• List of Articles hadith

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        1 - The position of Islamic ethics standards in the field of negative consequences of quoting meaning and its reflection in prophetic narrations
        Roohollah Samadi Ali Hossein Ehteshami Seyed Hamid Hosseini
        Quotation of meaning means that the narrator expresses the meaning that the infallible (AS) has expressed in the form of words in other words and conveys the meaning. Undoubtedly, the approach of the phenomenon of quoting meaning to the hadiths has been accompanied by a More
        Quotation of meaning means that the narrator expresses the meaning that the infallible (AS) has expressed in the form of words in other words and conveys the meaning. Undoubtedly, the approach of the phenomenon of quoting meaning to the hadiths has been accompanied by afflictions. The meaning of the word, which is based on certain words, may be lost due to the narration of the meaning, its charm and literary points, and sometimes lead to spiritual distortion or verbal stagnation. Shiite and Sunni scholars have been the ones who have caused damage to the credibility of the Prophetic narrations.Difference of hadiths, anxiety in the text, change and distortion, excess and deficiency in hadiths and similar conversion to firmness are among the negative consequences of narration. -An analysis with library technique. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The role of the gentlefolks in the collapse of the Islamic Society from Quran and Hadith perspective in the years leading up to Ashura
        Elite and gentlefolks of any society that conquer to the "right" and "wrong" sides, have a very important role in the orientation of people in various events. So if the gentlefolks of right side be able to practice "guidance and education" masses, happiness in this worl More
        Elite and gentlefolks of any society that conquer to the "right" and "wrong" sides, have a very important role in the orientation of people in various events. So if the gentlefolks of right side be able to practice "guidance and education" masses, happiness in this world and the Hereafter for people will be provided, but if for any reasons, do not shirk their duties, the wrong side come into play and "crash" of the community will begin. Only half a century after the Prophet's death, Ashura event occurred in situation which a large number of companions Prophet – much of them are known as gentlefolks - were alive, but Hussein-bin-Ali in the desert of Karbala in the fight against the wrong side left alone along with his family and his loyal companions that were about 100 man and was killed. In this paper, based on Quran verses, traditions and historical sources, we review the role gentlefolks in the fall of the Islamic community Manuscript profile
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        3 - The domain of infallibility of Lady Fatima Zahra in the hadith of "Fatima is part of me
        Special position and extent of the virtues of Lady Fatima Zahra (AS) in the Quran and Hadith is very significant. This paper is to describe, analyze and critique Sunni and Shiite scholars' views about Hadith of “Fatima is part of me “ Which has been quoted of the Prophe More
        Special position and extent of the virtues of Lady Fatima Zahra (AS) in the Quran and Hadith is very significant. This paper is to describe, analyze and critique Sunni and Shiite scholars' views about Hadith of “Fatima is part of me “ Which has been quoted of the Prophet (PBUH) for various Sunni and Shiite collection containing Hadith on all various subject matters. Than Proving the extent and domain of Infallibility of Lady Fatima, And concluded among the various interpretations and readings from the hadith, that Fatima Zahra (AS) heirs of the prophet in all perfection except perfection of prophetic mission. The Continuation of Hadith is proving Infallibility of Fatima Zahra (AS) from sin And doing abomination and Of any desire And evil characteristics that is not God's satisfaction Manuscript profile
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        4 - A Survey on the Rational Fundamentals and Theories of Abouria in the field of Hadith
          mehrdad abbasi Akhtar Soltani
        The knowledge of hadith is one of the most important issues among Sunni scholars and priests. It is considered much significant how to use and how to consider this knowledge. Accordingly there have been different doctrines created around the hadith, such as “Quraniyoon” More
