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        1 - Socio – economical Role of rural – urban immigration Noor-ali Beig Region – saveh
        Mostafa Taleshi  
        In rural areas, because of structural-functional limitation caused by the economic and social activities, rural residents emigrate to urban settlements in order to find better economic opportunities and prosperity. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of More
        In rural areas, because of structural-functional limitation caused by the economic and social activities, rural residents emigrate to urban settlements in order to find better economic opportunities and prosperity. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of socio-economic factors in rural-urban immigration, in terms it’s of nature, descriptive-analytical and functional targeting. The statistical society of this research is 373 households living in villages of noor ali beige region. They were chosen by cluster sampling method and using two dimensional matrices of distance and socio-economic status and Morgan table. With regard to basic quantitative analysis, fittest test of gathering data and questionnaire were used to determine the validity of judgment by community of experts. The reliability of this instrument was measured by Cranach’s alpha method. The alpha value (by 30 sample) foe economic index is equal 0.732 and for socio-cultural index 0.900. The statistical analysis is used Kolmogorov –smirnov tests for normal variable, binomial test to determine the importance of each items and Friedman’s variance analysis to prioritize the factors. The results of the research indicate that among economic indicators affecting rural immigration , the highest one allocate to employment and lowest relates to agricultural mechanization .In socio-cultural index, the most important factor in immigrating is the proper residence and the need for progress and social status , and the lowest is the lack of health facilities .finally, in order to moderate immigration in the studied area, the relative advantage of rural economy should be strengthen and relations and link between rural settlement and city of saveh on local –regional scale should be established; and the basis of the settlement network model should be established for sustainability of rural-urban settlements Manuscript profile