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        1 - The effects of collective piety on self-improvement in Islamic society
        ebrahim ebrahimsalim siamak jafarzadeh reza nik khah
        <p>The purpose of writing the present research is to examine the effects of collective piety in religious society, which is the most important factor of human happiness and salvation in terms of refinement and self-cultivation. The key that has been emphasized by the Qu More
        <p>The purpose of writing the present research is to examine the effects of collective piety in religious society, which is the most important factor of human happiness and salvation in terms of refinement and self-cultivation. The key that has been emphasized by the Quran, hadiths and imams is to be known more and the results of the research show that "collective piety" is a phrase against collective debauchery and is considered one of the very important and vital pillars for the emergence, continuation and survival of the Islamic society. It means that a certain social group should do a good deed that cannot be realized externally for the sake of God, and its observance has been emphasized a lot, and one of its most important effects can be civilization building, spreading justice, fighting oppression, He pointed out the ability to provide guidance, increase insight, help from the unseen, the descent of divine blessings, and so on.</p> Manuscript profile