        The knowledge of hadith is one of the most important issues among Sunni scholars and priests. It is considered much significant how to use and how to consider this knowledge. Accordingly there have been different doctrines created around the hadith, such as “Quraniyoon” , “Ahl-e-hadith” , “Salafia” and also “hadith critics”. In the present paper it has been assayed to indicate some outstanding features and properties of the three mentioned schools and then the hadith critics doctrine has been studied focused on the Rational Fundamentals and Theories of “Muhammad Abouria” , one of the prominent scientists of this school. Some of his hadith basics include: No opposition to Quran, No agreement with sunnah, No agreement with whatever proven by the science and No opposition to the wisdom. Abouria commented on different issues related to the knowledge of hadith such as prohibition on writing and publication of hadith in the first couple of hegira centuries, multiplicity of forges and editions, emphasis on the content critique in order to distinguish right and wrong narrations, No regulation and legislation of the single narration over the beliefs. existence of quoting based on definition in the hadiths, difference between the manner of sermon and behavior and so on. This study pursues these topics and answers to the related problems and ambiguities with an analytical, descriptive and librarian method Manuscript profile
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        5 - Challenges of the Qur'anic Intellectual Principles in the Critique Shiites
        Mahdi Fathi Ahmad moradkhani Hosin Alavimehr
        Hadith is the second source of inference of Islamic laws for Shias and Sunnis after Quran and many jurisprudential laws of Islam are explicated by the Prophet (pbuh). Muslims, at the early years of Islam and after, following the command of God who says: (( وَ مَا ءَاتَئ More
        Hadith is the second source of inference of Islamic laws for Shias and Sunnis after Quran and many jurisprudential laws of Islam are explicated by the Prophet (pbuh). Muslims, at the early years of Islam and after, following the command of God who says: (( وَ مَا ءَاتَئكُمُ الرَّسُولُ فَخُذُوهُ وَ مَا نهَئكُمْ عَنْهُ فَانتَهُوا (al-Hashr/7) “whatever the messenger gives you, accept it; and whatever he forbids you, abstain” obeyed his commands and were faithful to his words. Since, the great lord explicates that obedience from the prophet is obedience from me (مَّن يُطِعِ الرَّسُولَ فَقَدْ أَطَاعَ اللَّهَ) (an-Nesa/80) “whomever obeys the Prophet, therefore obeyed me”, the tradition of prophet (pbuh) has been a light for the Muslims. However, the thought that has been long established against the truth of hadith and tradition of prophet (pbuh) is known as Quranism, who believe that in Quran; no clear reference or emphasis is made upon obedience from traditions, also there are controversies among them that we cannot rely on them to build our social and religious life, as well as the jurisprudential laws. This group consider Quran as the only source of Islamic laws. In this study, it is tried to investigate their historical and geographical roots, express their intellectual principles, and criticize them with respect to Shia and Sunni point of views. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The philosophy of controversy Controversy of the Prohibition of the Writing of the Prophetic Hadith in the First Century
        morteza darabi   jafar taban
        This research was conducted to prove the generality of hadith authorization as well as the forgery in the hadith whose transcriptions were prohibited. The research method was descriptive-analytical and the data was analyzed through document analysis. Having caused som More
        This research was conducted to prove the generality of hadith authorization as well as the forgery in the hadith whose transcriptions were prohibited. The research method was descriptive-analytical and the data was analyzed through document analysis. Having caused some controversies, these hadith are not strong enough to rely on due to the weakness and discrepancy in their texts and documents as well as the contradiction of their narrations to the holy Quran and the transcribed hadith. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The necessity of being famous and forbidding the deniers in the present age with the approach of the Quran and narrative
        Asghar  Abedzadeh
        In terms of internal conscience and human advancement, man wants happiness and happiness, and on this basis He wants to live in an ideal society alongside progressive and uplifting people. Humans who are free, conscientious, godly, fair and reasonable. It is obedient t More
        In terms of internal conscience and human advancement, man wants happiness and happiness, and on this basis He wants to live in an ideal society alongside progressive and uplifting people. Humans who are free, conscientious, godly, fair and reasonable. It is obedient to divine laws and the Prophetic and Alawite Shari'a, which brings together human beings. The law of the good and the prohibition of evil is one of these laws and the law that promotes the physical and mental well-being of humans, villages and landscapes, the security of the cities and ultimately leads to the caliphate of mankind by God on earth.(Majma' al-Bayan , c4 , p484) But factors such as the weakness of beliefs, economic issues, negative propaganda, and so on can lead to the closure and diminution of the important promise of good and forbidding negativity as a result of the damage and disadvantages of this. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Quranic and narrative themes in the poetry of Bidel Dehlavi
        فوزیه  پارسا   Abbas Ali  Vafaie
