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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Extracting Credit Rules from Imbalanced Data: The Case of an Iranian Export Development Bank
        Seyed Mahdi  Sadatrasoul mohammadreza gholamian Kamran shahanaghi
        Credit scoring is an important topic, and banks collect different data from their loan applicant to make an appropriate and correct decision. Rule bases are of more attention in credit decision making because of their ability to explicitly distinguish between good and b More
        Credit scoring is an important topic, and banks collect different data from their loan applicant to make an appropriate and correct decision. Rule bases are of more attention in credit decision making because of their ability to explicitly distinguish between good and bad applicants. The credit scoring datasets are usually imbalanced. This is mainly because the number of good applicants in a portfolio of loan is usually much higher than the number of loans that default. This paper use previous applied rule bases in credit scoring, including RIPPER, OneR, Decision table, PART and C4.5 to study the reliability and results of sampling on its own dataset. A real database of one of an Iranian export development bank is used and, imbalanced data issues are investigated by randomly Oversampling the minority class of defaulters, and three times under sampling of majority of non-defaulters class. The performance criterion chosen to measure the reliability of rule extractors is the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), accuracy and number of rules. Friedman’s statistic is used to test for significance differences between techniques and datasets. The results from study show that PART is better and good and bad samples of data affect its results less. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Use of conditional generative adversarial network to produce synthetic data with the aim of improving the classification of users who publish fake news
        arefeh esmaili Saeed Farzi
        For many years, fake news and messages have been spread in human societies, and today, with the spread of social networks among the people, the possibility of spreading false information has increased more than before. Therefore, detecting fake news and messages has bec More
        For many years, fake news and messages have been spread in human societies, and today, with the spread of social networks among the people, the possibility of spreading false information has increased more than before. Therefore, detecting fake news and messages has become a prominent issue in the research community. It is also important to detect the users who generate this false information and publish it on the network. This paper detects users who publish incorrect information on the Twitter social network in Persian. In this regard, a system has been established based on combining context-user and context-network features with the help of a conditional generative adversarial network (CGAN) for balancing the data set. The system also detects users who publish fake news by modeling the twitter social network into a graph of user interactions and embedding a node to feature vector by Node2vec. Also, by conducting several tests, the proposed system has improved evaluation metrics up to 11%, 13%, 12%, and 12% in precision, recall, F-measure and accuracy respectively, compared to its competitors and has been able to create about 99% precision, in detecting users who publish fake news. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Combination of Instance Selection and Data Augmentation Techniques for Imbalanced Data Classification
        Parastoo Mohaghegh Samira Noferesti Mehri Rajaei
        Mohaghegh, S. Noferesti*, and M. Rajaei Abstract: In the era of big data, automatic data analysis techniques such as data mining have been widely used for decision-making and have become very effective. Among data mining techniques, classification is a common method fo More
        Mohaghegh, S. Noferesti*, and M. Rajaei Abstract: In the era of big data, automatic data analysis techniques such as data mining have been widely used for decision-making and have become very effective. Among data mining techniques, classification is a common method for decision making and prediction. Classification algorithms usually work well on balanced datasets. However, one of the challenges of the classification algorithms is how to correctly predicting the label of new samples based on learning on imbalanced datasets. In this type of dataset, the heterogeneous distribution of the data in different classes causes examples of the minority class to be ignored in the learning process, while this class is more important in some prediction problems. To deal with this issue, in this paper, an efficient method for balancing the imbalanced dataset is presented, which improves the accuracy of the machine learning algorithms to correct prediction of the class label of new samples. According to the evaluations, the proposed method has a better performance compared to other methods based on two common criteria in evaluating the classification of imbalanced datasets, namely "Balanced Accuracy" and "Specificity". Manuscript profile