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        1 - A Prediction-Based Load Distribution Approach for Software-Defined Networks
        Hossein Mohammadi سیداکبر مصطفوی
        Software-defined networking is a new network architecture which separates the control layer from the data layer. In this approach, the responsibility of the control layer is delegated to the controller software to dynamically determine the behavior of the entire network More
        Software-defined networking is a new network architecture which separates the control layer from the data layer. In this approach, the responsibility of the control layer is delegated to the controller software to dynamically determine the behavior of the entire network. It results in a flexible network with centralized management in which network parameters can be well controlled. Due to the increasing number of users, the emergence of new technologies, the explosive growth of network traffic, meeting the requirements of quality of service and preventing underload or overload of resources, load balancing in software-based networks is of substantial importance. Load imbalance increases costs, reduces scalability, flexibility, efficiency, and delay in network service. So far, a number of solutions have been proposed to improve the performance and load balancing in the network, which take into account different criteria such as power consumption and server response time, but most of them do not prevent the system from entering the load imbalance mode and the risks of load imbalance. In this paper, a predictive load balancing method is proposed to prevent the system from entering the load imbalance mode using the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithm. The evaluation results of the proposed method show that in terms of controller processing delay, load balance and response time, it performs better than CDAA and PSOAP methods. Manuscript profile