        Since the advent of Islam, all the poets who have cultivated their souls through their poetry have concidered the Qur'anic verses, hadiths and traditions, and have combined their thoughts and spirits and poetry with these two blessings. This effect of the Qur'an and had More
        Since the advent of Islam, all the poets who have cultivated their souls through their poetry have concidered the Qur'anic verses, hadiths and traditions, and have combined their thoughts and spirits and poetry with these two blessings. This effect of the Qur'an and hadith turned back to the middle of the third century In lunar system, although the manifestation of the Qur'an and the hadith is different in the poems of various poets in each period. Due to having witty poets and their interest in the Qur'an and hadith, they have provided a platform to use these two important things more. one of the poets who has Composed poetry based one Qur'an and hadith is Biddle Dehlavi. Biddle has been able to articulate the path of mystical journey excellently through the artistic application of Quranic verses, hadiths and narratives, and based on three stages of Shariah, Tarigh and Truth. As well In this article, the effect of divine words and prophetic hadith on Biddle's poems is investigated; in his poems, Quranic themes and teachings are abundantly found. They can be seen in different aspects such as lexical, propositional, narrative, allusive, adaptive, and visual effects. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Methods of being influenced by Quran and Hadith in Vesal Shirazi's poetry
        amir jahadi hamidreza kharazmi alireza khodavanddost
        Mirza Mohammad Shafi Shirazi alias Vesal in the thirteenth century AH, a Muslim poet and a devout Shiite, is one of the lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt and one of the poets who in composing his poems on the verses of the Qur'an, narrations, hadiths and religious events and ma More
        Mirza Mohammad Shafi Shirazi alias Vesal in the thirteenth century AH, a Muslim poet and a devout Shiite, is one of the lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt and one of the poets who in composing his poems on the verses of the Qur'an, narrations, hadiths and religious events and masterfully He has used his religious knowledge in his poetry with a fluent and eloquent nature. In this research, an attempt has been made to show the types of influences from the Quran and Hadith in the Divan of Vesal Shirazi. One of the important aspects of this research is that the methods of reflecting the hadiths and verses of the Qur'an in Wisal Divan have been highlighted and classified among a multitude of praiseworthy and descriptive poems. It also includes showing the reflection of religious beliefs in the court and the application of Quranic verses and hadiths and analyzes their frequency. The frequency of being influenced by the Qur'an and Hadith in Vesal's Divan in terms of poetic format is firstly assigned to his poems and then to his Masnavi, and in Vesal's sonnets, despite the high number, less influence is observed in this format; Also, Vesal has been influenced by the Qur'an and hadiths, who has taken advantage of this whenever he has a suitable opportunity and has done so in various ways; These include a special insistence on borrowing the words of the verses of the Qur'an, comparing them with verses and hadiths, and turning the audience's mind to the verses. The method considered in this research is a library method based on analysis and description of quantitative and qualitative content. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Quantitative and qualitative analysis of hadiths by Muslim mystics in mystical texts
        jalal usofi enayat ali hosein ehteshami mohammadreza fereydooni
        From the point of view of Muslims, after the Holy Quran, the hadiths of the Infallibles (AS) are the most important heritage of Islam. This precious treasure is considered by various Islamic sects, including Muslim mystics. Mystics have their own principles in dealing w More
        From the point of view of Muslims, after the Holy Quran, the hadiths of the Infallibles (AS) are the most important heritage of Islam. This precious treasure is considered by various Islamic sects, including Muslim mystics. Mystics have their own principles in dealing with hadith. In some cases, differences in their basis with the scholars of hadith have caused differences. So that sometimes mystics have been attributed to forging and distorting hadiths. It seems that the analysis of hadiths by mystics with accurate scientific methods paves the way for understanding their principles and rules in the face of hadiths. This study examines seven hadiths considered by Muslim mystics in 110 mystical sources. Attempts have been made to analyze these hadiths quantitatively and qualitatively using modern research methods. The findings of the research show that some mystical hadiths are more considered by mystics and citation of these hadiths is abundant in mystical sources. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Historical Frequency within Quranic Scholarship and Hadith Studies
