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        1 - Consequences and Implications of the Decline of Political Capital
        Ali  Karimi Maleh
        The concept of political capital is a relatively new term in politics. This concept is the intersection of various disciplines so that political stability, social solidarity, and national integration in the vast, complex, and impersonal modern political systems depend o More
        The concept of political capital is a relatively new term in politics. This concept is the intersection of various disciplines so that political stability, social solidarity, and national integration in the vast, complex, and impersonal modern political systems depend on it more than ever. However, despite its fundamental and practical importance, not much independent research has been conducted about it yet in the Persian language. From the perspective of the institutional approach, political capital is a socio-political construct, a contingent, contextual and time-laden phenomenon, whose decline has profound consequences for the political order and stability of societies. With this point in mind, the present article concentrates on this main question, what are the consequences and implications of the decline of political capital? The hypothesis is that the reduction of political capital has multifaceted consequences such as increasing the cost of political transactions, reducing civil participation, increasing corruption, increasing the government's interference, the prevalence of political anomie and disobedience, and the erosion of political legitimacy and its important implication is the necessity of serious changes in various fields of the polity. Inspired by the political institutionalism approach and with a descriptive-analytical method in the combined theoretical framework of Bourdieu and others, this article examines the conceptual dimensions of political capital and the consequences and implications of its decline. Manuscript profile