasab. Zoroastrians believe that the history of the world lasts twelve thousand years. After the battle between good and evil, evil is defeated and goodness covers the whole world. But before the reconstruction of the world, events will take place during the period of each of the founders and saviors, which will cover the whole world with despair and hopelessness. Suchians is the last savior who has enemies and many events happen in his time, but in the end he is defeated by Brahariman. Manuscript profile