        mohammad hasan Ahmadi
        The Islamic historiography has been inaptly studied as a nonstructural concept in current Quranic scholarship by Orientalists. It usually abstains from attempts at making sense of the history as a structural concept. This pathology of common historical methodology is de More
        The Islamic historiography has been inaptly studied as a nonstructural concept in current Quranic scholarship by Orientalists. It usually abstains from attempts at making sense of the history as a structural concept. This pathology of common historical methodology is dealing with two principal issues i.e. the analysis of the Islamic historiography (Hadith) outside its structure and disregarding the Historical frequency in the historical scholarship. A fresh approach goes beyond the verbal shape of historical frequency. It is argued in this paper that every historical narration contains un-limited narrations regarding not just its expressed direction but the numerous directions beyond the textual implication. This Ultra expression's view is often ignored within analysis of the narratives transmitted in Islamic tradition. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Administrative Corruption, Causes and Strategies to Combat It from Perspective of Quran Verses and Tradition
        جمال  فرزند وحي
        Administrative corruption, in all its different forms and with all its harmful consequence, is considered both a moral and a legal problem from the perspective of Islam. This phenomenon originates from personal, economic, cultural, political and judicial factors. Hence, More
        Administrative corruption, in all its different forms and with all its harmful consequence, is considered both a moral and a legal problem from the perspective of Islam. This phenomenon originates from personal, economic, cultural, political and judicial factors. Hence, the religion’s strategies to prevent and combat the problem include informal and internal strategies like Taqwa (God-fearing), patience, faith in the Hereafter, social responsibility, etc, as well as official strategies such as political, economic, cultural and judicial ones. This research, with a review of the verses of the holy Quran and the Hadiths (sayings) of the Infallible (AS), explains and clarifies the factors that lead to corruption and ways to combat them. According to the results of this study, Islam has a multifaceted view of the issue of uprooting the causes and origins of administrative corruption and recommends decisive action against such corruption when it happens. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Intertextuality of Quran and Hadith with Tala ebne Rozzik’s poems
        سید مهدی  مسبوق
        important subjects which many researchers such as:Roland bart, Gerard Genette, Julia Keristeva involve with that. This theory is a bout connection between texts that lead to creat a new text. Based on this theory every text means based on texts that are read before a More
        important subjects which many researchers such as:Roland bart, Gerard Genette, Julia Keristeva involve with that. This theory is a bout connection between texts that lead to creat a new text. Based on this theory every text means based on texts that are read before and these text are beased on codes that we know before. Great substance of Quran and Hadis and artisitic texts are known to shieh poets and Talae ebne Rozzik is one of these poets that his poems have a deep relationship with religion that we can’t know their meaning without understand ding Genotext and knowing the relationship between them. The main result of the research in this area shows that the most relationship between Quran and Hadis is paralleh that poet can make a kind of relation ship between Genotext and Phenotext and also he can make a correlation with a text. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Supply Mental health and economy according to Islamic teachings
        مصطفی احمدی فر
        Objective(s) : As long as the world is running with the fastest possible speed toward industrialization, deep technical developments and becoming a place devoid of difficulties, troubles; still the matter of diseases and mental problems despite its unpleasant attribut More
        Objective(s) : As long as the world is running with the fastest possible speed toward industrialization, deep technical developments and becoming a place devoid of difficulties, troubles; still the matter of diseases and mental problems despite its unpleasant attribute remains an issue of noteworthy attention. Methods: This study referring to the Qur’anic books and with library research Methodology is done. Results: From among the mental diseases which have involved the societies is the horrific disorder by the name of Economic sickness. This dilemma targeted the societies’ beliefs and intends to bring the human beings from their highest degree down to the nadir of wretchedness. Conclusion: The Islamic school of thought is significantly rich in content and foundation from this perspective and plays a vital role in reduction and elimination of Economic and mental pressures. Islam enjoys and offers abundant amount of recommendations and solutions for fortifying of the individual’s Economic bases in the society. Taking these solutions seriously would eliminate the peoples’ Economic and mental pressures and would strengthen or ensure their mental hygiene in this regard Manuscript profile
