• List of Articles internships

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The effect of educational games on the learning of elementary students
        Fatemeh  Javadan Kherd Mehrdad  Hemmatfar
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of educational games on students' learning. To achieve this goal, the self-biography method was used and the memories and experiences of the student's internship in the last year of English language teaching at Farh More
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of educational games on students' learning. To achieve this goal, the self-biography method was used and the memories and experiences of the student's internship in the last year of English language teaching at Farhangian University of Kerman were narrated. The memoirs section includes three memoirs from internships one and two. The results of the narrations show that in order to design and execute a suitable educational game in order to have a better effect on students' learning, we must inform the students about the planning of the games, provide the main supplies, materials and resources for the implementation of the game. Allocate adequate time to play, take time to listen to students' criticisms and suggestions, and avoid repetitive, complex, non-educational games that do the game's effect on education. Students will. The teacher must be careful in choosing the game to choose it according to the level of knowledge and skill of the student and in accordance with the subject of the lesson, because the student has the necessary confidence when he has acquired sufficient skills. Knowing the types of games and creating suitable opportunities for learning through games is useful in educating children, so it is necessary for educators to provide appropriate educational facilities and tools to enrich the intellectual dimensions and flourish the talents of students. Manuscript profile