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        15 - Investigating Factors Preventing Efforts and Toils from Bearing Fruits and Their Role in Mental Health with an Emphasis on Quran
        Jafar Bachari Seyyedeh Raziyeh Bachari Somayyeh  Shahdorinezhad
        Human beings always seek the desired results and make efforts and struggles to that end. Fear of undesired results and failure irks human soul. Today, failure to reach one’s objectives has become a major source of mental health problems in society. Some factors in life More
        Human beings always seek the desired results and make efforts and struggles to that end. Fear of undesired results and failure irks human soul. Today, failure to reach one’s objectives has become a major source of mental health problems in society. Some factors in life cause one’s efforts and toils not to succeed. This research, using the descriptive-analytical method, has investigated such factors based on the teachings of the Quran. The Quranic teachings highlight the fact that man’s efforts are different from his responsibility. They also introduce internal obstacles to the success of efforts, including lack of determination, imprudence, conceit, hypocrisy, lack of pure intention (Ikhlas), lack of Trust in God (Tawakkul), and lack of purpose. This research seeks to clarify how much these factors impact mental health, because one of the main aspects of health is mental health that paves the way for one’s personal and social growth. Being healthy requires various factors, one of which is having a healthy mind. One who is suffering from thought disorder and mental anxieties can never have an accurate understanding of the realities of the universe and society will not be able to grow and make progress physically and mentally. Manuscript profile
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        16 - The Pathology of Effective Factors Influencing the Religious Upbringing of the Girls
        Elham Hadyan rasnani
        One of the issues which has been neglected in the family and has paralyzed the religious upbringing of the children on the issue of modesty and hijab, is paying no attention or less attention to modesty and the failure to cultivate this belief in children at the very fi More
        One of the issues which has been neglected in the family and has paralyzed the religious upbringing of the children on the issue of modesty and hijab, is paying no attention or less attention to modesty and the failure to cultivate this belief in children at the very first days of birth and also to the periodical feature of upbringing in general. Other damaging factors in this area, are as follows: different way of thinking between parents in the family, failure in conveying a sense of value for hijab to the children by setting discourse in the family and failure in considering children’s upbringing course of time. Media and kinship relations are among other factors, whose ways of dealing be neglected, will lead to undesirable consequences in the religious upbringing of girls especially on the issue of modesty and hijab. This research tends to identify some of these damages in order to present solutions from Quran and Hadith for modifying the undesirable consequences. This study is practical in its kind and aims at investigating the proposed damages in the factors influencing the religious upbringing of the girls on the issue of modesty and hijab in the scope of the family. The method of the research is analytical-descriptive and aims at identifying damages that have influenced the religious upbringing of the family, on the issue of modesty and hijab and have led to neglect the time of childhood, which is counted as the best time for teaching and conveying valuable concepts of religion to children, and presenting modifying solutions from Qur'an and Hadith to resolve this issue. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Comparative Analysis of Quran Verses and Hadith in the Books Golestan and Marzban nameh Written by Sa’di
          Elham Moeinian
        Narrative verses of the Holy Quran have always been a source of inspiration for Persian Muslim literates and poets and have benefited from the vast sea of Quran knowledge according to their literary works, their cognizance and insight. Sa’di Shirazi and Sa’d-al-din Vara More
        Narrative verses of the Holy Quran have always been a source of inspiration for Persian Muslim literates and poets and have benefited from the vast sea of Quran knowledge according to their literary works, their cognizance and insight. Sa’di Shirazi and Sa’d-al-din Varavini have used precious concepts of the divine word in their works and have used the verses of Quran as a gem to adorn their sweet sayings, so that by recalling the prophetic hadith, divine verses and stories, the reader will be guided to understand the Ethics and humane values, and will be encouraged do the good deeds. Marzban nameh and Golestan are of the most important works of Persian literature in the type of technical prose in the Sixth and Seventh century and since one of the important features of the prose of this period is the use of Quran verses and hadiths, this study by using descriptive- comparative method, investigates the frequency of Quran verses and hadiths applied in these two books; besides it presents various examples of verses, hadiths, Quranic themes and Arabic quotations and statements, and also studies the ways by which these verses and hadiths are shown in these two books. One of the results of this study shows that Sa’di and Varavini have been successful in integrating Arabic themes and statements with Persian prose Manuscript profile
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        18 - An Investigation of Foundations of Quran’s Reference Status in Critique of Hadiths Based on Seerah of the Infallible (AS)
        Ahmad jamali mohammad kazem rahman setaiesh
        The main criteria recommended by the Infallibles (AS) to ensure the authenticity of Hadiths is Quran-based critique or comparing Hadith to the Quran. This study, using the descriptive-analytical method, after assessing the status of Quran-based critique of Hadith, enume More
        The main criteria recommended by the Infallibles (AS) to ensure the authenticity of Hadiths is Quran-based critique or comparing Hadith to the Quran. This study, using the descriptive-analytical method, after assessing the status of Quran-based critique of Hadith, enumerates the main roots of a lack of benefiting from the Quran in critique of Hadith. They include “resorting to pretexts and justifications for not accepting the authenticity of this criteria”, “a belief by some Muslims that the Companions (of the Prophet) were just (and trustworthy) which, consequently, leads to the belief that some Hadiths in certain available sources must be correct”, “a wrong assumption about the independent status of Hadith beside the Quran”, “a wrong understanding of the status of attributed Hadith and definite Sunnah”, and “the fear that the credibility of some Hadiths in the available sources may be undermined”. As for the foundations of the Quran’s reference status in critique of Hadiths, the study found, based on examples of comparing Hadiths to the Quran by the Shia Imams (AS), that the majority of the studies conducted on Quran-based critique of Hadiths have lacked a Hadith view and been based on personal views and other sciences. Manuscript profile
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        19 - A Review on Hadith Text Processing Tasks
        Sepideh Baradaran Behrooz Minaei Mohammad Ebrahim Shenassa Sayyed Ali Hossayni
        In order to facilitate and achieve higher precision and less processing time, it is recommended to evaluate the authenticity of hadith by intelligent methods. Due to the huge volume of narrative texts (hadith) and the complex concepts and relationships in them, many res More
        In order to facilitate and achieve higher precision and less processing time, it is recommended to evaluate the authenticity of hadith by intelligent methods. Due to the huge volume of narrative texts (hadith) and the complex concepts and relationships in them, many researches have been conducted in the field of automatic hadith processing. In this field, some researchers have evaluated intelligent methods in the fields of Matn (text) and Isnad processing, which according to the review of previous researches, about 47% of them in the field of hadith text processing and 46% in the case of Isnad processing of hadiths and 7% have done research in both fields. By examining 97 researches in the field of processing hadiths, it was found that hadiths were evaluated in the field of measuring the accuracy of the text or Isnad or both cases. Processing tasks can be classified into different categories such as ontology construction, hadith text classification, hadith similarities and hadith authentication. The most used hadith processing method has been the information retrieval method in the field of hadith text processing. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic of the semantic field of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths
        azam moazeni Sayyed Hussein  Roknoddini
        In explaining semantics of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths, chastity implies a kind of restraint and continence performing a forbidden and ugly act or begging and unnecessary request with action with certain limits. The present study is filled w More
        In explaining semantics of the word chastity in the holy Qur'an and hadiths, chastity implies a kind of restraint and continence performing a forbidden and ugly act or begging and unnecessary request with action with certain limits. The present study is filled with statistical method – quantitatively and linguistic context in appropriate verses and traditions based on the concept of chastity with other concepts relevant to this term while using descriptive - analytic method in addition to establish the position of modesty in connection with the concepts of Qur'an and traditions ,has recognized certain words and related lexemes to morality It is widely stated with different functions. Collocations in two categories of mutual context and non-synonymous words reviewed and words rape, greed, lust, begging, signs of Islam and Shiism, zeal wisdom and the best worship was, and words restraint, refusal ,patience and retention in some ways they are some of the expressions used as substituents for chastity. But the word chastity preferable to substitute words in order to express the concept comprehensively and restrictively.. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Cultural characteristics of immigrants and its reflection in the Qur'an and hadiths
        mandana azoji mohammadali mir mehdi afchengi Hamed Khani (Farhang Mehrvash)
        The issue of emigration is one of the most important issues that played the most fundamental role in the formation of the Islamic government at the beginning of Islam and is extremely important, which on the one hand prevents the believers from submitting to the pressur More
        The issue of emigration is one of the most important issues that played the most fundamental role in the formation of the Islamic government at the beginning of Islam and is extremely important, which on the one hand prevents the believers from submitting to the pressure and suffocation of the polytheists, and on the other hand is the factor of issuing Islam comes to the Arabian Peninsula. The emigrants refer to those who lived in Makkah and migrated to Madinah after becoming Muslim on the orders of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and according to this, the emigrants, with their emigration, contributed to the promotion of Islam, as well as the spread of cultures, beliefs, values, beliefs and customs. New customs played a role and in this way they suffered many hardships. For this reason, the great Prophet of Islam (pbuh) paid special attention to the emigrants, because they put their material life and possessions at the service of his call, and with their emigration, they brought the voice of Islam to the ears of the world, and the Holy Qur'an was also transmitted from them to the world. Niki has mentioned that there are verses in the Holy Qur'an describing the characteristics of the immigrants, among them the salient characteristics of the immigrants: sincerity, patience, endurance and trust in God Almighty. Therefore, in this article, the cultural characteristics of immigrants and its reflection in the Qur'an and hadiths have been discussed, and the method of this research is a library. Attempts have been made to examine various cultural dimensions and the relationship between the status of immigrants and the impact of their presence in society. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Takfir hypocrites
        abbasali rostami
        The issue of takfir is more theological than jurisprudential and its origin is also a belief. . In the beginning of Surah Al-Baqarah, God has divided people into three groups: believers, infidels, and hypocrites, and for the complexity of the character of hypocrites, he More
        The issue of takfir is more theological than jurisprudential and its origin is also a belief. . In the beginning of Surah Al-Baqarah, God has divided people into three groups: believers, infidels, and hypocrites, and for the complexity of the character of hypocrites, he has paid attention to their characteristics. (Fazha) is an acquittal because the beginning of it is God's hatred of polytheists, repentance is because in this surah there is a lot of talk about repentance, and it is called (Fazha) because different verses of it express scandal. And the shame of the hypocrites and the veiling of their beliefs and actions. In this research, it is investigated whether a hypocrite is an infidel and outside of Islam? Or does blasphemy have a general meaning? (Hiding the truth) Some believe that external Islam is enough for a person to be a Muslim, and inner faith is not necessary. From this point of view, a hypocrite is a Muslim and can inherit and marry a non-Muslim. Others believe that the mental concentration of Islam is his inner faith and beliefs, and external Islam is not enough. As a result, a hypocrite is a disbeliever, the rulings and effects of disbelief apply to him, and the right to citizenship in the Islamic society is taken away from him, and he has eternal punishment in the hereafter. However, in the field of behavior and actions such as hypocrisy, it is different from the term kufr and it does not mean leaving Islam. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Comparative study of nature as one of the consequences of previous worlds in transcendental wisdom and religious education
        mohammad sharifani ali abasabady mohammadkazem khajehahsany
        The many verses and narrations that have been introduced about the doctrine of the previous worlds have led Muslim thinkers to theorize about it throughout history. Transcendent wisdom, as an epistemological system based on philosophical methodology and inspired by pure More
        The many verses and narrations that have been introduced about the doctrine of the previous worlds have led Muslim thinkers to theorize about it throughout history. Transcendent wisdom, as an epistemological system based on philosophical methodology and inspired by pure religious teachings, is not removed from this rule; Therefore, Mulla Sadra has expressed a special theory about the previous worlds and the way of human presence there. He believes that human beings at a rank (not a time) before appearing in the world had intellectual identities that were pulled out from the back of their intellectual fathers and with the intuition of God's lordship, they said "yes" with the language of the present and made a covenant. In the Shia traditions, two worlds of "spirits" (spirits without a body) and "Zar" (spirits with will and perception) are clearly mentioned. But one of the theological-epistemological consequences of believing in this doctrine is the issue of nature. According to the theory of Sadr al-Mutalahin, presence in previous worlds has no effect on the discovery and quality of this truth in humans; Because nature is a special human creation that is common and the same in all human beings. But according to Shia traditions, human nature is the result of his presence and knowledge in previous worlds; Therefore, first of all, human natures are not completely the same, secondly, human discretion and choices play a role in the formation of his nature, and thirdly, some natures are praised and others are condemned. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        24 - A Review on Hadith Text Processing Tasks
        Sepideh Baradaran Behrooz Minaei Mohammad Ebrahim Shenassa Sayyed Ali Hossayni
        In order to facilitate and achieve higher precision and less processing time, it is recommended to evaluate the authenticity of hadith by intelligent methods. Due to the huge volume of narrative texts (hadith) and the complex concepts and relationships in them, many res More
        In order to facilitate and achieve higher precision and less processing time, it is recommended to evaluate the authenticity of hadith by intelligent methods. Due to the huge volume of narrative texts (hadith) and the complex concepts and relationships in them, many researches have been conducted in the field of automatic hadith processing. In this field, some researchers have evaluated intelligent methods in the fields of Matn (text) and Isnad processing, which according to the review of previous researches, about 47% of them in the field of hadith text processing and 46% in the case of Isnad processing of hadiths and 7% have done research in both fields. By examining 97 researches in the field of processing hadiths, it was found that hadiths were evaluated in the field of measuring the accuracy of the text or Isnad or both cases. Processing tasks can be classified into different categories such as ontology construction, hadith text classification, hadith similarities and hadith authentication. The most used hadith processing method has been the information retrieval method in the field of hadith text processing. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        25 - Investigation of Shia hadith developments in the field of hadith explanation and hadith jurisprudence in the eleventh century of Hijri Relying on the explanations of Mulla Sadra and Mulla Saleh Mazandarani, Barkatab Usul Kafi
        Azam  Khodamipour ghsem faez seyed mohammad razavi
        With the formation of the Safavid dynasty and the formalization of the Shia religion, followed by the request of scholars to publish knowledge, a suitable platform was formed in the 11th century. More than eighty percent of the explanations of the Arbaa books were writt More
        With the formation of the Safavid dynasty and the formalization of the Shia religion, followed by the request of scholars to publish knowledge, a suitable platform was formed in the 11th century. More than eighty percent of the explanations of the Arbaa books were written in this time, in terms of quantity and quality, among which the principles of Sufi have been given more attention than other books. Count the hadith. His careful look at the religious narrations caused him to change the purely narrating and devotional view of the texts. According to Allameh Shearani, this description has left a deep impact on the interpretations and has transformed them. Mullah Saleh Mazandarani also wrote a commentary on the sufficient principles after Mullah Sadra. This analytical, descriptive and applied article by Baroosh examines the effective platforms in the writing of hadith works in the eleventh century in order to reveal by analyzing the methods of hadith jurisprudence in the commentaries of Mulla Sadra and Mulla Saleh that the hadith activities of this period were not only quantitative in terms of quantity but also rich in terms of quality. The use of the rules of logic and philosophical and rational discussions, the approach of interpretation and translation, paying attention to conveying the meaning and resolving the conflict of narrations are some of the prominent features of this explanation. Manuscript profile